
My neighbor was astonished when she saw me

تعجبُ جارتي لما رأتني

1. My neighbor was astonished when she saw me
Like a captive doe nursing my wounds

١. تَعَجَّبُ جارَتي لَمّا رَأَتني
كَذاتِ النوطِ مَخدِرَتي جِراحي

2. As if you've never seen a prisoner before
Led on a camel, writhing in agony

٢. كَأَنَّكِ لَم تَرَي قَبلي أَسيراً
يُقادُ بِهِ عَلى جَمَلٍ رَداحِ

3. On the tracks of red camels and raiding parties
Divided among greedy, rapacious thieves

٣. عَلى آثارِ أَحمِرَةٍ وَفِرقٍ
تُقَسَّمُ بَينَ أَغوِلَةٍ شِحاحِ

4. When they brought me down, I was free
Fighting them at the bend of the wing

٤. فَلَمّا أَنزَلوني كُنتُ حُرّاً
أُجالِدُهُم لَدى كَفَلِ الجَناحِ

5. The men took turns bringing me down
From the impudent, decked-out horse

٥. تَعاوَرَهُ الرِجالُ فَأَنزَلوني
عَنِ الفَرَسِ المُطَهَّمَةِ الوَقاحِ

6. When my tribe grew large and absent
I was captured, bound in shackles

٦. فَلَمّا أَن كُثِرتُ وَغابَ قَومي
أُسِرتُ إِسارَ مُحتَبَلِ البَراحِ

7. They saw me alone, so they warned me
And their threats did not make me blink

٧. رَأَوني مُفرَداً فَتَناذَروني
وَما صَدَعَت كُماتُهُم جِماحي

8. I had frightened them, once on horses
Charging amidst the sandstorms like ghosts

٨. وَقَد رَوَّعتُهُم قِدماً بِخَيلٍ
جَوانِفَ في الأَعِنَّةِ كَالسَراحِ

9. Just as their sandstorms intensified
They came at us like violent thunder

٩. إِذا بَلَّت أَعِنَّتَها بَناني
خَرَجنَ بِنا نَواشِطَ كَالقِراحِ

10. Had I gathered their drinking cups
On a meadow, its pastor a hawk

١٠. وَلَو أَنّي جَمَعتُ لَهُم شَواري
عَلى نَهدٍ مَراكِلُهُ شَناحِ

11. Those who came at me would not recognize me
As I overflowed at them, weapons in hand

١١. لِأَنكَرَني الَّذينَ تَبادَروني
عَلَيَّ مَفاضَتي وَمَعي سِلاحي

12. It was as if their army swarmed around me
Plunging into the sea's deep darkness

١٢. كَأَنَّ عَدِيَّهُم حَولي عُبابٌ
تَغَطمَّطَ في قَموسِ البَحرِ ضاحي

13. And my warriors vanished, leaving me alone
Battling them, swooping with my wings

١٣. وَغابَ حَلائِبي وَبَقيتُ فَرداً
أُماصِعُهُم وَنَهضُكَ بِالجَناحِ

14. So I do not know, though I suspect
Will the innocent ones make peace with me?

١٤. فَما أَدري وَظَنّي كُلُّ ظَنٍّ
أَيُسلِمُني بَنو البَرءِ اللِقاحِ

15. Lest the wine-drinkers kill me in confusion
And I become one of the winds' dead

١٥. فَتَقتُلَني بَنو خَمرٍ بِذُهلٍ
وَكِدتُ أَكونَ مِن قَتلى الرِياحِ

16. I expect the penitents will occupy you
Coming to you at dawn with the departing souls

١٦. وَظَنّي أَن سَتَشغَلُكَ النَدامَى
غُدُوُّهُم إِلَيكَ مَعَ الرَواحِ

17. The dove will sing to you each dawn
On the hillocks at first light

١٧. تُغَنّيكَ الحَمامَةُ كُلَّ فَجرٍ
عَلى التُكَآتِ في النُجُبِ الصِباحِ

18. When you leave a regretful one at night
Promising to meet him at dawn

١٨. إِذا فارَقتَ نَدماناً بِلَيلٍ
تُواعِدُهُ لِقاءَكَ ذا صَباحِ

19. If your brother disappears from you
He will choke with thirst like hot embers

١٩. وَإِنَّ أَخاكَ إِن غُيِّبتَ عَنهُ
يَغَصُّ بِنُغبَةِ الماءِ القَراحِ

20. If you were the captive, do not hide it
I would visit them in great distress

٢٠. فَلَو كُنتَ الأَسيرَ وَلا تَكُنهُ
لَزُرتُهُم بِمُرتَجَفِ النَواحِ

21. If they do not release any captive among you
Then ride the horses south of the meadows

٢١. فَإِن لَم يُطلِقوا مِنكُم أَسيراً
فَقودوا الخَيلَ أَسفَلَ مِن رَباحِ

22. Let no mercy for us hold you back
For some loss paves the way for success

٢٢. وَلا يَردَعكُمُ شَفَقٌ عَلَينا
فَبَعضُ القَودِ أَدنى لِلنَجاحِ

23. Loss after loss will heal
The fiery pain of the wounded

٢٣. وَإِنَّ القَودَ بَعدَ القَودِ يَشفي
ذَوي الأَضغانِ مِن لَهَبِ الأُجاحِ