
I wonder if my loved ones since they left

أترى الأحباب مذ ظعنوا

1. I wonder if my loved ones since they left
Have found what I have found, the pain of absence,

١. أَتُرى الأَحبابُ مُذ ظَعَنوا
وَجَدوا لِلبَينِ ما أَجِدُ

2. The sleepless nights, the anguished heart and mind.
Their constancy was but pretense it seems,

٢. لا يَبِت ذاكَ الحَبيبُ كَما
باتَ هَذا القَلبُ وَالكَبِدُ

3. A show of courage hiding fear.
But should they come again to me some day

٣. كانَ زوراً بَعدَ بَينِهِمُ
وَغُروراً ذَلِكَ الجَلَدُ

4. My faithful heart will be the same as when they went away.

٤. وَمَتى تَدنُ الدِيارُ بِهِم
يَجِدوا قَلبي كَما عَهِدوا