
A friend in whose character I see no flaw

صاحب كالغر ليس أرى

1. A friend in whose character I see no flaw
In whom my faults never cause disgust or fear

١. صاحِبٌ كَالغِرِّ لَيسَ أَرى
جِدَّهُ مِنّي وَلا لَعِبَه

2. With sweet talk he hides intent to slander me
Though others cast slurs, he feigns he did not hear

٢. يَتَقيني بِالخِلابِ وَإِن
جَدَحوا عِرضي لَهُ شَرِبَه

3. With promises of friendship forever
Though my blood some seek, he would not interfere

٣. داعِياً لي بِالخُلودِ وَلَو
طَلَبوا مِنهُ دَمي وَهَبَه

4. I swear by the Kaaba I circled around
And the pebbles I threw at Mina's pillars

٤. قَسَماً بِالبَيتِ طُفتُ بِهِ
وَبِرَمي جَمرَةِ العَقَبَه