1. The rhymester found the path to reproach clear,
So he smoothed your rugged offenses into gentle slopes.
١. وَجَدَ القَريضُ إِلى العِتابِ سَبيلا
فَثَنى مَعاذِرَكَ الوُعورَ سُهولا
2. Why should I stir your dormant loyalty,
And shake off from you pure clarity but little?
٢. ما لي أُحَرِّكُ مِن وَفائِكَ ساكِناً
وَأَهُزُّ مِنكَ إِلى الصَفاءِ كَليلا
3. Prolonged hope for a beloved who never changes
Remains guarded in me while in you given.
٣. طالَ المِطالُ بِرَدِّ وِدٍّ لَم يَزَل
عِندي مَصوناً فيكُمُ مَبذولا
4. So how long will your reproach raise a storm,
And sharpen it as words against me and tales?
٤. فَإِلى مَتى يُنشي عِتابُكَ هَبوَةً
وَتَشُنُّها قالاً عَلَيَّ وَقيلا
5. Each day an incursion that does not end
Except to sheathe his sword made blunt.
٥. في كُلِّ يَومٍ غارَةٌ ما تَنقَضي
إِلّا وَتَثني سَيفَهُ مَفلولا
6. Truly he who sought praise voraciously
More deserves to find censure his companion.
٦. إِنَّ الَّذي قَصَدَ المَدائِحَ غُلَّةً
أَحرى بِأَن يَجِدَ الهِجاءَ غَليلا
7. How many compositions have my anxieties strewn
Until I wove exoneration into them excessively?
٧. كَم مِن نِظامٍ قَد نَثَرنَ هَواجِسي
حَتّى نَظَمتُ العُذرَ فيهِ فُضولا
8. And poems I buttressed sturdily
And publicized them ships and convoys.
٨. وَقَصائِدٍ سَدَّدتُهُنَّ أَسِنَّةً
وَشَهَرتُهُنَّ قَواضِباً وَنُصولا
9. They were made streams for the tinkle of joy
To hearts, and for sorrows an open road.
٩. جُعِلَت لِرَقراقِ السُرورِ جَداوِلاً
نَحوَ القُلوبِ وَلِلهُمومِ سَبيلا