1. My messenger, ask if she seeks intimacy
Or else the bending cane branch will help me
١. أَمُبَلِّغي ما أَطلُبُ الغَزَلُ
أَم لا فَتُنجِدُني القَنا الذُبُلُ
2. The sword is more apt to seek refuge in
Than what the eyes of gazelles can haul
٢. وَالسَيفُ أَولى أَن أَعوذَ بِهِ
مِمّا تَجُرُّ الأَعيُنُ النُجُلُ
3. I am the one time set out with
And the roads took shelter in my strides
٣. وَأَنا الَّذي نَفَرَ الزَمانُ بِهِ
وَاِستَأنَسَت بِرِكابِهِ السُبُلُ
4. I walk deceived, yet company me
Instead of men, the dainty and the docile
٤. أَسري عَلى غَرَرٍ وَتَصحَبُني
دونَ الرِجالِ الأَينُقُ الذُلُلُ
5. Neither wealth lures me nor
Does ransom free it, alms and ransom
٥. لا المالُ يَجذِبُني إِلَيهِ وَلا
يَعتاقُها الحَوذانُ وَالنَفَلُ
6. Urgency hastens me to the farthest goals
A renter pushes me the respites
٦. عَجِلٌ بِيَ الشَدُّ الحَثيثُ إِلى ال
غاياتِ خَرّاجٌ بِيَ المَهَلُ
7. In a thicket they left their sitting
Slunk after night and hunkered down
٧. في غِلمَةٍ تَرَكوا قُعودَهُمُ
نَزَعوا وَراءَ اللَيلِ وَاِنحَفَلوا
8. When the bidding grew hot they
Sufficed with what the rattle allotted us
٨. وَإِذا المَزادُ حَمى صَلاصِلَهُ
قَنِعوا بِما تَقضي لَنا المُقَلُ
9. One with ringed ears, you'd think
A boulder cleaving his chest is a mountain
٩. وَمُقَوَّمِ الأُذُنَينِ تَحسَبُهُ
طَوداً أَنافَ بِصَدرِهِ جَبَلُ
10. Haughty, his overtallness upright
A neck too short for his shoulders
١٠. مُتَطاوِلٌ يوفي مُعَرِّدُهُ
عُنقاً تَضاءَلَ خَلفَها الكَفَلُ
11. I overstrained him and the pulley squeezes him
Water drips from his flanks
١١. أَجهَدتُهُ وَالكَرُّ يَعصِرُهُ
وَالماءُ مِن عِطفَيهِ يَنهَمِلُ
12. And a highborn the time set out with
After reason in her remained still
١٢. وَنَجيبَةٍ نَهَضَ الزَمانُ بِها
مِن بَعدِ ما قَعَدَت بِها العُقُلُ
13. She split the howdahs of her mounts and slipped
Into desolation, her cheek helped by sands
١٣. صَدَعَت عَرانينَ الرُبى وَنَجَت
هَوَجاً وَيُنجِدُ وَخدَها الرَمَلُ
14. She sought the Commander of the Faithful but
No grace turned to her nor a respite
١٤. طَلَبَت أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وَلا
أَينٌ أَطافَ بِها وَلا مَهَلُ
15. Where the sublime is beyond doubt
And kindness unmarred by stinginess
١٥. حَيثُ العُلى لا يُستَرابُ بِها
وَالجودُ لا يَلوي بِهِ البَخَلُ
16. And obedience hoped for, if praised
Are the hands of men, though few who ask
١٦. وَالطائِعُ المَرجوُّ إِن حُمِدَت
أَيدي الرِجالِ وَقَلَّ مَن يَسَلُ
17. A king, when destriers hem him in
Stumbling increases and disasters abound
١٧. مَلِكٌ إِذا حُصِرَ السِماطُ بِهِ
كَثُرَ العِثارُ وَطَبَّقَ الزَلَلُ
18. And when the dais carries his nape
Upon his palm the kisses rave
١٨. وَإِذا السَريرُ سَما بِقَدَتِهِ
غَرِيَت بِظاهِرِ كَفِّهِ القُبَلُ
19. The Imams her merits obscured from
And entrusted her their light, the messengers
١٩. جَلَتِ الأَئِمَّةُ عَن مَناقِبِهِ
وَاِستَودَعَتهُ نورَها الرُسُلُ
20. And when flaws marched to him, a face appeared
That gazes fell short before its grace
٢٠. وَإِذا العُيوبُ مَشَت إِلَيهِ بَدا
وَجهٌ تَخاوَصُ دونَهُ المُقَلُ
21. So glances hold back and venture
And words cease and reconnect
٢١. فَاللَحظُ مُحتَبِسٌ وَمُنطَلِقٌ
وَالقَولُ مُنقَطِعٌ وَمُتَّصِلُ
22. A man pledged to bliss to never
Let through his hearing a reproof
٢٢. طَرِبٌ إِلى النَعماءِ عاهَدها
أَن لا يَمُرَّ بِسَمعِهِ عَذَلُ
23. He meets tribulations, his face serene
And wades them though his heart a coward
٢٣. يَلقى الخُطوبَ وَوَجهُهُ طَلِقٌ
وَيَخوضُهُنَّ وَقَلبُهُ جَذِلُ
24. His mirth hides his zeal
Like poison disguised by honey its taste
٢٤. تُخفي بَشاشَتُهُ حَميَّتَهُ
كَالسُمِّ مَوَّهَ طَعمَهُ العَسَلُ
25. A folk whose swords were adornment
For those they struck and those they slew
٢٥. مِن مَعشَرٍ كانَت سُيوفُهُمُ
حَلياً لِمَن ضَرَبوا وَمَن عَطِلوا
26. With glory they robe those they plundered
And remembrance revive those they killed
٢٦. بِالفَخرِ يَكسونَ الَّذي سَلَبوا
وَالذِكرِ يُحيونَ الَّذي قَتَلوا
27. You're bounty if hopes rise beyond limit
And you're refuge if transgression floods
٢٧. أَنتَ الجَوادُ إِذا غَلا أَمَلٌ
وَالمُستَجارُ إِذا طَغى وَجَلُ
28. With fault finders your hand launched at them
A piercing blow that makes the valiant wilt
٢٨. وَمُطاعِنٍ بَعَثَت يَداكَ لَهُ
طَعناً يَذُلُّ لِوَقعِهِ البَطَلُ
29. You knew floods are held back
When downpours are prolonged by the rain
٢٩. وَعَلِمتَ أَنَّ السَيلَ يَدفَعُهُ
لَمّا أَطَلَّ العارِضُ الهَطَلُ
30. By God, your lance on the day you lunge with it
And waters no tumult nor silt to impede
٣٠. لِلَّهِ رُمحُكَ يَومَ تورِدُهُ
وَالماءُ لا صَردٌ وَلا عَلَلُ
31. The well-knit, straight shouldered horse
Waves can't make it sway, nor "short rope" its name
٣١. خَطِلُ المَناكِبِ لا يَميلُ بِهِ
مَوجٌ وَمِن نَعتِ القَنا الخَطَلُ
32. And two lancers when they block one another
They duel, for the spear there's zeal
٣٢. وَمُطاعِنَينِ إِذا هُما اِعتَرَضا
يَتَطاعَنانِ وَلِلقَنا زَجَلُ
33. The griffin swooped down on its prey
And went rolling it, the hyena's whoop
٣٣. نَزَلَ الهَصورُ عَلى فَريسَتِهِ
وَمَضى يُدَحرِجُ نَجوَهُ الجُعَلُ
34. Two elders, this one's an undying hero
And that one's a spineless weakling
٣٤. شَيخانِ هَذا فارِسٌ بَطَلٌ
أَبَداً وَهَذا عاجِزٌ مَذِلُ
35. So when time wanted their measure
The thoroughbred snorted and the dapple shambled
٣٥. فَإِذا الزَمانُ أَرادَ قَودَهُما
حَرَنَ الجَوادُ وَأَصحَبَ الوَعِلُ
36. You who seek excess of days, halt
Longing and haste from you recoil
٣٦. أَمُريدَ زائِدَةِ الأَنامِ أَقِم
هَيهاتَ مِنكَ الشَدُّ وَالعَجَلُ
37. Do you want the prides of glory when
No she-camel's in it for you, nor camel stallion?
٣٧. أَتُريدُ غاياتِ الفَخارِ وَما
لَكَ ناقَةٌ فيهِ وَلا جَمَلُ
38. So rein in your sheep away from the rutters
And leave the deluge to drench the camels
٣٨. فَاِنعَق بِضَأنِكَ عَن أَناطِحِهِ
وَدَعِ الغَميرَ تَلُسُّهُ الإِبِلُ
39. O closer of days against a dodderer
By his right, untouched by tremors his palsy
٣٩. يا قابِضَ الأَيّامِ عَن وَجَلٍ
بِيَمينِهِ عَن مَسِّها شَلَلُ
40. What you secured from frights will dwindle
And surety in the impregnable does not dwindle
٤٠. يَئِلُ الَّذي أَمَّنتَ رَوعَتَهُ
وَالعُصمُ في الأَطوادِ لا تَئِلُ
41. For your friend, the world's a paradise
And for the mother of those who oppose you, a wasteland
٤١. لِوَليَّكَ الدُنيا مُزَخرَفَةٌ
وَلِأُمِّ مَن عادَيتَهُ الهَبَلُ
42. If your enemy said of you a flaw
They said the sky, its skin's tanned
٤٢. اِن قالَ فيكَ عِداكَ مَنقَصَةً
قالوا السَماءُ أَديمُها نَغِلُ
43. Beware bringing your enemy
Close through guiles and tricks
٤٣. اِحذَر عَدوَّكَ أَن تُقَرِّبَهُ
مِن قَلبِكَ الخَدَعاتُ وَالحِيَلُ
44. Be not duped by his composure even if
Words and deeds pleased you
٤٤. لا تُخدَعَنَّ عَلى رُقاهُ وَلَو
أَرضاكَ مِنهُ القَولُ وَالعَمَلُ
45. For his heart's full of venom against you even
If dread made him cringe before you
٤٥. فَفُؤادُهُ حَنِقٌ عَلَيكَ وَإِن
طاطا وَذَلَّلَهُ لَكَ الوَجَلُ
46. Truly the one enamored with your love's a lad
Blame does not restrain him nor rebuke
٤٦. إِنَّ المُجَرَّدَ في هَواكَ فَتىً
لا اللَومُ يَردَعُهُ وَلا العَذَلُ
47. Like Hussein, in his breast is
A heart that thinks of none but you
٤٧. مِثلُ الحُسَينِ فَبَينَ أَضلُعِهِ
قَلبٌ بِغَيرِكَ ما لَهُ شَغَلُ
48. He praises you with all hidden knowledge
Eternally, the veil of the unseen drawn
٤٨. يُثني عَلَيكَ بِكُلِّ عارِفَةٍ
أَبَداً وَسِترُ الغَيبِ مُنسَدِلُ
49. That sword you prolonged its estrangement
And rarely its notches got
٤٩. ذاكَ الحُسامُ أَطَلتَ جَفوَتَهُ
وَلَقَلَّ ما ظَفِرَت بِهِ الخِلَلُ
50. While you made it promises and hopes
Clung to them, twisted round hopes
٥٠. وَوَعَدتَهُ وَعداً تَعَلَّقَهُ
وَالوَعدُ مَلويٌّ بِهِ الأَمَلُ
51. So rally it in time of need and you'll find
A wrath making mountains fall short of it
٥١. فَاِنهَض بِهِ في النائِباتِ تَجَد
عَضباً تَساقَطُ دونَهُ القُلَلُ
52. And surrender the Commander of the Faithful when
Fray is joined and death's time due
٥٢. وَاِسلَم أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ إِذا
شَرَعَ الحِمامُ وَصَمَّمَ الأَجَلُ
53. Girded with the baldric of a realm
Wherein Creation's turns are curled
٥٣. مُتَقَلِّداً بِنِجادِ مَملَكَةٍ
في غِمدِها الأَقدارُ وَالدُوَلُ
54. And delight on the feast day, and neither
Did the enemies delight nor perceive
٥٤. وَاِنعَم بِيَومِ المِهرِجانِ وَلا
نَعِمَ العُداةُ بِهِ وَلا عَقَلوا
55. So you're the vigil when they're asleep
Eternally, and you're the morning when they alight
٥٥. فَلَأَنتَ نَهّاضٌ إِذا قَعَدوا
أَبَداً وَصَعّادٌ إِذا نَزَلوا
56. A day cycles renew it and
Seasons gone by settled on it
٥٦. يَومٌ تُجَدِّدُهُ السُنونَ وَقَد
دَرَجَت عَلَيهِ الأَعصُرُ الأُوَلُ
57. And people on it distraught, reeling
Aching for shade, drunk on full
٥٧. فَالناسُ فيهِ مُعَلَّلٌ طَرِبٌ
يَرجو الأُوارَ وَشارِبٌ ثَمِلُ
58. All that crowds of sorrows gathered in it
Joy's onrush scattered and undid
٥٨. ما اِستَجمَعَت فِرَقُ الهُمومِ بِهِ
إِلّا وَبَدَّدَ جَمعَها الجَذَلُ
59. It's an occasion winter descended with
While summer sets out and migrates
٥٩. هُوَ خِطَّةٌ نَزَلَ الشِتاءُ بِها
وَالصَيفُ مُنطَلِقٌ وَمُرتَحِلُ
60. And I am one who loves you even if
Canes and can whips fall down on me
٦٠. وَأَنا الَّذي أَهوى هَواكَ وَلَو
ضُرِبَت عَلَيَّ البيضُ وَالأَسَلُ
61. The Ghalib tribes trod on my heel
And glories took to standing where I stood
٦١. وَطِئَت قَبائِلُ غالِبٍ عَقِبي
وَتَشَرَّفَت بِمَقامِيَ الحِلَلُ
62. And I gouged out the eye of stinginess since
Your gifts to me multiplied, the longnecked jars
٦٢. وَفَقَأتُ عَينَ البُخلِ مُذ كَثُرَت
بِنَداكَ عِندي الأَينُقُ البُزُلُ
63. And a lurker lies in ambush for my game
Then seizes it while I'm still rubbing the sleep away
٦٣. وَمُراغِمٍ يَغدو عَلى قَنَصي
فَيَحوزُهُ وَيَدايَ مُحتَبِلُ
64. I braved the torrent and passed its entirety
While my gown trapped the damp beneath me
٦٤. خُضتُ الغِمارَ فَجازَ جُمَّتَها
دوني وَطَبَّقَ ثَوبِيَ البَلَلُ
65. And one reminding me a defiled kinship
Like the sun, its new born light the rim
٦٥. وَمُذَكِّري رَحِماً مُعَنَّسَةً
كَالشَمسِ أَخلَقَ ضَوءَها الطَفَلُ
A womb clinging to one estranged as
٦٦. رَحِمٌ تَعَلَّقُ بِالبَعيدِ كَما
عَلِقَ الحِباءَ النازِحُ الطُوَلُ
67. The creeping bindweed clings, the trailing
Two that seize parts of my livelihood
٦٧. اِثنانِ يَقتَطِعانِ مِن فُرَصي
وَأَنا الَّذي أُرخي وَأَهتَبِلُ
68. While I who give freely and abandon decorum
My purpose in praising you is recalcitrance
٦٨. غَرَضي بِمَدحِكَ أَن يُطاوِعَني
عِوَجٌ بِأَيّامي وَيَعتَدِلُ
69. In my days complies and makes peace with me
I stand improvising before you hindered
٦٩. وَأَقومُ بَينَ يَدَيكَ مُرتَجِلاً
لا العَيُّ يَقطَعُني وَلا الخَطَلُ
70. Neither by blindness nor misstep
Though all praise inclines to facets
٧٠. وَلَئِن نَما كُلُّ المَديحِ إِلى
فَلَتاتِ قَولي وَاِنتَمى الغَزَلُ
71. Of my words and intimacy my amorous verse
Yet earth is mother to all dusts
٧١. فَالأَرضُ أُمُّ التُربِ أَجمَعِهِ
وَأَبو البَريَّةِ كُلِّها رَجُلُ