1. Both Rudaini and his sword together went,
Yet the sword bearer returned not with him.
١. آبَ الرُدَينِيُّ وَالحُسامُ مَعاً
وَلَم يَؤُب حامِلُ الحُسامِ مَعَه
2. The nimble footed blamed him, scorned at his stay,
Called him deserter who the battle forsook.
٢. إِنَّ الخَفيفَ الحاذَينِ جَدَّلَهُ
مُعَيَّرٌ بِالقُعودِ وَالرَتَعَه
3. At daybreak he who erst on foot did fare
Now on his mare keeps pace, her flank his guard.
٣. غَدا عَليهِ مَن كانَ خيفَتُه
بَرقاً عَلى الهَونِ لازِماً ضَلَعَه
4. Had he but dealt his spring time generously
He had not shrunk from autumn's narrow ways.
٤. لَو أَنصَفَ الحَيُّ مِن رَبيعَتِهِ
ما صافَ مُحتَلَّهُ وَلا رَبَعَه
5. Swift he avenged the wrong to honor done,
With blood that for like cause he erst had shed.
٥. وَاِنتَزَعَ الثارَ مِن مَظنَّتِه
مُعاجِلاً بِالدَمِ الَّذي اِنتَزَعَه
6. On their lips Summer glows that speech inspire,
While the steeds pasture free in field and plain.
٦. بِالسُمرِ تَهتَزُّ في أَسِنَّتِها
وَالخَيلِ تَعدو العَنيقَ وَالرَبَعَه
7. With thunder of their hooves his horses trod,
As thunder rends through sheeted rain.
٧. في جَحَفَلٍ قَعقَعَت حَوافِرُه
قَعاقِعَ الرَعدِ حادِياً قُزَعَه
8. Eyes filled on sight of him, and ears assailed
Fell trembling at the din, by terror shook.
٨. تَملَؤُهُ عَينُ مَن رَآهُ وَتَر
تَجُّ مِنَ الرُعبِ أُذنُ مِن سَمعَه
9. A sharpener he that gave their swords their sheen,
With him made limp who erst unyielding stood.
٩. كانَ سَناناً يَزينُ صَعدَتَهُم
شُلَّ بِذاكَ السِنانِ مَن نَزَعَه
10. No respite he who necks of heroes broke,
Like wand of death felling where'er he struck.
١٠. وَمارِناً لَم يَزَل لَهُ ظُبَةٌ
يَجدَعُ أَعناقَ حَيِّ مَن جَدَعَه
11. Each heights surveys he with unflinching glance,
By fiery soul impelled to highest aim.
١١. يُطلِعُهُ فَوقَ كُلِّ مَرقَبَةٍ
قَلبٌ جَرِيٌّ وَعَزمَةٌ طُلَعَه
12. When others climb, envy and rancor move,
He seeks what they as unattainable rate.
١٢. إِذا جَرى وَالحَسودَ في صُعُدٍ
مِنَ العُلى يَبغِيانِ مُمتَنَعَه
13. The dust of plain behind him cast, he fares
To smite the arrogant eyes uplifted high.
١٣. خَلّى غُبارَ المَدى لَهُ وَمَضى
يَطلُبُ قوتَ العُيونِ مُنقَطَعَه
14. For him I weep, or for his name extolled,
To God resigning in admission meek?
١٤. أَبكي نَداهُ العَريضَ أَم بِشرَه اللا
معَ لِلمُعتَفينَ أَم وَرَعَه
15. O Ukail! what defect or loss resides
In placement meet of lands' great Lord ordained?
١٥. أَيّها عُقَيلٌ وَأَيُّ مَنقَصَةٍ
كَوَضعِ مَولى الأَقوامِ مَن رَفعَه
16. When scouting kings was your accustomed course,
Better than wasps and worms why feel debased?
١٦. صارَ طِرادُ المُلوكِ عادَتَكُم
بَعدَ طِرادِ البَعوضِ وَالقَمَعَه
17. Alas! for one a wailing song I sang
Who stars of glory were, or meteors bright.
١٧. أُلامُ أَنّي رَثَيتُ زافِرَةً
كانوا نَجومَ الفَخارِ أَو لُمَعَه
18. If ancestral roots unite us not today,
Then hearts tomorrow shall again unite.
١٨. إِن لا تَكُن ذي الأُصولُ تَجمَعُنا
يَوماً فَإِنَّ القُلوبَ مُجتَمِعَه
19. How oft we sever hearts by disrespect,
While hearts through love can never be disjoined.
١٩. كَم رَحِمٍ بِالعُقوقِ نَقطَعُها
وَرَحِمُ الوُدِّ غَيرُ مُنقَطِعَه
20. Despair not holes their coats disclose to you,
Methinks the time itself wears threadbare grown.
٢٠. لا تَيأَسوا مِن ثُقوبِ زَندِهِمُ
كَأَنَّني بِالزَمانِ قَد قَرَعَه
21. Need is that their condition mend its course,
For straits of life are followed by relief.
٢١. لابُدَّ مِن أَن يَثوبَ حالَهُمُ
لِكُلِّ ضيقٍ مِنَ الأُمورِ سِعَه