
Shall I remain in the freshness of worries as if

أأبقى على نضو الهموم كأنما

1. Shall I remain in the freshness of worries as if
The nights had given me from their cups poison to drink?

١. أَأَبقى عَلى نِضوِ الهُمومِ كَأَنَّما
سَقَتني اللَيالي مِن عَقابيلِها سُمّا

2. And my greatest hopes from fate are that
I will be free, with neither joy nor care.

٢. وَأَكبَرُ آمالي مِنَ الدَهرِ أَنَّني
أَكونُ خَلِيّاً لا سُروراً وَلا هَمّا

3. I consider the talks of ambitions to be lost,
And I stop up from this purpose bellies barren.

٣. أَكُرُّ أَحاديثَ المَطامِعِ ضِلَّةً
وَأُلقِحُ مِن هَذي المُنى أَبطُناً عُقما

4. So neither gathering wealth, nor attaining sublime rank,
Nor hoarding reward, nor seeking knowledge.

٤. فَلا جامِعاً مالاً وَلا مُدرِكاً عُلىً
وَلا مُحرِزاً أَجراً وَلا طالِباً عِلما

5. With a swing between destitution and riches,
And a position between wretchedness and bliss.

٥. بِأُرجوحَةٍ بَينَ الخَصاصَةِ وَالغِنى
وَمَنزِلَةٍ بَينَ الشَقاوَةِ وَالنُعمى