
The ignorances have emboldened you in their passions,

جمحت بك الجاهات في غلوائها

1. The ignorances have emboldened you in their passions,
So you have become a little unrestrained.

١. جَمَحَت بِكَ الجاهاتُ في غُلَوائِها
سَفَهاً فَغُصَّ مِنَ العِنانِ قَليلا

2. And beware the utterances of a pretentious speaker
Who has made it his habit at night to unleash his tongue,

٢. وَاِحذَر لَواذِعَ قائِلٍ مُتَغَطرِفٍ
أَمسى يَسُنُّ لِسانَهُ لِيَقولا

3. With empty words that make the heads dejected,
And falsehoods that make the dear ones humiliated.

٣. بِفَواقِرٍ تَدَعُ الرُؤوسَ أَميمَةً
وَقَوارِعٍ تَدَعُ العَزيزَ ذَليلا

4. Your honor was protected in its sheath,
But if you refuse, they will make it exposed.

٤. قَد كانَ عِرضُكَ في الصِوانِ بِطَيِّهِ
فَلَئِن أَبَيتَ لَيَغدُوَن مَبذولا

5. Verily when the floods rise and overflow,
They make even the towering mountains a watercourse.

٥. إِنَّ العُبابَ إِذا تَغَطغَطَ أَو طَمى
جَعَلَ الجِبالَ وَإِن عَلَونَ مَسيلا