1. Meeting you brought separation upon me
And nearness increased nothing but yearning
١. لِقاؤُكَ جَرَّ عَلَيَّ الفِراقا
وَما زادَني القُربُ إِلّا اِشتِياقا
2. You concealed from me the gift of affection
So I gave it acceptance and friendship
٢. جَلَوتَ عَلَيَّ هَديَّ الوِدادِ
فَأَسلَفتُها بِالقَبولِ الصِداقا
3. And I was excessive in glad tidings until you thought
I laid therein hypocrisy
٣. وَأَسرَفتُ بِالبِشرِ حَتّى ظَنَن
تُ أَنَّكَ أَضجَعتَ فيهِ النِفاقا
4. Far be it from you to be accused in absence
So how could presence contain companionship
٤. وَحاشاكَ مِن تُهمَةٍ في المَغيبِ
فَكَيفَ حُضورٌ يَضُمُّ الرِفاقا
5. And the chief was with this brotherhood
One day we deemed a cup of wine loathsome
٥. وَكانَ الزَعيمُ بِهَذا الإِخا
ءِ يَوماً حَسَوناهُ كَأساً دِهاقا
6. We slaughtered enemies upon his chest
For God’s sake, what blood he spilled!
٦. نَحَرنا الدِنانَ عَلى صَدرِهِ
فَلِلَّهِ أَيَّ دِماءٍ أَراقا
7. We were delighted by his pleasures, and the drunkard
Wraps his robe and loosens his belt
٧. شَرِقنا بِلَذّاتِهِ وَالسَرو
رُ يُلَوّي إِزاراً وَيُرخي نِطاقا
8. And the garment of darkness slips from the dawn
And the moon takes off its vestments
٨. وَجيبَ عَلى الصُبحِ ثَوبُ الظَلا
مِ وَالبَدرُ يَخلَعُ عَنهُ المَحاقا
9. And I imagined him in the sky as
The glance of an eye that met the Buraq
٩. وَكُنتُ أُخَيِّلُهُ في السَما
ءِ رَمحَةَ طَرفٍ أَصابَ البُراقا
10. Splitting the moist night into strands
Of dewy breezes of thin, soft silk
١٠. يُشَقِّقُ وَاللَيلُ رَطبُ الذُيو
لِ غَلائِلَ تَندى نَسيماً رُقاقا
11. God watered an epoch, and we loved each other from the start
So we thanked Iraq
١١. سَقى اللَهُ دَهراً حَبانا الوَدا
دَ مُبتَدِهاً فَشَكَرنا العِراقا
12. And I still wonder at his keeping us close
Until we forgot separation
١٢. وَما زِلتُ أَعجَبُ مِن حِفظِهِ
لَنا القُربَ حَتّى نَسينا الفِراقا
13. Do you seek vengeance on my body through distance?
Was the seller not given embrace from you?
١٣. أَتَقتَصُّ مِن جَسَدي بِالبِعادِ
وَما زُوِّدَ الباعُ مِنكَ العِناقا