
O gazelle grazing in the meadows

يا ظبية البان ترعى في خمائله

1. O gazelle grazing in the meadows
Let me delight today that my heart is your pasture

١. يا ظَبيَةَ البانِ تَرعى في خَمائِلِهِ
لِيَهنَكِ اليَومَ أَنَّ القَلبَ مَرعاكِ

2. Water is available to its drinker through you
And only my crying tears can quench your thirst

٢. الماءُ عِندَكِ مَبذولٌ لِشارِبِهِ
وَلَيسَ يُرويكِ إِلّا مَدمَعي الباكي

3. A breeze blew to us from the caves
After sleep, we recognized it through your scent

٣. هَبَّت لَنا مِن رِياحِ الغَورِ رائِحَةٌ
بَعدَ الرُقادِ عَرَفناها بِرَيّاكِ

4. Then we swayed whenever excitement shook us
On the saddle, we pretended, remembering you

٤. ثُمَّ اِنثَنَينا إِذا ما هَزَّنا طَرَبٌ
عَلى الرِحالِ تَعَلَّلنا بِذِكراكِ

5. An arrow hit its shooter at Salam
From Iraq, indeed you have aimed well

٥. سَهمٌ أَصابَ وَراميهِ بِذي سَلَمٍ
مَن بِالعِراقِ لَقَد أَبعَدتِ مَرماكِ

6. A promise to your eyes I have with me that I fulfilled
My eyes did not lie about your eyes

٦. وَعدٌ لِعَينَيكِ عِندي ما وَفَيتِ بِهِ
يا قُربَ ما كَذَبَت عَينيَّ عَيناكِ

7. Your gaze narrated the wit in the spear
On the day of meeting, the narrator had the merit

٧. حَكَت لِحاظُكِ ما في الريمِ مِن مُلَحٍ
يَومَ اللِقاءِ فَكانَ الفَضلُ لِلحاكي

8. As if on the day of sadness, your gaze informs us
Of the names of your slain it has concealed from you

٨. كَأَنَّ طَرفَكِ يَومَ الجِزعِ يُخبِرُنا
بِما طَوى عَنكِ مِن أَسماءِ قَتلاكِ

9. You are the bliss of my heart and its torment
So what is more bitter to my heart and sweeter?

٩. أَنتِ النَعيمُ لِقَلبي وَالعَذابُ لَهُ
فَما أَمَرُّكِ في قَلبي وَأَحلاكِ

10. I have messages of longing I do not mention
If not for the watcher, I would have delivered them to you

١٠. عِندي رَسائِلُ شَوقٍ لَستُ أَذكُرُها
لَولا الرَقيبُ لَقَد بَلَّغتُها فاكِ

11. It quenched from me the nights of fear what it drank
From the clouds, greeting them and greeting you

١١. سَقى مِنىً وَلَيالي الخَيفِ ما شَرِبَت
مِنَ الغَمامِ وَحَيّاها وَحَيّاكِ

12. When each owing soul and its postponer meet
Among us and the complainer and the complaining gather

١٢. إِذ يَلتَقي كُلُّ ذي دَينٍ وَماطِلَهُ
مِنّا وَيَجتَمِعُ المَشكوُّ وَالشاكي

13. When the flock began pacing between our saddlebags
The heartache in it was none but you

١٣. لَمّا غَدا السَربُ يَعطو بَينَ أَرحُلِنا
ما كانَ فيهِ غَريمُ القَلبِ إِلّاكِ

14. The eye roamed lusting none but you
Who taught separation that the heart lusts for you?

١٤. هامَت بِكِ العَينُ لَم تَتبَع سِواكِ هَوىً
مَن عَلَّمَ البَينَ أَنَّ القَلبَ يَهواكِ

15. Until the flock drew near, you did not revive
The slain of your love, nor ransom your captives

١٥. حَتّى دَنا السَربُ ما أَحيَيتِ مِن كَمَدٍ
قَتلى هَواكِ وَلا فادَيتِ أَسراكِ

16. Oh, excellent would have been a breeze passing by your mouth to us
And a teardrop dipped into your eyelids

١٦. يا حَبَّذا نَفحَةٌ مَرَّت بِفيكِ لَنا
وَنُطفَةٌ غُمِسَت فيها ثَناياكِ

17. Excellent too a stance while the caravan was heedless
On a land, your staff settled on it

١٧. وَحَبَّذا وَقفَةٌ وَالرَكبُ مُغتَفِلٌ
عَلى ثَرىً وَخَدَت فيهِ مَطاياكِ

18. If the black banner were among my assets
On the gloomy day, my shackles would not have missed you

١٨. لَو كانَتِ اللِمَّةُ السَوداءُ مِن عُدَدي
يَومَ الغَميمِ لَما أَفلَتِّ أَشراكي