
Alas, O my people, for the calamities striking

ألا يا لقومي للخطوب الطوارق

1. Alas, O my people, for the calamities striking
And for the noble thrown into disgrace each day

١. أَلا يا لَقَومي لِلخُطوبِ الطَوارِقِ
وَلِلعَظمِ يُرمى كُلَّ يَومٍ بِعارِقِ

2. And for the time stripping my kin from me
And severing what is between me and the faithful

٢. وَلِلدَهرِ يُعري جانِبي مِن أَقارِبي
وَيَقطَعُ ما بَيني وَبَينَ الأَصادِقِ

3. It shows my heart a blazing passion
Whose light the nights show me when we part

٣. وَيوري بِقَلبي نارَ وَجدٍ شُواظُها
تُريني اللَيالي ضَوءَهُ في مَفارِقي

4. And for the misfortunes targeting me with their arrows
Against a nobility that casts us into exile

٤. وَلِلنائِباتِ اِستَهدَفَتني نِصالُها
عَلى شَرَفٍ يَرمينَنا بِالفَلائِقِ

5. And for the soul that has soared with fervor from passion
For the loss of integrity and the breaking of ties

٥. وَلِلنَفسِ قَد طارَت شَعاعاً مِنَ الجَوى
لِفَقدِ الصَفايا وَاِنقِطاعِ العَلائِقِ

6. Each day it has a stance with one bidding farewell
And another glancing back at one departed

٦. لَها كُلَّ يَومٍ مَوقِفٌ مَع مُوَدِّعٍ
وَمُلتَفِتٍ في عَقبِ ماضٍ مُفارِقِ

7. Stars of brothers that fickleness casts away
Their rising barely glimpsed by keen eyes

٧. نُجومٌ مِنَ الإِخوانِ يَرمي بِها الرَدى
مُقارِبُها فَوتُ العُيونِ الرَوامِقِ

8. As if, when I follow the tracks of one departed
My eye sees no light of one rising with the dawn

٨. كَأَنّي إِذا تَبَّعتُ آثارَ غارِبٍ
بِعَينِيَ لَم أَنظُر إِلى ضَوءِ شارِقِ

9. Every house but ruin will bare its interior
At the croaking of crows foretelling calamities

٩. وَلا دارَ إِلّا سَوفَ يُجلى قَطينُها
عَلى نَعقِ غِربانِ الخُطوبِ النَواعِقِ

10. One of merit will leave it while villainy enters
Fate casting out the upright and admitting the wicked

١٠. وَيَخرُجُ مِنها بِالكَرائِمِ حادِثٌ
وَيَدخُلُها صَرفُ الرَدى بِالبَوائِقِ

11. As if we are motes the torrent hurls whenever
It clashes between rubies and glittering gems

١١. كَأَنّا قَذىً يَرمي بِهِ السَيلُ كُلَّما
تَطاوَحَ ما بَينَ الرُبى وَالأَبارِقِ

12. I gnaw my fingers, one after another
At thriving branches of glorious palms

١٢. أَعَضُّ بَناني إِصبَعاً ثُمَّ إِصبَعاً
عَلى ثامِرٍ مِن فَرعِ مَجدٍ وَوارِقِ

13. A necklace of pearls, though its order is weakened
By the turning of fates and the drawing of swords

١٣. وَعِقدٍ مِنَ الأَخدانِ أَوهى نِظامَهُ
كُرورُ الرَزايا وَاِعتِقابُ الطَوارِقِ

14. I restrain my sigh before the groan, stoically
And hold back my tears before uncontrolled weeping

١٤. أَرُدُّ الشَجا قَبلَ الزَفيرِ تَجَلُّداً
وَأَغلِبُ دَمعي قَبلَ بَلِّ الحَمالِقِ

15. As if, after those gone, I am a gazelle
Pursued by the fastest of former days

١٥. كَأَنِّيَ بَعدَ الذاهِبينَ رَذِيَّةٌ
تُزَجّى وَراءَ الماضِياتِ السَوابِقِ

16. No doubt, I share their climate
And was the first follower of those departed

١٦. وَلا رَيبَ أَنّي مُبرِكٌ في مَناخِهِم
وَأَنّي بِالماضينَ أَوَّلُ لاحِقِ

17. Where are the ancient kings who supported
The trunk of a family of noble lineage?

١٧. فَأَينَ المُلوكُ الأَقدَمونَ تَسانَدوا
إِلى جِذمِ أَحسابٍ كِرامِ المَعارِقِ

18. With crescents they defended the oppressed, excelling
In trial when resolutely standing firm

١٨. بِهاليلُ مَنّاعونَ لِلضَيمِ أَحسَنوا
بَلاءَهُمُ عِندَ النُصولِ الذَوالِقِ

19. Diadems above skulls
Gleaming councils and parted hair

١٩. عَواصِبُ بِالتيجانِ فَوقَ جَماجِمٍ
وِضاءِ المَجالي واضِحاتِ المَفارِقِ

20. When they perfumed with musk it filled their midst
With lions shedding blood through their wounds

٢٠. إِذا رَثَموا المِسكَ العَرانينَ خِلتَهُم
أُسودَ الشَرى سافَت دَماً بِالمَناشِقِ

21. Stalwarts who dared danger and peril with spears
Chargers inclined like budding flowers

٢١. فُحولٌ أَطَلنَ الهَدرَ وَالخَطرَ بِالقَنا
ضَوارِبُ لِلأَذقانِ مَيلُ الشَقائِقِ

22. They wore high boots before their sandals
And trod the garments of foes before their carpets

٢٢. هُمُ اِنتَعَلوا العَلياءَ قَبلَ نِعالِهِم
وَداسوا طُلى الأَعداءِ قَبلَ النَمارِقِ

23. You see every free warrior as if he were
An elegant steed of purebred horses

٢٣. تَرى كُلَّ حُرٍّ المَلطَمَينَ كَأَنَّهُ
عَتيقُ المَهارى مِن جِيادٍ عَتائِقِ

24. If he stands, leveling his spear till it touches
The setting sun's outstretched glow behind him

٢٤. إِذا قامَ ساوى الرُمحَ حَتّى يَمَسَّهُ
بِغارِبِ مَمطوطِ النِجادِ وَعاتِقِ

25. Behind me is the darkness, living for the light of his face
As if its shining were the flash of lightning

٢٥. وَرائي الدُجى يَعشو إِلى ضَوءِ وَجهِهِ
كَأَنَّ عَلى عِرنينِهِ ضَوءَ بارِقِ

26. And where are the firm fortresses safe from harm
When assailed by the darkness of one night?

٢٦. وَأَينَ المَلاجي العاصِماتُ مِنَ الرَدى
إِذا طَرَقَت إِحدى اللَيالي بِطارِقِ

27. Ferocious, they did not surrender their heads to any leader
Nor plead for life before the arrival of death

٢٧. مَصاعِبُ لَم تُعطِ الرُؤوسَ لِقائِدٍ
وَلا اِستَوسَقَت قَبلَ المَنايا لِسائِقِ

28. So relentless fate fell upon them suddenly
With no clash of spears nor cry for quarter

٢٨. فَشَنَّ عَلَيهِ الأَزلَمُ العَودُ غارَةً
بِلا قَرعِ أَرماحٍ وَلا نَقعِ مَأزِقِ

29. Thus it disabled the prey with spears
And made them kneel, powerfully compelling surrender

٢٩. وَشَلَّ بِها شَلَّ الطَرائِدِ بِالقَنا
وَكَعكَعَها مِن جِلَّةٍ وَدَرادِقِ

30. So that eyes weep for Abu al-Fath with their tears
And after him our tongues are stilled

٣٠. لِتَبكِ أَبا الفَتحِ العُيونُ بِدَمعِها
وَأَلسُنَنا مِن بَعدِها بِالمَناطِقِ

31. When those tears flow, this passion rushes forth with words
O brother, when our brethren become hostile

٣١. إِذا هَبَّ مِن تِلكَ الغَليلُ بِدامِعٍ
تَسَرَّعَ مِن هَذا الغَرامُ بِناطِقِ

32. And the people turn aside from my qualities
It is as if, when news of you reached me, my soul

٣٢. شَقيقي إِذا اِلتاثَ الشَقيقُ وَأَعرَضَت
خَلائِقُ قَومي جانِباً عَن خَلائِقي

33. Was a fleeing gazelle before mighty hunters
Who then will experience my passionate words, discerning their import,

٣٣. كَأَنَّ جَناني يَومَ وافى نَعِيُّهُ
فَرِيُّ أَديمٍ بَينَ أَيدي الخَوالِقِ

34. And hurl them as spears are hurled unerringly?
When one cries out in their wake, they race away from him

٣٤. فَمَن لِأَوابي القَولِ يَبلو عِراكَها
وَيَحذِفُها حَذفَ النِبالِ المَوارِقِ

35. Like moments, fleet as racers at full gallop
Their smoothing gave them the sheen as if they were

٣٥. إِذا صاحَ في أَعقابِها أَطرَدَت لَهُ
ثَوانِيَ بِالأَعناقِ طَردَ الوَسايِقِ

36. Choice pieces from an eloquent man of letters
Their markings penetrate those left behind

٣٦. وَسَوَّمَها مُلسَ المُتونِ كَأَنَّها
نَزائِعُ مِن آلِ الوَجيهِ وَلاحِقِ

37. With a permanence beyond the brands on camels
So among the people are some who taste but do not consume

٣٧. تَغَلغَلُ في أَعقابِهِنَّ وُسومُهُ
بِأَبقى بَقاءٍ مِن وُسومِ الأَيانِقِ

38. While others consumed without having tasted
And who can fathom the meanings in mysteries presented

٣٨. فَفي الناسِ مِنها ذائِقٌ غَيرُ آكُلٍ
وَقَد كانَ مِنها أَكلاً غَيرَ ذائِقِ

39. To one gifted to plumb meanings and split hairs?
One staunch of will picks through them with his conscience

٣٩. وَمَن لِلمَعاني في الأَكِمَّةِ أُلقِيَت
إِلى باقِرٍ غَيبَ المَعاني وَفاتِقِ

40. Traversing the bitter straits of those narrows
He climbs their highest peak without slipping

٤٠. يُطَوِّحُ في أَثنائِها بِضَميرِهِ
مَريرُ القُوى وَلّاجُ تِلكَ المَضايِقِ

41. And passes their furthest edge without sliding
The earth folds up from him what it will not restore

٤١. تَسَنَّمَ أَعلى طَودِها غَيرَ عاثِرٍ
وَجاوَزَ أَقصى دَحضِها غَيرَ زالِقِ

42. Till doomsday, when the entrails of tombs are rent
He whose scent is fragrant myrrh has departed

٤٢. طَوى مِنهُ بَطنُ الأَرضِ ما تَستَعيدُهُ
عَلى الدَهرِ مَنشوراً بُطونُ المَهارِقِ

43. His memory as fresh as the morning dew on buds
As if all the people gathered one evening

٤٣. مَضى طَيِّبَ الأَردانِ يَأرَجُ ذِكرُهُ
أَريجَ الصَبا تَندى لِعِرنينَ ناشِقِ

44. To eulogize one of spring's gentle rains
They extended kindness without condescension

٤٤. كَأَنَّ جَميعَ الناسِ أَثنَوا عَشيَّةً
عَلى بَعضِ أَمطارِ الرَبيعِ المُغادِقِ

45. And shrouded him in a new cloak with embroidery
He needed no other coolness than his chastity

٤٥. أَمَدّوهُ مِن طيبٍ لِغَيرِ كَرامَةٍ
وَضَمّوهُ في ثَوبٍ جَديدِ البَنائِقِ

46. Nor knew any scent but those qualities
Comrades of a people packed together like brushwood

٤٦. وَما اِحتاجَ بُرداً غَيرَ بُردِ عَفافِهِ
وَلا عَرفَ طيبٍ غَيرَ تِلكَ الخَلائِقِ

47. Filling the interrupted wasteland with their presence
They clung to each other not because they were youthful

٤٧. مَرافِقُ شَعبٍ كَالهَشائِمِ وُسِّدوا
بِمُنقَطِعِ البَيداءِ غَيرِ المُرافِقِ

48. O Lord, what abstinence in that loving embrace!
The deceased is no nearer if shrouded in earth's veil

٤٨. قَدِ اِعتَنَقوا الأَجداثَ لا مِن صَبابَةٍ
وَيا رُبَّ زُهدٍ في الضَجيعِ المُعانِقِ

49. Than he is beneath the pebbles of lily blooms
He left me abruptly but with no disharmony

٤٩. وَما المَيتُ إِن واراهُ سِترٌ مِنَ الثَرى
بِأَقرَبَ مِمّا دونَ رَملِ الشَقائِقِ

50. Held in the breast of one who tasted no discord
The water of affection between us was clear

٥٠. وَفارَقَني عَن خُلَّةٍ غَيرِ طَرقَةٍ
تَضَمَّنَها صَدرُ اِمرِىءٍ غَيرِ ماذِقِ

51. And the motes fell away from the fine chain linking us
May drink nourish you, though only anguish

٥١. تَرَوَّقَ ماءُ الوُدِّ بَيني وَبَينَهُ
وَطاحَ القَذى عَن سَلسَلِ الطَعمِ رائِقِ

52. Can water you, with drops from concordant clouds
Constant rain, when it gathers heavily

٥٢. سَقاكَ وَهَل يَسقيكَ إِلّا تَعِلَّةً
لِغَيرِ الرَدى قَطرُ الغَمامِ الدَوافِقِ

53. Illuminates its sequence like lightning bolts
A precursor rain whose drizzle was stirred up

٥٣. مِنَ المُزنِ حَمحامٌ إِذا اِلتَجَّ لُجَّةً
أَضاءَت تَواليهِ زِنادَ البَوارِقِ

54. By the sighing of rain clouds trailing in procession
You left a garden flowering over your grave

٥٤. سُلافَةُ غَيثٍ شَلشَلتَها هَمِيَّةٌ
نَتيجَةُ أَنواءِ السَحابِ الرَقارِقِ

55. Though it brims with clay from the garden plots
A brother who was devoted to you, his fervor

٥٥. وَمُستَنبِتٍ رَوضاً عَلَيكَ مُنَوَّراً
عَلى صابِحٍ مِن ماءِ مُزنٍ وَغابِقِ

56. Filled the nights with the passions of youth
Ardent for you is the breeze of sighing with grief

٥٦. وَما فَرَحي إِن جاوَرَتكَ حَديقَةٌ
وَقَبرُكَ مَملوءٌ بِغُرِّ الحَدائِقِ

57. Remaining, and the water of sorrows pouring forth
My wont is not to play with one who is steadfast

٥٧. أَخٌ لَكَ أَمسى واجِداً بِكَ وَجدَهُ
طَوالَ اللَيالي بِالشَبابِ الغُرانِقِ

58. Nor show love to one who is sincere then forsake him

٥٨. سَخا لَكَ مِن ريحِ الزَفيرِ بِحاصِبٍ
مُقيمٍ وَمِن ماءِ الشُؤونِ بِوادِقِ

٥٩. فَما العَهدُ مِنّي إِن لَهَوتُ بِثابِتٍ
وَلا الوُدُّ مِنّي إِن سَلَوتُ بِصادِقِ