1. I complain to you of tears that gush
After longing, and limbs that wither,
١. أَشكو إِلَيكَ مَدامِعاً تَكِفُ
بَعدَ النَوى وَجَوانِحاً تَجِفُ
2. Of desolation when separation is recalled,
On both sides yearning and sorrow.
٢. وَحَشاً إِذا ذُكِرَ الفِراقُ هَفا
في جانِبَيهِ الشَوقُ وَالأَسَفُ
3. It was devastated by a hand of affliction,
So it remained with no recompense or replacement.
٣. فُجِعَت بِعِلقِ مَضَنَّةٍ يَدُهُ
فَأَقامَ لا عِوَضٌ وَلا خَلَفُ
4. Like one active from whom the springs were denied,
And the meadows kept away from him.
٤. كَالناشِطِ اِمتَنَعَت مَوارِدُهُ
وَنَأَت عَلَيهِ الرَوضَةُ الأُنُفُ
5. A familiarity that decreased with its completion,
The full moon is bound to become eclipsed.
٥. أُنسٌ تَناقَصَ مَع تَكامُلِهِ
لا بَدعَ إِنَّ البَدرَ يَنكَسِفُ
6. God does not distance those who turned away,
They stopped loving us, and did not stop,
٦. لا يُبعِدِ اللَهُ الَّذينَ نَأَوا
وَقَفوا الغَرامَ بِنا وَما وَقَفوا
7. Which powers did they cut off, and which blood
Did they spill, and which wounds did they stitch?
٧. أَيَّ القُوى قَطَعوا وَأَيَّ دَمٍ
سَفَكوا وَأَيَّ جِراحَةٍ قَرَفوا
8. I do not forget our stance and their stance
After longing, while our tears suffice,
٨. لَم أَنسَ مَوقِفَنا وَوَقفَتَهُم
بَعدَ النَوى وَدُموعُنا تَكِفُ
9. Silent over the injustice when
Tears of sorrow spoke for us.
٩. مُتَساكِتينَ مِنَ الوُجومِ وَقَد
نَطَقَت عَلَينا الأَدمُعُ الذُرُفُ
10. O rider of the sand dunes going down them
Like a pillar, above it shaken pods,
١٠. يا راكِبَ الكَوماءِ غارِبُها
كَالطَودِ أَوفى فَوقَهُ الشَعَفُ
11. Darkness steps over its horizon
While the night blinks its eyelids,
١١. يَطَأُ الظَلامَ عَلى مَفارِقِهِ
وَاللَيلُ في أَجفانِهِ وَطَفُ
12. Nightfall extends and folds its shirt,
And for it over the hilltops are fists,
١٢. ذَرَعَ الدُجى وَطَوى خَميصَتَهُ
وَلَها عَلى قِمَمِ الرُبى كُفَفُ
13. Until the darkness casts off its dye
And the bosom of night lays bare,
١٣. حَتّى نَضا الإِظلامُ صَبغَتَهُ
وَطَواهُ جَونُ اللَيلِ مُنكَشِفُ
14. Of a past when wings of night embraced it,
Folding it in its wings.
١٤. ماضٍ إِذا أَهوى بِهِ كَنَفٌ
مِن جِنحِ لَيلٍ ضَمَّهُ كَنَفُ
15. Convey to the youth Hamad a reminder
That would melt the egg and the crust,
١٥. أَبلِغ فَتى حَمدٍ مُذَكَّرَةً
تَنقَدُّ مِنها البيضُ وَالزَغَفُ
16. Breaths of a suffering man whom
The heat of yearning scorched and deprivation exhausted,
١٦. نَفَثاتُ مَكروبٍ أَلَظَّ بِهِ
حَرُّ الجَوى وَعَلا بِهِ الكَلَفُ
17. Nothing was swifter than what time brought about
And beads dripped from our love,
١٧. ما كانَ أَسرَعَ ما نَبا زَمَنٌ
وَتَكَدَّرَت مِن وُدِّنا نُطَفُ
18. A rope that tomorrow our palms will hold
One of its ends, and the other in the hands of destiny.
١٨. حَبلٌ غَدا بِأَكُفِّنا طَرَفٌ
مِنهُ وَفي أَيدي النَوى طَرَفُ
19. Is that beautiful time coming back
Or is that good life renewed?
١٩. هَل حُسنُ ذاكَ الدَهرِ مُرتَجَعٌ
أَم طيبُ ذاكَ العَيشِ مُؤتَنَفُ
20. Or is the rose allowed again
And does one who drank enjoy the cold water?
٢٠. أَم هَل يُباحُ الوِردُ ثانِيَةً
وَيَلَذُّ بَردَ الماءِ مُرتَشِفُ
21. I crave that time, could
A time passed be craved?
٢١. لَهفي عَلى ذاكَ الزَمانِ وَهَل
يَثني زَماناً ماضِياً لَهَفُ
22. After you our rope sprouted and
Each of the two minds shot an arrow.
٢٢. اِنبَتَّ بَعدَكَ حَبلُنا وَحَدَت
كُلّاً لِطيَّتِهِ نَوىً قُذُفُ
23. The string of our harmony came undone
And we had sung when it was composed.
٢٣. وَاِنفَكَّ سِلكُ نِظامِنا بَدَداً
وَلَقَد غَنينا وَهوَ مُؤتَلِفُ
24. The distant one avoided our side
So no love or passion remains.
٢٤. وَتَجَنَّبَ البَتّيُّ جانِبَنا
وَنَبا فَلا وُدٌّ وَلا شَعَفُ
25. He avoided our sessions and it took him
To affection towards haters that turns.
٢٥. وَقَلى مَجالِسَنا وَمالَ بِهِ
عِطفٌ إِلى البَغضاءِ مُنعَطِفُ
26. That familiarity was removed altogether
And that kindness and gentleness unveiled.
٢٦. وَأُزيحَ ذاكَ الأُنسُ أَجمَعُهُ
وَأُميطَ ذاكَ البِرُّ وَاللَطَفُ
27. He made the will under his heel
And did wrong while admitting.
٢٧. جَعَلَ الوَصيَّةَ تَحتَ أَخمَصِهِ
وَأَتى الإِساءَةَ وَهوَ مُعتَرِفُ
28. We blame him for his fickleness,
So he is the perfidious, fleeting one.
٢٨. إِنّا نَذُمُّ إِلَيكَ خُلَّتَهُ
فَهوَ المَلولُ الغادِرُ الطَرِفُ
29. Maybe one day through your nearness
We will triumph over him.
٢٩. فَلَعَلَّنا وَلَعَلَّ مُطمِعَةً
يَوماً بِقُربِكَ مِنهُ نَنتَصِفُ
30. Past nights watered with excess
Of calamities or loans.
٣٠. فَسَقى لَيالِيَنا الَّتي سَلَفَت
فَرطٌ مِنَ الأَنواءِ أَو سَلَفُ
31. It is goaded by the whip of the wind,
A gust in its market stirs.
٣١. يُحدى بِسَوطِ الريحِ تَحفِزُهُ
هَفّافَةٌ في سَوقِها عَنَفُ
Morning extends its tithe in trails,
٣٢. نَتَجَ الصَباحُ عِشارَهُ سَبَلاً
جَوداً وَأَلقَحَ شَولَهُ السَدَفُ
33. Generously, and its ardour shakes the lid.
We call you when the group is split,
٣٣. نَدعوكَ حينَ الشَملُ مُنشَعِبٌ
فَتَلافَنا وَالرَأيُ مُختَلِفُ
34. So reunite us when views conflict.
٣٤. إِن لَم تَقُم تِلكَ الغُصونُ غَداً
مِنهُنَّ مُنآدٌ وَمُنقَصِفُ
35. If those branches do not rise tomorrow
Among them a caller and harvester.
٣٥. لا تَحسَبَن قَولي مُماذَقَةً
وَجدي بِبُعدِكَ فَوقَ ما أَصِفُ