1. My wandering to the night of youth was misguidance
While my gray hair is light in the land and beauty
١. مَسيري إِلى لَيلِ الشَبابِ ضَلالُ
وَشَيبي ضِياءٌ في الوَرى وَجَمالُ
2. Blackness but the whiteness is supremacy
And night but the day is majesty
٢. سَوادٌ وَلَكِنَّ البَياضَ سِيادَةٌ
وَلَيلٌ وَلَكِنَّ النَهارَ جَلالُ
3. A man before gray hair is nothing but bendable
Repelling while the gray hair of the temples is polishing
٣. وَما المَرءُ قَبلَ الشَيبِ إِلّا مُهَنَّدٌ
صَديُّ وَشَيبُ العارِضَينِ صِقالُ
4. And a man's dyeing is nothing but a pretense
For one whose temples and sides grayed
٤. وَلَيسَ خِضابُ المَرءِ إِلّا تَعِلَّةً
لِمَن شابَ مِنهُ عارِضٌ وَقَذالُ
5. And for the soul in the weakness of the youngster and his bridling
A bridle to what it desires and restraint
٥. وَلِلنَفسِ في عَجزِ الفَتى وزِماعِهِ
زِمامٌ إِلى ما يَشتَهي وَعِقالُ
6. I tested friends for a period
So most plentiful thing in a friend is boredom
٦. بَلَوتُ وَجَرَّبتُ الأَخِلّاءَ مُدَّةً
فَأَكثَرُ شَيءٍ في الصَديقِ مَلالُ
7. And no flattery by one I love pleased me
Nor did connection by one I love delude me
٧. وَما راقَني مِمَّن أَوَدُّ تَمَلُّقٌ
وَلا غَرَّني مِمَّن أَحِبُّ وِصالُ
8. Your friendship with the lowly is nothing but very far
If money is scarce or a condition befalls you
٨. وَما صَحبُكَ الأَدنَونَ إِلّا أَباعِدٌ
إِذا قَلَّ مالٌ أَو نَبَت بِكَ حالُ
9. And whoever who, if stingy, I would accept
And wish I had a right hand giving loyalty with the left
٩. وَمَن لو بِخِلٍّ أَرتَضيهِ وَلَيتَ لي
يَميناً يُعاطيها الوَفاءَ شِمالُ
10. The life leans with me to every desire
And where is the far star from attainment
١٠. تَميلُ بِيَ الدُنيا إِلى كُلِّ شَهوَةٍ
وَأَينَ مِنَ النَجمِ البَعيدِ مَنالُ
11. And the hands of adversities rob me of my wealth
And I have from my chastity and contentment wealth
١١. وَتَسلُبُني أَيدي النَوائِبِ ثَروَتي
وَلي مِن عَفافي وَالتَقَنُّعِ مالُ
12. When water discourages me and there is heaviness in the heart
I return and my patience for the sick is healing
١٢. إِذا عَزَّني ماءٌ وَفي القَلبِ غُلَّةٌ
رَجَعتُ وَصَبري لِلغَليلِ بَلالُ
13. I see all provision but a fill for hunger as dust
And all water to me as saliva
١٣. أَرى كُلَّ زادٍ ما خَلا سَدَّ جَوعَةٍ
تُراباً وَكُلُّ الماءِ عِندِيَ آلُ
14. And the like of me does not grieve over what misses him
If the consequence of what he attains is evanescence
١٤. وَمِثلِيَ لا يَأسى عَلى ما يَفوتُهُ
إِذا كانَ عُقبى ما يَنالُ زَوالُ
15. It is as if we were created prone to death
So we hasten to the caller of death
١٥. كَأَنّا خُلِقنا عُرضَةً لِمَنيَّةٍ
فَنَحنُ إِلى داعي المَنونِ عِجالُ
16. We tread lightly over the surface of the earth and its interiors weigh down upon us
When death descends heavily
١٦. نَخِفُّ عَلى ظَهرِ الثَرى وَبُطونُهُ
عَلَينا إِذا حَلَّ المَماتُ ثِقالُ
17. And the turns of days are nothing but incisors
Falling upon our lifespans and cutting edges
١٧. وَما نُوَبُ الأَيّامِ إِلّا أَسِنَّةٌ
تَهاوى إِلى أَعمارِنا وَنِصالُ
18. And more comfortable than us in life are beasts
And firmer than us in dust are mountains
١٨. وَأَنعَمُ مِنّا في الحَياةِ بَهائِمٌ
وَأَثبَتُ مِنّا في التُرابِ جِبالُ
19. I am the man whose honor is not near transgression
And in me the aggressor has no saying against me
١٩. أَنا المَرءُ لا عِرضي قَريبٌ مِنَ العِدى
وَلا فيَّ لِلباغي عَلَيَّ مَقالُ
20. And honor is nothing but the best limb of a man
It is injured while the sayings of the enemies are arrows
٢٠. وَما العِرضُ إِلّا خَيرُ عُضوٍ مِنَ الفَتى
يُصابُ وَأَقوالُ العُداةِ نِبالُ
21. Dignified, so if an ignorant man does not protect my right
I asked how the blind could be guided
٢١. وَقورٌ فَإِن لَم يَرعَ حَقِّيَ جاهِلٌ
سَأَلتُ عَنِ العَوراءِ كَيفَ تُقالُ
22. To how far do I walk the lame donkey as if at night
And I entrust it with ambling and pacing
٢٢. إِلى كَم أَمَشّي العَيسَ غَرثى كَليلَةً
وَأَودَعُ مِنها رَبرَبٌ وَرِئالُ
23. I dodge as if I am in the morning a chased one
And I move as if I am in the darkness a specter
٢٣. أَروغُ كَأَنّي في الصَباحِ طَريدَةٌ
وَأَسري كَأَنّي في الظَلامِ خَيالُ
24. Our mounts prance with us every difficulty
Light they hide with buttresses and sand hills
٢٤. تَمَطى بِنا أَذوادُنا كُلَّ مَهمَهٍ
خَفائِفَ تُخفيها رُبىً وَرِمالُ
25. They slapped their forelocks longing to you
While their feeding lasted and weariness was long
٢٥. لَطَمنا بِأَيديها الفَيافي إِلَيكُمُ
وَقَد دامَ إِغذاذٌ وَطالَ كَلالُ
26. Emerging from a night as if behind it
Is the hand of dawn in a sword its sharpness polished
٢٦. خَوارِجُ مِن لَيلٍ كَأَنَّ وَراءَهُ
يَدَ الفَجرِ في سَيفٍ جَلاهُ صِقالُ
27. Straightening the necks of the meteors, its stars
So no straying is above them
٢٧. تُقَوِّمُ أَعناقَ المَطيِّ نُجومُهُ
فَلَيسَ لِسارٍ فَوقَهُنَّ ضَلالُ
28. And pacing in front of the riding camels maintenance
Having from the skins of the trotting she-camels shoes
٢٨. وَهَوجاءَ قُدّامَ الرِكابِ مُغِذَّةٍ
لَها مِن جُلودِ الرازِحاتِ نِعالُ
29. We traveled on them beautiful like the moon and prominence
And inclined to the wilderness while it was a crescent
٢٩. رَحَلنا بِها كَالبَدرِ حُسناً وَشارَةً
وَمِلنا إِلى البَيداءِ وَهيَ هِلالُ
30. To you, God's trustee, I described its land
With their trotting the transfer drew near to it
٣٠. إِلَيكَ أَمينَ اللَهِ وَسَّمتُ أَرضَها
بِأَخفافِها يَدنو بِهِنَّ نِقالُ
31. The hands of the Commander of the Faithful are many
And the wealth of the Leader of the Faithful is abased
٣١. أَيادي أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ كَثيرَةٌ
وَمالُ إِمامِ المُؤمِنينَ مُذالُ
32. And his times which go badly are short
And his days which make happy are long
٣٢. وَأَوقاتُهُ اللاتي تَسوءُ قَصيرَةٌ
وَأَيّامُهُ اللاتي تَسُرُّ طِوالُ
33. Of the fencers, the resolute, and the horses vie in boast
And if supporters disappear and men are few
٣٣. مِنَ الضارِبينَ الهامَ وَالخَيلُ تَدَّعي
وَإِن غابَ أَنصارٌ وَقَلَّ رِجالُ
34. They are the people - if battles turned away they advanced
And if asked they granted largesse
٣٤. هُمُ القَومُ إِن وَلّى المَعاريكَ أَقبَلوا
وَإِن سُئِلوا بَذلَ النَوالِ أَنالوا
35. And if the people of gloom were met they sparkled
And if the slender spears inclined they inclined
٣٥. وَإِن طَرَقَ القَومُ العَبوسُ تَهَلَّلوا
وَإِن مالَتِ السُمرُ الذَوابِلُ مالوا
36. My eyelids, I do not see but imperfect
As if the people are imperfect while you are perfection
٣٦. أُجيلُ لِحاظي لا أَرى غَيرَ ناقِصٍ
كَأَنَّ الوَرى نَقصٌ وَأَنتَ كَمالُ
37. For us every day in your sublime traits is an issue
And a benefit that does not run out and bestowal
٣٧. لَنا كُلَّ يَومٍ في مَعاليكَ شُعبَةٌ
وَفائِدَةٌ لا تَنقَضي وَنَوالُ
38. And you are the one who let us attain every goal
Above the necks of the stars its range
٣٨. وَأَنتَ الَّذي بَلَّغتَنا كُلَّ غايَةٍ
لَها فَوقَ أَعناقِ النُجومِ مَجالُ
39. So your promise did not chase favors an hour
Nor from the benefit of your hands did endeavor wane
٣٩. فَما طَرَدَ النَعماءَ وَعدُكَ ساعَةً
وَلا غَضَّ مِن جَدوى يَدَيكَ مَطالُ
40. When you speak the deed is second to its utterance
And the best saying is what action follows
٤٠. إِذا قُلتَ كانَ الفِعلُ ثانِيَ نُطقِهِ
وَخَيرُ مَقالٍ ما تَلاهُ فَعالُ
41. Remove from me the enemies' greed with a conquest
Where no safety remains but fighting prolongs
٤١. أَزِل طَمَعَ الأَعداءِ عَنّي بِفَتكَةٍ
فَلا سِلمَ إِلّا أَن يَطولَ قِتالُ
42. For the selves of the breakers of pledges are violable
And the blood of traitors is licit
٤٢. فَإِنَّ نُفوسَ الناكِثينَ مُباحَةٌ
وَإِنَّ دِماءَ الغادِرينَ حَلالُ
43. And roll up your sleeve for none but you is the sword's helper
Nor if you sat back, the lofty deeds' accomplisher
٤٣. وَشَمِّر فَما لِلسَيفِ غَيرُكَ ناصِرٌ
وَلا لِلعَوالي إِن قَعَدتَ مَصالُ
44. And who do I have on a day of pale dust storm
To attain with the spear tips and attain
٤٤. وَمَن لي بِيَومٍ شاحِبٍ في عَجاجِهِ
أَنالُ بِأَطرافِ القَنا وَأُنالُ
45. For you is the blond horse in the air its sun
Having from the disappearances of dust its majesty
٤٥. لَكَ الفَرَسُ الشَقراءُ في الجَوِّ شَمسُهُ
لَها مِن غَياباتِ الغُبارِ جِلالُ
46. Destine me to rest while people fall short of me
And an uncle envies me over whom is maternal aunt
٤٦. أَرِدني مُراداً يَقعُدُ الناسُ دونَهُ
وَيَغبِطُني عَمٌّ عَلَيهِ وَخالُ
47. And do not listen to what an envier says
For most of the enemies' sayings are absurd
٤٧. وَلا تَسمَعَن مِن حاسِدٍ ما يَقولُهُ
فَأَكثَرُ أَقوالِ العُداةِ مُحالُ
48. Joy to you, the new fast, and shades do not cease
Upon you from the delicate life
٤٨. هَناءٌ لَكَ الصَومُ الجَديدُ وَلا تَزَل
عَلَيكَ مِنَ العَيشِ الرَقيقِ ظِلالُ
49. And your generosity the downpour's spring and breezes
Of soft south and north greeted your protection
٤٩. وَجادَكَ مُنهَلُّ الغَمامِ وَصافَحَت
حِماكَ جَنوبٌ غَضَّةٌ وَشَمالُ
50. And hope for you did not stop from our hopes and desires
Even if the enemy's household became miserable
٥٠. وَلا زالَ مِن آمالِنا وَرَجائِنا
عَلَيكَ وَإِن ساءَ العَدوَّ عِيالُ
51. And in every day for us from you is a pleasure
And for the enemies so calamity and descending
٥١. وَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ عِندَنا مِنكَ عارِضٌ
وَعِندَ الأَعادي فَيلَقٌ وَنِزالُ
52. I am the saying envied man, few from people
I ascended and none ascends above my saying
٥٢. أَنا القائِلُ المَحسودُ قَلي مِنَ الوَرى
عَلَوتُ وَما يَعلو عَلَيَّ مَقالُ
53. They say a people took virtue by their precedence
And it did not harm me that I came and they passed
٥٣. يَقولونَ حازَ الفَضلَ قَومٌ بِسَبقِهِم
وَما ضَرَّني أَنّي أَتَيتُ وَزالوا
54. No difference between me in speech and them
Except I say and they said
٥٤. وَلا فَرقَ بَيني في الكَلامِ وَبَينَهُم
بِشَيءٍ سِوى أَنّي أَقولُ وَقالوا
55. So my poetry in you alone always
And none coerced me but to you supplication
٥٥. فَلا زالَ شِعري فيكَ وَحدَكَ كُلُّهُ
وَلا اِضطَرَّني إِلّا إِلَيكَ سُؤالُ