
God watered Al Zubair's garden and the river's torrent flowed through its channels as long as the leaves sang.

سقى اللَه بستان الزبير ودام في

1. God watered Al Zubair's garden and the river's torrent flowed through its channels as long as the leaves sang.
So we had the blessing in his proximity like its green carpet bursting out.

١. سقى اللَه بستان الزبير ودام في
مجاريه سيل النهر ما غنت الورق

2. It is the most beautiful place over any place, its shade hosted while its water gushed.
I wander in it feeling closeness and intention, and it rightfully deserves from me remembrance and passion.

٢. فكانت لنا من نعمة في جنابه
كبزته الخضراء طالعها طلق

3. And from that quickly flowing river, its heart beats in my heart whenever I'm away from its face.

٣. هو الموضع الزاهي على كل موضع
أما ظله ضاف أما ماؤه دفق

٤. أهيم به في حالة القرب والنوى
وحق له مني التذكر والعشق

٥. ومن ذلك النهر الخفوق فؤاده
بقلبي ما غيبت عن وجهه خفق