
The virtuous man knows I do no wrong,

يعلم الجد أنني لا أضام

1. The virtuous man knows I do no wrong,
And my protector against time is determination,

١. يَعلَمُ الجَدُّ أَنَّني لا أُضامُ
وَمُجيري مِنَ الزَمانِ هُمامُ

2. My companion whose nature is most noble,
His adornment humility and devotion.

٢. لَحَماني أَغَرُّ شيمَتُهُ الكَر
رُ وَنَصلٌ حَلِيُّهُ الإِحرامُ

3. Many words come to me while I am heedless,
And worries over me are dormant.

٣. رُبَّ قَولٍ نُمِي إِلَيَّ وَعَزمي
غافِلٌ وَالهُمومُ عَنّي نِيامُ

4. I know who speaks them, but oh,
If only a sword were in my right hand!

٤. وَتَعَرَّفتُ قائِليهِ وَلَكِن
آهِ لَو كانَ في يَميني حُسامُ

5. How can the worn-out swords attack them
And pens transgress against them,

٥. كَيفَ تَخدي إِلَيهِمُ الذُبَّلُ السُم
رُ وَتُعدى عَلَيهِمُ الأَقلامُ

6. Without my accepting humiliation against honor-
Pride, magnanimity, and manliness refuse.

٦. دونَ أَن أَقبَلَ المَذَلَّةَ لِلعِز
زِ إِباءٌ وَنَخوَةٌ وَعُرامُ

7. Thrusts in which peaks are demolished
And blows from which doves flee.

٧. وَطِعانٌ تَندَقُّ فيهِ العَوالي
وَضِرابٌ يَزوَرُّ مِنهُ الحِمامُ

8. I know not what my tongue is saying,
And my mouth is congested with words.

٨. لَستُ أَدري ماذا يَقولُ لِساني
وَفَمي لِلمَقالِ فيهِ اِزدِحامُ

9. It is as though among us is a young gazelle
Who follows life and time holds the leash.

٩. وَكَأَنَّ الحِمامَ فينا جَنيبٌ
يَتبَعُ العَيشَ وَالزَمانُ زِمامُ

10. So turn away cares-life is but a day-
And leave words-for time is but a year.

١٠. فَاِصرِفِ الهَمَّ إِنَّما العَيشُ يَومٌ
وَدَعِ القَولَ إِنَّما الدَهرُ عامُ

11. O you who are frustrated and vexed, perhaps
Those turbans will recognize you.

١١. أَيُّها العاجِزُ المُكَدَّرُ وِردي
رُبَّما عَرَّفتَكَ تِلكَ الجُمامُ

12. So beg among the neighbors and sit disgraced
While men of stature stand guard over you.

١٢. فَاِنتَفِق في الوِجارِ وَاُقعُد ذَليلاً
قَد كَفاكَ الجُلّى رِجالٌ قِيامُ