
They say go with time wherever it goes

يقولون ماش الدهر من حيث ما مشى

1. They say go with time wherever it goes
How can one go straight when time is crooked?

١. يَقولونَ ماشِ الدَهرَ مِن حَيثُ ما مَشى
فَكَيفَ بِماشٍ يَستَقيمُ وَأَظلَعُ

2. None feels safe with time but those asleep
In the shade of clothes, while shade is quick

٢. وَما واثِقٌ بِالدَهرِ إِلاّ كَراقِدٍ
عَلى فَضلِ ثَوبِ الظِلِّ وَالظِلُّ يُسرِعُ

3. They say, just excuse - life is but a nap
Done, and the maker of sorrows is gone

٣. وَقالوا تَعَلَّل إِنَّما العَيشُ نَومَةٌ
يُقَضّى وَيَمضي طارِقُ الهَمِّ أَجمَعُ

4. If it were restful sleep, I'd praise it
But it's a frightened sleep, alarmed

٤. وَلَو كانَ نَوماً ساكِناً لَحَمِدتُهُ
وَلَكِنَّهُ نَومٌ مَروعٌ مُفَزَّعُ