
O you who complain of my sin which I have committed,

أيا شاكيا مني لذنب جنيته

1. O you who complain of my sin which I have committed,
I ransom you from a complainer who is dear to me.

١. أَيا شاكِياً مِنّي لِذَنبٍ جَنَيتُهُ
فَدَيتُكَ مِن شاكٍ إِلَيَّ حَبيبِ

2. If he doubts anything dubious from me, surely I
Am not dubious about the adversities of fate.

٢. لَئِن رابَ مِنّي ما يُريبُ فَإِنَّني
عَلى عُدَواءِ الدَهرِ غَيرُ مُريبِ

3. And I shepherd from you, though distance is between us,
A love that is rarely shepherded at the setting of a shepherd.

٣. وَإِنّي لَأَرعى مِنكَ وَالغَيبُ بَينَنا
هَوىً قَلَّما يُرعى بِظَهرِ مَغيبِ

4. So grant me just one sin I may have spoken,
For stumbling is not strange for a resolute man.

٤. فَهَب لِيَ ذَنباً واحِداً كانَ قُلتُهُ
فَما زَلَلٌ مِن حازِمٍ بِعَجيبِ

5. So O beauty of the state of love, as long as I remain a sinner
I repent, and my transgressions are not counted as sins.

٥. فَيا حُسنَ حالِ الوُدِّ ما دَمتُ مُذنِباً
أَتوبُ وَما ضامَت تُعَدُّ ذُنوبي