1. Love has returned with the gazelles of Mecca
As it appeared to yearning hearts
١. عادَ الهَوى بِظِباءِ مَك
كَةَ لِلقُلوبِ كَما بَداها
2. And the passion of love has set upon me
The winds of desire and its embellishments
٢. وَخَبَت عَليكَ مِنىً تَبا
ريحَ الغَرامِ وَما زَهاها
3. With confusion upon confusion through it
Oh religion of your heart from its passions
٣. طَرَباً عَلى طَرَبٍ بِها
يا دينَ قَلبِكَ مِن جَواها
4. I have clung to a wish
Of tender water that kills me with its touch
٤. إِنّي عَلِقتُ عَلى مِنىً
لَمياءَ يَقتُلُني لَماها
5. It has gone with the gazelles after
It toyed with my heart without tiring
٥. راحَت مَعَ الغِزلانِ قَد
لَعِبَت بِقَلبي ما كَفاها
6. You seek reward so my love
Is this poem that shot it
٦. تَبغي الثَوابَ فَمُهجَتي
هَذي القَريحَةُ مَن رَماها
7. It grazes upon those gazelles
If only I knew who herded them
٧. تَزهو عَلى تِلكَ الظِبا
ءِ فَلَيتَ شِعري مَن أَباها
8. Love stopped me next to it
And my heart silently stole away with it
٨. وَقَفَ الهَوى بي عِندَها
وَسَرَت بِقَلبي مُقلَتاها
9. It was cold to me as if
The veil of cloud masked its lightning
٩. بَرَدَت عَلَيَّ كَأَنَّما
طَلُّ الغَمامَةِ عارِضاها
10. A sun whose cheek I kiss
The day of intimacy and bare its mouth
١٠. شَمسٌ أُقَبِّلُ جيدَها
يَومَ النَوى وَأُجِلُّ فاها
11. And I protect a thirsty heart
As if it was said your drink is naught but it
١١. وَأَذودُ قَلباً ظامِئاً
لَو قيلَ وِردُكَ ما عَداها
12. If it could, it would have flowed
Like a cloak over its pebbles
١٢. وَلَوِ اِستَطاعَ لَقَد جَرى
مَجرى الوِشاحِ عَلى حَشاها
13. Oh day of parting companions
Will you return to meet it?
١٣. يا يَومَ مُفتَرَقِ الرِفا
قِ تُرى تَعودُ لِمُلتَقاها
14. It said worries of love
Will leak from carnelian into its drink
١٤. قالَت سَيَطرُقُكَ الخَيا
لُ مِنَ العَقيقِ عَلى نَواها
15. Return with your phantom if
You are absent, so it hopes for your nearness
١٥. فَعِدي بِطَيفِكِ مُقلَةً
إِن غِبتِ تَطمُعُ في كَراها
16. I have drunk from love
A red wine its cupbearer poured
١٦. إِنّي شَرِبتُ مِنَ الهَوى
حَمراءَ صَرَّفَ ساقِياها
17. Oh gazelle in the meadow
Whose ground is not damp except by my blood
١٧. يا سَرحَةً بِالقاعِ لَم
يُبلَل بِغَيرِ دَمي ثَراها
18. Forbidden, neither its shade
Comes near me nor its side
١٨. مَمنوعَةً لا ظِلُّها
يَدنو إِلَيَّ وَلا جَناها
19. Is this how my soul melts
Over you and hasn't reached its purpose?
١٩. أَكَذا تَذوبُ عَلَيكُمُ
نَفسي وَما بَلَغَت مُناها
20. A body tossed in anguish
By the hands of others beside it
٢٠. جَسَدٌ يُقَلَّبُ لِلضَنى
بِيَدَي طُبَيَّبَةٍ سِواها
21. Where are the faces I love
And I wish I could ransom?
٢١. أَينَ الوُجوهُ أُحِبُّها
وَأَوَدُّ لَو أَنّي فِداها
22. I miss them in the returning
And do not see them
٢٢. أُمسي لَها مُتَفَقِّداً
في العائِدينَ وَلا أَراها
23. Alas, if it weren't for
The blamers, I would have said "Oh!"
٢٣. واهاً وَلَولا أَن يَلو
مَ اللائِمونَ لَقُلتُ آها