
I say to the departing caravan, perhaps after me

أقول لركب رائحين لعلكم

1. I say to the departing caravan, perhaps after me
You will get Yemeni agate.

١. أَقولُ لِرَكبٍ رائِحينَ لَعَلَّكُم
تَحِلّونَ مِن بَعدي العَقيقَ اليَمانِيا

2. Take a glance from me and meet the sanctuary,
And Najd, the sand dunes twisting and winding.

٢. خُذوا نَظرَةً مِنّي فَلاقوا بِها الحِمى
وَنَجداً وَكُثبانَ اللِوى وَالمَطالِيا

3. Pass by the tents of a loving family in Ramah,
And say: a bitten one today seeks a healer.

٣. وَمُرّوا عَلى أَبياتِ حَيٍّ بِرامَةٍ
فَقولوا لَديغٌ يَبتَغي اليَومَ راقِيا

4. I lost my medicine in Iraq, so maybe
You will find a curer to heal me in Najd.

٤. عَدِمتُ دَوائي بِالعِراقِ فَرُبَّما
وَجَدتُم بِنَجدٍ لي طَبيباً مُداوِيا

5. And say to neighbors at Khayf from Mina:
You replaced whose neighborhood with me?

٥. وَقولوا لِجيرانٍ عَلى الخَيفِ مِن مِنىً
تَراكُم مَنِ اِستَبدَلتُمُ بِجِوارِيا

6. And who descended on that hill after me, and his
Concubines watched those gazelles frolic?

٦. وَمَن حَلَّ ذاكَ الشِعبَ بَعدي وَراشَقَت
لَواحِظُهُ تِلكَ الظِباءَ الجَوازِيا

7. And who arrived at the water I frequented,
And grazed on the meadow I shepherded?

٧. وَمَن وَرَدَ الماءَ الَّذي كُنتُ وارِداً
بِهِ وَرَعى الرَوضَ الَّذي كُنتُ راعِيا

8. By my fervor! How many sighs at Khayf I have
That melt away a piece of my heart!

٨. فَوالَهفَتي كَم لي عَلى الخَيفِ شَهقَةً
تَذوبُ عَليها قِطعَةٌ مِن فُؤادِيا

9. Life was free of sorrows at Khayf. I swore
I will not go near the fresh water.

٩. صَفا العَيشُ مِن بَعدي لَحَيٍّ عَلى النَقا
حَلَفتُ لَهُم لا أَقرَبُ الماءَ صافِيا

10. Oh Hill of Rayyan! If they pass you,
I will cover you with my weeping concubines.

١٠. فَيا جَبَلَ الرَيّانِ إِن تَعَر مِنهُمُ
فَإِنّي سَأَكسوكَ الدُموعَ الجَوارِيا

11. Oh Tombs! How you denied our pact!
You forgot, though I entrusted tenderness in you.

١١. وَيا قُربَ ما أَنكَرتُمُ العَهدَ بَينَنا
نَسيتُم وَما اِستَودَعتُمُ الوُدَّ ناسِيا

12. Did you forget our standing at Mina the night of departure,
Throwing pebbles at the Jamras night after night?

١٢. أَأَنكَرتُمُ تَسليمَنا لَيلَةَ النَقا
وَمَوقِفَنا نَرمي الجِمارَ لَيالِيا

13. The eve before, my neighbor shot me with his eyes,
Talking of aims until he threw me with his shots.

١٣. عَشِيَّةَ جاراني بِعَينَيهِ شادِنٌ
حَديثَ النَوى حَتّى رَمى بي المَرامِيا

14. He threw my death from his quiver,
So shooter, may no misfortune hit you as a shooter!

١٤. رَمى مَقتَلي مِن بَينِ سِجفي عَبيطِهِ
فَيا رامِياً لا مَسَّكَ السوءُ رامِيا

15. Would that I did not know anything forbidden to you,
Would that I did not come down to the valley floor,

١٥. فَيا لَيتَني لَم أَعلُ نَشزاً إِلَيكُمُ
حَراماً وَلَم أَهبِط مِنَ الأَرضِ وادِيا

16. Would that I did not know what Mina assembles,
Would that I did not meet a living Yemeni!

١٦. وَلَم أَدرِ ما جَمعٌ وَما جَمرَتا مِنىً
وَلَم أَلقَ في اللاقينَ حَيّاً يَمانِيا

17. Oh woe to my heart! How excessively did I socialize
With impudent people who only buy strife!

١٧. وَيا وَيحَ قَلبي كَيفَ زايَدتُ في مِنىً
بِذي البانِ لا يُشرَينَ إِلّا غَوالِيا

18. I went away with my eyes looking forward to you,
And backward, with passion for you within me.

١٨. تَرَحَّلتُ عَنكُم لي أَمامِيَ نَظرَةٌ
وَعَشرٌ وَعَشرٌ نَحوَكُم لي وَرائِيا

19. Fearing I do not ask the caravan about you,
Though my throats are still as they were.

١٩. وَمِن حَذَرٍ لا أَسأَلُ الرَكبَ عَنكُمُ
وَأَعلاقُ وَجدي باقِياتٌ كَما هِيا

20. He who asks the riders about every absent one,
Is bound to receive the bearer of good news or the mourner.

٢٠. وَمَن يَسأَلِ الرُكبانَ عَن كُلِّ غائِبٍ
فَلا بُدَّ أَن يَلقى بَشيراً وَناعِيا

21. No spindle bloodied with slain ones brings pasture
Too short of the goal of the troupe wandering astray,

٢١. وَما مُغزِلٌ أَدماءُ تُزجي بِرَوضَةٍ
طَلاً قاصِراً عَن غايَةِ السِربِ وانِيا

22. Having sorrows behind that disturb the breast,
Like the cups of virgins testing amusements.

٢٢. لَها بَغَماتٌ خَلفَهُ تُزعِجُ الحَشى
كَجَسِّ العَذارى يَختَبِرنَ المَلاهِيا

23. It inclines to them sorrowfully as if
The sought turned like a frightened enemy.

٢٣. يَحورُ إِلَيها بِالبُغامِ فَتَنثَني
كَما اِلتَفَتَ المَطلوبُ يَخشى الأَعادِيا

24. With the most sensitive heart and breast,
The morning we heard the call for departure.

٢٤. بِأَروَعَ مِن ظَمياءَ قَلباً وَمُهجَةً
غَداةَ سَمِعنا لِلتَفَرُّقِ داعِيا

25. She bids us farewell, complaining and crying,
While the Iraqi caravan went off.

٢٥. تُوَدِّعنُا ما بَينَ شَكوى وَعَبرَةٍ
وَقَد أَصبَحَ الرَكبُ العِراقِيُّ غادِيا

26. I did not see a day of departure laughing more
Nor a day of departure crying more.

٢٦. فَلَم أَرَ يَومَ النَفرِ أَكثَرَ ضاحِكاً
وَلَم أَرَ يَومَ النَفرِ أَكثَرَ باكِياً