
Oh, the wonder of what Muhammad supposes!

فيا عجبا مما يظن محمد

1. Oh, the wonder of what Muhammad supposes!
For supposition, in some respects, is misleading.

١. فَيا عَجَبا مِمّا يَظُنُّ مُحَمَّدٌ
وَلَلظَنُّ في بَعضِ المَواطِنِ غَرّارُ

2. He reckons that kingship is under his control,
Yet beyond what he hopes, Destiny has its ways.

٢. يُقَدِّرُ أَنَّ المُلكَ طوعُ يَمينِهِ
وَمِن دونِ ما يَرجو المُقَدِّرُ أَقدارُ

3. Each day he has a demise and greediness,
And casting hopes with wishes ever-flowing.

٣. لَهُ كُلَّ يَومٍ مُنيَةٌ وَطَماعَةٌ
وَنَبذُ قَريضٍ بِالأَمانيِّ سَيّارُ

4. If he spares the lowly for a brief moment,
Over his forehead are locks and braids flowing.

٤. لَئِن هُوَ أَعفى لِلذِلافَةِ لِمَّةً
لَها طُرَّرٌ فَوقَ الجَبينِ وَأَطرارُ

5. He shows them a face pure as if engraved on it
Are features minted on dinars gold glowing.

٥. وَأَبدى لَها وَجهاً نَقيّاً كَأَنَّهُ
وَقَد نُقِشَت فيهِ العَوارِضُ دينارُ

6. He aspires to supremacy through poetry ever,
While among people are poets dormant and fervent.

٦. وَرامَ العُلى بِالشِعرِ وَالشِعرِ دائِباً
فَفي الناسِ شُعرٌ خامِلونَ وَشُعّارُ

7. I see a kindling brand whose cup is passed around,
Soon a day comes when for us the fire is glowing.

٧. وَإِنّي أَرى زَنداً تَواتَرَ قَدحُهُ
وَيوشِكُ يَوماً أَن تَشُبَّ لَنا النارُ