
Alive you will remain though shrouds enfold you,

في ذكرى الشابي

1. Alive you will remain though shrouds enfold you,
Immortal though they said and machinated.

١. حيًا ستبقى وإن لفتك أكفان
خالدًا رغم ما قلوا وما شانوا

2. Your world, O poet of sorrows, flourishes
With your own soul, not what they were or became.

٢. دنياك يا شاعر الآلام عامرة
بذات نفسك لا كنا، ولا كانوا

3. You did not cast your poetry to please a whim
Nor weaken, though in their weakness they betrayed.

٣. لم تُلق شعرك في إرضاء عاطفة
ولا ضعفت وكم في ضعفهم خانوا

4. You did not flatter to beg a generous brother,
Though many flattered with poems, oh brothers!

٤. ولا تملقت تستجدي أخا كرم
وكم تملق بالأشعار إخوان!

5. Yearning for poetry has become for some of them
Goods without pride or stature.

٥. لهفي على الشعر أضحى عند بعضهم
بضاعة ما لها عز ولا شان

6. This one trades in poems professionally,
And that one's goal with poetry is a spearhead.

٦. هذا يتاجر بالأشعار محترفا
وذاك غايته بالشعر نيشان

7. This is rampant prostitution in literature,
Its daughters today are poems and melodies.

٧. هذي الدعارة في الآداب رائجة
بناتها اليوم أشعار وألحان

8. You see the diluted and wasteful collected
By the meanness of spirit, scanning and meters.

٨. ترى الميوعة والإسفاف يجمعها
بخسة الروح تقطيع وأوزان

9. So poetry became "effeminate" like its sayer,
No longer poetry, nor the artist an artist.

٩. فأصبح الشعر "خنثى" مثل قائله
لا الشعر شعر، ولا الفنان فنان

10. And every people turned mercenary with poetry,
So their share of a life of pride is loss.

١٠. وكل شعب غدا بالشعر مرتزقًا
فحظه من حياة العز خسران

11. O immortal poet leave them to their misguidance,
And leave the immortal poetry wherever they were.

١١. يا شاعر الخلد دعهم في غوايتهم
وخالد الشعر ذرهم حيثما كانوا

12. You replaced with immortality better than their friendship,
Immortality suffices you for companions and brethren.

١٢. عوضت بالخلد خيرًا من صداقتهم
كفاك بالخلد أصحاب واخلدن