1. To you my gift, and my heart is lovelorn
Its dwelling becomes it, and it still dreams
١. إِلَيْكِ هَدِيَّتِي وَقَلْبِي مُتَيَّمُ
مُنَاهُ يَكُونُهَا وَمَا زَالَ يَحْلُمُ
2. And my soul wished that my gift would become you
So we live with our two souls together delighted
٢. وَرُوحِي تَمَنَّى لَوْ تَصِيرُ هَدِيَّتِي
فَنَحْيَا بِرُوحَيْنَا مَعًا نَتَنَعَّمُ
3. And if my kingdom with its seas and pearls
I would send you the pearls smiling
٣. وَلَوْ أَنَّ مِلْكِي ذِي الْبِحَارُ بِدُرِّهَا
بَعَثْتُ إِلَيْكِ الدُّرَّ وَهْيَ تَبَسَّمُ
4. And if I gifted you an orchard vast
Filled with all the heart contains, it would have spoken
٤. وَلَوْ كُنْتُ أُهْدِيكِ الْبَسِيطَةَ جَنَّةً
وَفَاحَتْ بِمَا فِي الْقَلْبِ كَادَتْ تَكَلَّمُ
5. And if I gave you the stars as a gift
And they shone proudly in your light, sighing
٥. وَلَوْ كُنْتُ أُعْطِيكِ النُّجُومَ هَدِيَّةً
وَصَارَتْ تُبَاهِي، مِنْ ضِيَائِكِ تَنْهَمُ
6. And if I gifted you poetry singing your praises
My verses with your attributes ring
٦. وَلَوْ كُنْتُ أُهْدِيكِ الْقَرِيضَ مُمَدِّحًا
وَصَارَ قَرِيضِي من سِمَاتِكِ يَنْغَمُ
7. Gaining approval however much I gave would please me
Though I’m deficient, I remain pained
٧. فَنَالَ الرِّضَا مَا قَدْ بَذَلْتُ لَسَرَّنِي
وَصِرْتُ عَلَى التَّقْصِيرِ ذَا أَتَأَلَّمُ