
I roused them like the towering peaks of spears

نبهتهم مثل عوالي الرماح

1. I roused them like the towering peaks of spears
To battle, before the drowsiness of dawn.

١. نَبَّهتُهُم مِثلَ عَوالي الرِماح
إِلى الوَغى قَبلَ نُمومِ الصَباح

2. So horsemen attained their wish with the spears
And resolved their honor with reconciliation.

٢. فَوارِسٌ نالوا المُنى بِالقَنا
وَصافَحوا أَعراضَهُم بِالصِفاح

3. For a raid, the hearer of its news
Would choke with thirst in its scorching heat.

٣. لِغارَةٍ سامِعُ أَنبائِها
يَغَصَّ فيها بِالزَلالِ القَراح

4. No disgrace is upon its kindler,
Nor sin upon its bringer.

٤. لَيسَ عَلى مُضرِمِها سُبَّةٌ
وَلا عَلى المُجلِبِ مِنها جُناح

5. It's up to you, so seize its booty -
Blood to be shed freely and wealth freely taken.

٥. دونَكُمُ فَاِبتَدِروا غُنمَها
دُمىً مُباحاتٍ وَمالٌ مُباح

6. We are indeed in the land of our enemies;
We do not tread the sacrosanct save as violators.

٦. فَإِنَّنا في أَرضِ أَعدائِنا
لا نَطَأُ العَذراءَ إِلّا سَفاح

7. O soul, from anxiety to resolve,
For the burden of harm has no comfort.

٧. يا نَفسُ مِن هَمِّ إِلى هِمَّةٍ
فَلَيسَ مِن عِبءِ الأَذى مُستَراح

8. The time has come for the heart wearied
By long pining for wishes to find rest.

٨. قَد آنَ لِلقَلبِ الَّذي كَدَّهُ
طولُ مُناجاةِ المُنى أَن يُراح

9. I must mount it, arduous, insolent,
Under an insolent brave youth.

٩. لا بُدَّ أَن أَركَبَها صَعبَةً
وَقاحَةً تَحتَ غُلامٍ وَقاح

10. He exerts it, or folds with loss,
Other than what was destined or gains success.

١٠. يُجهِدُها أَو يَنثَني بِالرَدى
دونَ الَّذي قُدِّرَ أَو بِالنَجاح

11. Rest and comfort are the humiliation of a man,
And honor lies in drinking the draft of settled life.

١١. الراحُ وَالراحَةُ ذُلُّ الفَتى
وَالعِزُّ في شُربِ ضَريبِ اللَقاح

12. Where the spears judge, none else,
And none heeded but the caller to struggle.

١٢. في حَيثُ لا حُكمٌ لِغَيرِ القَنا
وَلا مُطاعٌ غَيرَ داعي الكِفاح

13. How good is the matter even if
Upon cushions of bliss in places of rest!

١٣. ما أَطيَبَ الأَمرَ وَلَو أَنَّهُ
عَلى رَزايا نَعَمٍ في مَراح

14. And the disheveled passionate one whom anxiety
Has bent with sorrow and caused to fall.

١٤. وَأَشعَثِ المَفرِقِ ذي هِمَّةٍ
طَوَّحَهُ الهَمُّ بَعيداً فَطاح

15. When he saw patience doing him harm,
He found rest, and whoever cannot bear humiliation finds rest.

١٥. لَمّا رَأى الصَبرَ مُضِرّاً بِهِ
راحَ وَمَن لَم يُطِقِ الذُلَّ راح

16. Repelling with the chest of the sword when he saw
That harm is not repelled with rest.

١٦. دَفعاً بِصَدرِ السَيفِ لَمّا رَأى
أَلّا يَرُدَّ الضَيمَ دَفعاً بِراح

17. When will I see the plain shook
With a stallion the neighs of whose grief are tumultuous?

١٧. مَتى أَرى الزَوراءَ مُرتَجَّةً
تُمطَرُ بِالبيضِ الظُبى أَو تُراح

18. When will I see the people who at dawn
Were greeted with a piercing stab?

١٨. يَصيحُ فيها المَوتُ عَن أَلسُنٍ
مِنَ العَوالي وَالمَواضي فِصاح

19. The fugitive in his cover
Frightened, watches for the fall of wounds.

١٩. بِكُلِّ رَوعاءَ عُظَينِيَّةٍ
يَحتَثُّها أَروَعُ شاكي السِلاح

20. When will I see the bright swords that have poured
A torrent of blood overcoming the torrent of gore?

٢٠. كَأَنَّما يَنظُرُ مِن ظِلِّها
نَعامَةً زَيّافَةً بِالجَناح

21. When will I see the shining sword bloodstained
From every polished, long spear?

٢١. مَتى أَرى الأَرضَ وَقَد زُلزِلَت
بِعارِضٍ أَغبَرَ دامي النُواح

22. Smeared at its base from the grief of dawn
As if it were the virgin in her veil.

٢٢. مَتى أَرى الناسَ وَقَد صُبِّحوا
أَوائِلَ اليَومِ بِطَعنٍ صُراح

23. When the tumult of fright came upon it
It fled to the gathering of its scabbards.

٢٣. يَلتَفِتُ الهارِبُ في عِطفِهِ
مُرَوَّعاً يَرقُبُ وَقعَ الجِراح

24. A people who accepted weakness and substituted
For the sword the cup of drink to redden their hands.

٢٤. مَتى أَرى البيضَ وَقَد أَمطَرَت
سَيلَ دَمٍ يَغلِبُ سَيلَ البِطاح

25. They inherited rule even if they begot
It would inherit from the stabbing of spears.

٢٥. مَتّى أَرى البَيضَةَ مَصدوعَةً
عَن كُلِّ نَشوانَ طَويلِ المِراح

26. The veil of glory covered their defects
So they were exposed by humiliation - what an exposing!

٢٦. مُضَمَّخِ الجيدِ نَؤومِ الضُحى
كَأَنَّهُ العَذراءُ ذاتُ الوِشاح

27. I and the critic of my honor are as one
Who frightened the lions of evil with barking.

٢٧. إِذا رَداحُ الرَوعِ عَنَّت لَهُ
فَرَّ إِلى ضَمِّ الكِعابِ الرَداح

28. He seeks my company while being certain
That my rein is in the right hand of clouds.

٢٨. قَومٌ رَضوا بِالعَجزِ وَاِستَبدَلوا
بِالسَيفِ يَدمى غَربُهُ كاسَ راح

29. So set your eyes, gazing, you will see
My dust in the eyes of the calumniators.

٢٩. تَوارَثوا المُلكَ وَلَو أَنجَبوا
لَوَرَّثوهُ عَن طِعانِ الرِماح

30. And be easy about your side, never
Will the towering mountain be shaken by the passing wind.

٣٠. غَطّى رِداءُ العِزِّ عَوراتِهِم
فَاِفتُضِحوا بِالذُلِّ أَيَّ اِفتِضاح

31. My heart never aspired to ascendence
Nor extended my hands in supplication.

٣١. إِنِّيَ وَالشاتِمَ عِرضي كَمَن
رَوَّعَ آسادَ الشَرى بِالنُباح

32. If I do not attain it by stipulating as
I wish over the eggs of ostriches and proposing.

٣٢. يَطلُبُ شَأوي وَهوَ مُستَيقِنٌ
أَنَّ عِناني في يَمينِ الجِماح

33. I profit from it with the choicest
That satisfies hopes, gaining and ease.

٣٣. فَاِرمِ بِعَينَيكَ مَلِيّاً تَرى
وَقعَ غُباري في عُيونِ الطِلاح

34. So what keeps me from a range
Not of lineage or begetting?

٣٤. وَاِرقَ عَلى ظَلعِكَ هَيهاتَ أَن
يُزَعزَعَ الطَودُ بِمَرِّ الرِياح

35. A charlatan extending with his ribs
And deceiving the people until they were duped.

٣٥. لا هَمَّ قَلبي بِرُكوبِ العُلى
يَوماً وَلا بَلَّ يَدَيَّ السَماح

36. One without glory aspires
When I am excused by the aspirants.

٣٦. إِن لَم أَنَلها بِاِشتِراطٍ كَما
شِئتُ عَلى بيضِ الظُبى وَاِقتِراح

37. And a scheme the loss mocks,
Difficult, clearing the people like the cups pass around.

٣٧. أَفوزُ مِنها بِاللُبابِ الَّذي
يُغني الأَماني نَيلُهُ وَالصُراح

38. I endured myself during its horrors
And said for its stupidity, no comfort.

٣٨. فَما الَّذي يُقعِدُني عَن مَدىً
لا هُوَ بِالنَسلِ وَلا بِاللِقاح

39. Either a man who attained ascendence and recovered
Or a hero who tasted loss and found rest.

٣٩. طُلَيحَةٌ مَدَّ بِأَضباعِهِ
وَغَرَّ قَبلي الناسَ حَتّى سَجاح

٤٠. يَطمَحُ مَن لا مَجدَ يَسمو بِهِ
إِنّي إِذا أُعذَرُ عِندَ الطَماح

٤١. وَخِطَّةٍ يَضحَكُ مِنها الرَدى
عَسراءَ تَبري القَومَ بَريَ القِداح

٤٢. صَبَرتُ نَفسي عِندَ أَهوالِها
وَقُلتُ مِن هَبوَتِها لا بَراح

٤٣. إِمّا فَتىً نالَ العُلى فَاِشتَفى
أَو بَطَلٌ ذاقَ الرَدى فَاِستَراح