
My innermost being whispered from the soul

باح بالمضمر الدفين

1. My innermost being whispered from the soul
Of one sick with passion's fever returned

١. باحَ بِالمُضمَرِ الدَفي
نِ لِسانٌ مِنَ النَفَس

2. What ails my heart to abandon solace?
It saw the fire and was enflamed

٢. عَن مُبِلٍّ مِنَ الجَوى
راجَعَ الداءَ فَاِنتَكَس

3. The gaze of love renewed
What of rapture it had learned

٣. ما لِقَلبي عَنِ السَلو
وِ رَأى النارَ فَاِقتَبَس

4. Seeking the charm of meaning
And what it had kept guarded

٤. جَدَّدَت نَظرَةُ المَها
ةِ مِنَ الوَجدِ ما دَرَسَ

5. It clothed the hue of dreams
Upon the hue of smoothness

٥. طَلَبَت غِرَّةَ الفُؤا
دِ المُعَنّى وَما اِحتَرَس

6. In a robe of longing
And shirt of intimacy

٦. رَكَّبَت صِبغَةَ الهِلا
لِ عَلى صِبغَةِ الغَلَس

٧. في خِمارٍ مِنَ اللَمى
وَقَميصٍ مِنَ اللَعَس