
O mistress of the unobtainable fortress barred by spears

أيا ربة الخدر الممنع بالقنا

1. O mistress of the unobtainable fortress barred by spears
Have you not looked with your eyes upon a look?

١. أَيا رَبَّةَ الخِدرِ المُمَنَّعِ بِالقَنا
أَتَنأَينَ لَم تَنظُر بِكِ العَينُ مَنظَرا

2. And out of wonder I chose you with love after
My people and your people exchanged spears

٢. وَمِن عَجَبٍ أَصفَيتُكِ الوِدَّ بَعدَما
تَعاطى القَنا قَومي وَقَومُكِ أَعصُرا