
I remembered you when the horizon was darkened,

ذكرتك لما طبق الأفق عارض

1. I remembered you when the horizon was darkened,
And lightning flashed like swords unsheathed.

١. ذَكَرتُكَ لَمّا طَبَّقَ الأُفقَ عارِضٌ
وَأَعرَضَ بَرقٌ كَالضِرامِ لَموعُ

2. While you stay where no lightning flashes
In a beholder's eye, nor does the breeze's spirit stir.

٢. وَأَنتَ مُقيمٌ حَيثُ لا البَرقُ يُجتَلى
بِعَينٍ وَلا روحُ النَسيمِ يَضوعُ

3. An exile from homelands, you have neither
A gift to them, nor after leaving, a return.

٣. غَريبٌ عَنِ الأَوطانِ لا لَكَ هَبَّةٌ
إِلَيها وَلا بَعدَ المُضِيَّ رُجوعُ

4. Except for you, a quarter has passed and after it
Are ruins, the like of which are no ruins.

٤. خَلا مِنكَ رَبعٌ قَد تَبَدَّلتَ بَعدَهُ
رُبوعَ بِلىً ما مِثلَهُنَّ رُبوعُ

5. And memory returned to my heart, when we were neighbors
For a time, and when fellowship embraced all.

٥. وَعاوَدَ قَلبي الذِكرُ إِذ نَحنُ جيرَةٌ
زَماناً وَإِذ شَملُ الجَميعِ جَميعُ

6. When our meager life lavished its lowliness
Upon us, and when the bird of bliss alighted.

٦. وَإِذ عَيشُنا الرَقراقُ يُسبِغُ خَفضَه
عَلينا وَإِذ طَيرُ النَعيمِ وُقوعُ

7. Until discord walked between you and I
And severed the peers of purity with felling.

٧. إِلى أَن مَشى بَيني وَبَينَكُمُ الرَدى
وَقَطَّعَ أَقرانَ الصَفاءِ قَطوعُ

8. And each day I gain a companion I make new
Who takes him from my comfort with drawing away.

٨. وَفي كُلَّ يَومٍ صاحِبٌ أَستَجِدُّهُ
وَيَنزِعُهُ مِن راحَتَيَّ نُزوعُ

9. When I say, the dove steps toward him,
The claws of discord plunge down holding sharp talons.

٩. إِذا قُلتُ يَخطوهُ الحِمامُ هَوَت بِهِ
نُيوبُ رَدىً فيها السِمامُ نَقيعُ

10. Peace upon those tombs and their nobility
With the most plentiful and sweetest spring can bestow.

١٠. سَلامٌ عَلى تِلكَ القُبورِ وَجادَها
بِأَروى وَأَسنى ما يَجودُ رَبيعُ

11. So do not envy us staying while you are
On a journey. Meetings will come with speed.

١١. فَلا تَغبِطونا إِذ أَقَمنا وَأَنتُمُ
عَلى ظَعَنٍ إِنَّ اللِقاءَ سَريعُ