1. I tell you that I prefer to avoid
People who are stingy with little affection, while I am more generous.
١. أَبُثُّكَ أَنّي راغِبُ عَن مَعاشِرٍ
يَضنّونَ بِالوُدِّ القَليلِ وَأَسمَحُ
2. If they commit some mistake against me, I think little of it.
So I pardon a grave sin and turn a blind eye.
٢. إِذا ما جَنوا ذَنباً عَليَّ اِحتَقَرتُهُ
فَأَعفو عَنِ الذَنبِ العَظيمِ وَأصفَحُ
3. And some people show me hostility and coldness,
Not knowing that I am made happy by that.
٣. وَيُظهِرُ لي قَومٌ بَعاداً وَجَفوَةً
وَما عَلِموا أَنّي بِذَلِكَ أَفرَحُ