
O misery of the eager gazelle hunter

يا بؤس مقتنص الغزال طماعة

1. O misery of the eager gazelle hunter
The gazelle has gone with the heart of that hunter

١. يا بُؤسَ مُقتَنِصِ الغَزالِ طَماعَةً
ذَهَبَ الغَزالُ بِلُبِّ ذاكَ القانِصِ

2. Like a white pearl, its loss has come
After it had filled the palm of the diver

٢. كَالدَرَّةِ البَيضاءِ حانَ ضَياعُها
مِن بَعدِ ما مَلأَت يَمينَ الغائِصِ

3. Your nearness was no more than a flashing lightning
The clouds have turned away with it and little rain

٣. ما كانَ قُربُكَ غَيرَ بَرقٍ لامِعٍ
وَلّى الغَمامُ بِهِ وَظِلٍّ قالِصِ

4. I rise with hope like your love growing
And I return with share like your connection missing

٤. أَغدو عَلى أَمَلٍ كَحُبِّكَ زائِدٍ
وَأَروحُ عَن حَظٍّ كَوَصلِكَ ناقِصِ