1. I came down like a lonely partridge
To a tender branch, arms outstretched.
١. نَزَوتُ نِزاءَ الجُندُبِ الجَونِ ضِلَّةً
إِلى باسِلٍ عَبلِ الذِراعَينِ أَغلَبِ
2. Among the living I was but an intimate,
Bound to them in ancestral ties unbreakable.
٢. وَما كُنتُ في الأَحياءِ إِلّا ضَميمَةً
تُناطُ بِهِم نَوطَ الإِباءِ المُذَبذَبِ
3. I neighbor with the humble or join the few
In lowly birth of neither mother nor father.
٣. تُجاوِرُ زَلّاً أَو تُعاقِدُ قِلَّةً
مِنَ الهونِ لا تُدلي بِأُمٍّ وَلا أَبِ
4. While around Mudar warrior sons abound,
You remain a settler's line with no warrior stock.
٤. فَحَولَ مَعَدٍّ مُنجِبونَ وَأَنتُمُ
نِزالَةُ فَحلٍ مِنهُمُ غَيرِ مُنجِبِ
5. Fate's turn struck him one day by surprise,
And many a sharp fang and claw has missed its swipe.
٥. تَقَنَّصَهُ صَرفُ المَقاديرِ غِرَّةً
وَكَم فاتَ مِن نابٍ عَلوقٍ وَمِخلَبِ
6. Had he just roused to show his mettle, his steed
Would have leaped like hungry wolves in repeated charges.
٦. وَلَو هيجَ لِلهيجاءِ طارَ بِسَرجِهِ
جَوادٌ كَذِئبِ الرَدهَةِ المُتَأَوِبِ
7. And every rising fang above the worn-out tail
Is like a hornet hovering over the back of a scorpion.
٧. وَكُلُّ سِنانٍ طالِعٍ فَوقَ ضامِرٍ
كَما حامَ زُنبورٌ عَلى ظَهرِ عَقرَبِ
8. And the youths of raids, their lances by the ink-horn man
Are like sticks of a blind man who has lost his way.
٨. وَفِتيانِ غاراتٍ كَأَنَّ رِماحَهُم
بِجانِبِ ذي القُلاّمِ عيدانُ أَثأَبِ
9. By their oath, white faces brightening their faces,
Experienced warriors, tested thoroughly in skill.
٩. بِأَيمانِهِم بيضٌ يُضيءُ وُجوهَهُم
قَواضِبُ قَد جُرِّبنَ كُلَّ مُجَرَّبِ
10. Keepers of sanctuaries, who pastured the protected land
With decisivecompatible and well-timed weapons.
١٠. غَرانِقُ أَزوالٌ رَعوا عازِبَ الحِمى
بِصُمِّ العَوالي وَالصَفيحِ المُقَلَّبِ
11. Regard not our blood spilled as a lost drop
Even if lost in the overflowing bowl of the seeker.
١١. فَلا تَحسَبوها قَطرَةً مِن دِمائِنا
تَضيعُ وَلَو في طافِحِ النَجمِ مُطلِبِ
12. When the right side trenches flower, take heart
For a painful day that will spill the terrible brew.
١٢. إِذا أَعشَبَ الشُقُّ اليَماني فَأَبشِروا
بِيَومٍ عُقامٍ يَنضَحُ الشَرَّ أَجرَبِ
13. If you pity us today, we will repay you tomorrow
With a staff of the firm jujube, the noble, adaptable tree.
١٣. فَإِن تَرحَمونا اليَومَ نَرحَمكُمُ غَداً
بِعَودٍ مِنَ الجُزمِ النَزارِيِّ مُصعَبِ