
A Najdi shone as if his radiance

تألق نجدي كأن وميضه

1. A Najdi shone as if his radiance
Were pillars of contentment or shoulders of loftiness

١. تَأَلَّقَ نَجدِيٌّ كَأَنَّ وَميضَهُ
قَواعِدُ رَضوى أَو مَناكِبَ ريمِ

2. I say to him when his aim went astray
Behind you, you made every barren fertile

٢. أَقولُ لَهُ لَمّا تَفارَطَ صَوبُهُ
وَراءَكَ قَد أَلقَحتَ كُلَّ عَقيمِ

3. He flowed until I was sure his flowing
Was in vain, so I restrained my amulet

٣. تَبَعَّقَ حَتّى خِلتُ أَنَّ بُعاقَهُ
عَلى عَدَمِ الجَدوى أَكُفُّ تَميمِ

4. I came to them while barrenness had propped up the abodes
And the rain clouds had no covenant with the generous for a generous one

٤. أَتَيتُهُمُ وَالجَدبُ قَد عَضَّدَ القَرا
وَلا عَهدَ لِلباغي النَدى بِكَريمِ

5. So they did not recall the noble women
Nor were awed from loftiness and gloom

٥. فَما اِستَحضَروا العِلّاتِ وَهيَ كَريمَةٌ
وَلا أَطرَقوا مِن رَوعَةٍ وَوُجومِ

6. They guaranteed wretchedness while time lingered
On a seat of their hardship, resident

٦. هُمُ ضَمِنوا اللَأواءَ وَالأَزلُ راكِدٌ
عَلى مُقعِدٍ مِن عُسرِهِم وَمُقيمِ

7. So the mother of honors did not birth the likes of them
As honorable, nor did she err for them with an ignoble one

٧. فَما وَلَدَت أُمُّ المَكارِمِ مِثلَهُم
كِراماً وَلَم تَغلَط لَهُم بِلَئيمِ