
Why has he awakened sorrows, so the night's solitude became severe,

وحشة الليل

1. Why has he awakened sorrows, so the night's solitude became severe,
And imagination was stirred?

١. ماله ايقظ الشجون فقاست
وحشة الليل واستثار الخيالا

2. Why does he walk in processions of the night,
Conversing with its ghosts and shadows?

٢. ماله فى مواكب الليل يمشى
ويناجى اشباحه والظلالا

3. Beware the smile of the child belittles him,
A strong one wrestling generations.

٣. هين تستخفه بسمة الطفل
قوي يصارع الاجيالا

4. Baring his head before every beauty,
Seeking to extract beauty from everything.

٤. حاسر الرأس عند كل جمال
مستشف من كل شئ جمالا

5. A Sufi who broke the shackles and attained
A lifetime of rapture and supplication.

٥. ماجن حطم القيود وصوفى
قضى العمر نشوة وابتهالا

6. Made from the clay of sadness and coated with
Fire and fervor thus becoming refined steel.

٦. خلقت طينة الأسى وغشتها
نار وجد فاصبحت صلصالا

7. Then destiny proclaimed: "Be!" And so it became
The clay of misery an exemplar poet.

٧. ثم صاح القضاء كونى فكانت
طينة البؤس شاعراً مثالا

8. Who sings with the winds when they sing,
Thus inspiring his companion and the hills.

٨. يتغنى مع الرياح اذاغنت
فيشجى خميله والتلالا

9. He made every hilltop a pulpit from which
He pours upon his hearing long sorrows.

٩. صاغ من كل ربوة منبراً يسكب
فى سمعه الشجون الطوالا

10. He is a child who built from sand, palaces,
Which are his hopes, though he razed the sands.

١٠. هو طفل شاد الرمال قصورا
هى آماله ودك الرمالا

11. Like a fragrant branch perfuming people,
Though it withers from burning and inflammation.

١١. كالعود ينفح العطر للناس
ويفنى تحرقاً واشتعالا