
I see my soul yearning for the stars

أرى نفسي تتوق إلى النجوم

1. I see my soul yearning for the stars
I will carry it through great danger

١. أَرى نَفسي تَتوقُ إِلى النُجومِ
سَأَحمِلُها عَلى الخَطَرِ العَظيمِ

2. And the pain of worries upon my heart
Is more hurtful than scratches upon my hide

٢. وَإِنَّ أَذى الهُمومِ عَلى فُؤادي
أَضَرُّ مِنَ النُصولِ عَلى أَديمي

3. And if I am patient, I bend my heart
To a bit of very painful affliction

٣. وَإِنّي إِن صَبَرتُ ثَنَيتُ قَلبي
عَلى طَرفٍ مِنَ البَلوى أَليمِ

4. And I have hope like the chest of a spear thrusted forth
Except that the nights are among my opponents

٤. وَلي أَمَلٌ كَصَدرِ الرَمحِ ماضٍ
سِوى أَنَّ اللَيالي مِن خُصومي

5. And the wine cup prevents me from the fancy of my concerns
So none enjoy it but my boon companions

٥. وَيَمنَعُني المُدامَ طَروقُ هَمّي
فَما يَحظى بِها إِلّا نَديمي

6. And I have not reached twenty years
Yet my critics have fulfilled upon the world

٦. وَما أَوفَت عَلى العِشرينَ سِنّي
وَقَد أَوفى عَلى الدُنيا غَريمي

7. And intimate talks which I have witnessed and to which I gave
The rein of my mouth to a silent heart

٧. وَنَجوى قَد شَهِدتُ وَعُدتُ أُلقي
عِنانَ فَمي إِلى قَلبٍ كَتومِ

8. And awe which forgetfulness trembles from
I rode the steed of persistent kindness

٨. وَهَولٍ يُرعَدُ النِسيانُ مِنهُ
رَكِبتُ مَعارِضَ الجَدِّ المَرومِ

9. When a need is fulfilled by my sword
I thank for it the night of oblivion

٩. إِذا ما حاجَةٌ قُضِيَت بِسَيفي
شَكَرتُ لَها يَدَ اللَيلِ البَهيمِ

10. And the enemy recognizes me by the impact of my spear
When the face is veiled by arrows

١٠. وَيَعرِفُني العَدُوُّ بِوَقعِ رُمحي
إِذا ما الوَجهُ مُوَّهَ بِالسُهومِ

11. And I have no ambition except the heights
And protecting the wronged from a noble lineage

١١. وَما لي هِمَّةٌ إِلّا المَعالي
وَذَبُّ الضَيمِ عَن نَسبٍ صَميمِ

12. The mounts kneel from its glory
And the small talk has overcome the graves

١٢. وَقودُ الخَيلِ تَركَعُ مِن وَجاها
وَقَد غَلَبَ النَجيعُ عَلى الكُلومِ

13. You wake in the morning by the strike of a stab
Like the spear of the warrior freed from the whetstone

١٣. تُصَبَّحُ في الطُلى بِدَراكِ طَعنٍ
كَرَمحِ الشَولِ زُغنَ عَنِ المُسيمِ

14. And it overwhelms them when the lofty meet
The chewing of the stab from the twisting of the intestines

١٤. وَيُذهِلُها إِذا التَقَتِ العَوالي
ضِرامُ الطَعنِ عَن مَضغِ الشَكيمِ

15. And every slender like an arrow silences
The groins of the goats and sheep

١٥. وَكُلُّ نَحيلَةٍ كَالسَهمِ تُصمي
عَرانينَ الأَماعِزِ وَالخُرومِ

16. It shows me the sun first of those who see it
And last of its decline the release of darkness

١٦. تُريني الشَمسَ أَوَّلَ مَن يَراها
وَآخِرُ شَأوِها طَلَقُ الظَليمِ

17. And the trotting of the stallion snatches the meadows
By dictating to the lead rope on the tethering place

١٧. وَحَثُّ العيسِ تَستَلِبُ الفَيافي
بِإِملاءِ الذَميلِ عَلى الرَسيمِ

18. It startled the night and the horizons are quiet
As if its stars are the wool of leather

١٨. جَزَعنَ اللَيلَ وَالأَفاقُ خُلسٌ
كَأَنَّ نُجومَها نَغلُ الأَديمِ

19. And it paved, like the parting of hair, a path
They traversed, and were not disturbed by misfortunes

١٩. وَأَبلَجَ مِثلَ فَرقِ الرَأسِ نَهجٍ
قَطَعنَ وَما قَلِقنَ مِنَ السُؤومِ

20. And water that was filtered with travelers
From the drinkbowl and erect aqueducts

٢٠. وَماءٍ قَد تَخَفَّرَ بِالدَياجي
عَنِ الطُرّاقِ وَالسَلَمِ المُقيمِ

21. And they returned, and they had no guide except
Their mouths among the clustered roses

٢١. وَرَدنَ وَلا دِلاءَ لَهُنَّ إِلّا
مُشافِرُهُنَّ في الوِردِ الجَمومِ

22. And they returned when the belt of Pleiades declined
And dawn spun seeking the stars

٢٢. وَعُدنَ وَقَد وَهى سِلكُ الثَرَيّا
وَكَرَّ الصُبحُ في طَلَبِ النُجومِ

23. And keenness appeared to our eyes beyond dawn
Like a gentle cheek beyond the horizon

٢٣. وَقَد لاحَت بِأَعيُنِنا ذُكاءٌ
وَراءَ الفَجرِ كَالخَدِّ اللَطيمِ

24. And the perfume of camomile mingled with dew
The scent of tender herbage and lush meadows

٢٤. وَمُختَلِطِ النَدى أَرِجِ الخُزامى
رَطيبِ ذَوائِبِ الكَلَإِ العَميمِ

25. I unleashed my she-camels so they grazed
Changing their lips upon the vegetation

٢٥. أَبَحتُ حَريمَهُ إِبِلي فَأَمسَت
تُغيرُ شِفاهَهنَ عَلى الجَميمِ

26. Oh if only I sit conversing one day
With a heart free of the hardship of worries

٢٦. أَلا هَل أَطرُقُ السَمُراتِ يَوماً
بِريءَ القَلبِ مِن عَنَتِ الهُمومِ

27. And I cling to the she-camels my liver and it pounds towards me
From the she-camels the passion of the breeze

٢٧. وَأُلصِقُ بِالنَقا كَبِدي وَيَهفو
إِلَيَّ مِنَ النَقا وَلَعُ النَسيمِ

28. And I free their minds with pasture they see
Laughing from the threshing floors

٢٨. وَأُطلِقُ عُقلَها بِرُبىً تَراها
مِنَ الأَنواءِ ضاحِكَةَ الوُشومِ

29. I see the days proceeding upon us
With harm from its misfortunes and disgrace

٢٩. أَرى الأَيّامَ عادِيَةً عَلَينا
بِبيضٍ مِن نَوائِبِها وَشيمِ

30. A chronic disease misleads our souls
So it hands us over to barren land

٣٠. يُضِلُّ نُفوسَنا داءٌ عُقامٌ
فَيُسلِمُنا إِلى أَرضٍ عَقيمِ

31. And we follow with tears, and what tear
Can rescue, even if it stays on the eyelids?

٣١. وَنُتبِعُ بِالدُموعِ وَأَيُّ دَمعٍ
يُجيرُ وَلَو أَقامَ عَلى السُجومِ

32. And time isolates us without a relative
Who would blame time, no bosom friend

٣٢. وَيُفرِدُنا الزَمانُ بِلا قَريبٍ
يُذُمُّ مِنَ الزَمانِ وَلا حَميمِ

33. And we meet before the encounter with death
The spears of disease piercing the bodies

٣٣. وَنَلقى قَبلَ لُقيانِ المَنايا
رِماحَ الداءِ تَطعَنُ في الجُسومِ

34. So if it was private, a secret of some people
But alas the hardship is upon everyone

٣٤. فَلَو كانَت خُصوصاً سُرَّ قَومٌ
وَلَكِنَّ العَناءَ عَلى العُمومِ

35. And the creditors increase except
When harm passes and my enemy is covered

٣٥. وَيُكثِرُ مَطلِيَ الغُرماءُ إِلّا
إِذا راحَ الرَدى وَغَسا غَريمي

36. I have seen money raise up a fool
And lack of money decrease a wise one

٣٦. رَأَيتُ المالَ يَرفَعُ مِن سَفيهٍ
وَعُدمُ المالِ يُنقِصُ مِن حَليمِ

37. If only the noble people attained my honor
And were not stained by the blame of the ignoble

٣٧. فَلَيتَ كَريمَ قَومٍ نالَ عِرضي
وَلَم يَدنَس بِذَمٍّ مِن لَئيمِ

38. He blames though he was blamed, and the worst thing
Is when no fault comes from a blamer

٣٨. يَلومُ وَقَد أُلامَ وَشَرُّ شَيءٍ
إِذا لا قاكَ لَومٌ مِن مُليمِ

39. I yearn to burn the enemies with my gaze
Then my tent returns me to composure

٣٩. أَشُبُّ لِأَحرِقَ الأَعداءَ لَحظي
فَيُرجِعُني إِلى الإِغضاءِ خيمي

40. My fathers who rose up refused blame for me
To the graceful necks of the aromatic hills

٤٠. أَبى لي الذَمَّ آباءٌ تَساموا
إِلى عَنقاءَ طَيِّبَةِ الأُرومِ

41. When they attacked enemies, they returned
Having submerged hatreds in sweetness

٤١. إِذا اِشتَمَلوا عَلى الأَعداءِ عادوا
وَقَد غَمَروا الضَغائِنِ بِالحُلومِ

42. Oh messenger to the living, I have
Cut off the associations of ancient time

٤٢. أَلا مَن مُبلِغُ الأَحياءِ أَنّي
قَطَعتُ قَرائِنِ الزَمَنِ القَديمِ

43. And I refused to stay my encampment
In the valley of al-Ramth or the cloudy mountain

٤٣. وَأَنّي قَد أَبيتُ مُقامُ رَحلي
بِوادي الرَمثِ أَو جَبَلِ الغَميمِ

44. And soon my time will distract me
From pasturing people, not pasturing livestock

٤٤. وَعَن قُربٍ سَيَشغَلُني زَماني
بِرَعيِ الناسِ عَن رَعيِ القُرومِ

45. I have no escape from meeting death
So why do I not brace myself for it?

٤٥. وَما لي مِن لِقاءِ المَوتِ بُدٌّ
فَما لي لا أَشُدُّ لَهُ حَزيمي

46. I will seek the heights, either with bedouins
Who see ruins or with Romans

٤٦. سَأَلتَمِسُ العُلى إِمّا بِعُربٍ
يُرَونَ اللَهاذِمِ أَو بِرومِ

47. And if I was supported by the family of Ukal
I would refrain from misfortunes from Tamim

٤٧. وَلَو أَنّي أُعِنتُ بِآلِ عُكلٍ
رَغِبتُ عَنِ الذَوائِبِ مِن تَميمِ

48. Beware, O Bani Duhhal, that I
Incline to the matter you harbor

٤٨. حَذارِكُمُ بَني الضَحّالِ أَنّي
إِلى الأَمرِ الَّذي تومونَ أومي

49. So do not expose yourselves to the arm of Aad
Debased when his filth is exposed

٤٩. فَلا تَتَعَرَّضوا بِذِراعِ عادٍ
مُدِلٍّ عِندَ خيسَتِهِ شَتيمِ

50. For if you have a poem preceding then I am
The opposite of its prosody, the discerning chief

٥٠. فَإِن تَكُ مَدحَةٌ سَبَقَت فَإِنّي
بِضِدِّ نِظامِها عَينُ الزَعيمِ

51. And a rhyme that gurgles whatever days have oozed
In the honor of the despicable

٥١. وَقافِيَةٍ تُخَضخِضُ ما تَرامَت
بِهِ الأَيّامُ في عِرضِ الَئيمِ

52. It repeats what it has of one who understands it
Other than frowning at it and scowling

٥٢. تُرَدِّدُ ما لَها مِمَّن يَعيها
سِوى اَلإِطراقِ مِنها وَالوُجومِ

53. It has in the head lesions which
Humans court like a blind drunkard

٥٣. لَها في الرَأسِ سَوراتٌ يُطاطي
لَها الإِنسانُ كَالرُجُلِ الأَميمِ

54. So that whoever I wrestle may know that my poetry
Surveys both misery and bliss

٥٤. لِيَعلَمَ مَن أُناضِلُ أَنَّ شِعري
يُطالِعُ بِالشَقاءِ وَبِالنَعيمِ