1. O Ka'b, your brother is truly foolish,
So steady the loins of your brother, O Ka'b.
١. يا كَعبُ إِنَّ أَخاكَ مُنحَمِقٌ
فَاِشدُد إِزارَ أَخيكَ يا كَعبُ
2. Will you shed the blood of him who is sorely tried in the heat of mid-day when the serpents twist and turn?
The belts do not proclaim the place of their loins,
٢. أَتَجودُ بِالدَمِ ذي المَضِنَّةِ في ال
جُلّى وَتلوى النابُ وَالسَقبُ
3. Yet the tongues of the slanderers do not cease.
I swore an oath, and I am not a liar,
٣. تَنبو المَناطِقُ عَن جُنوبِهِم
وَأَسِنَّةُ الخَطِّيِّ لا تَنبو
4. Swore the wearer of the garment, yet his mouth was parched.
Before me looms a time of such ill traits,
٤. إِنّي حَلَفتُ فَلَستُ كاذِبَهُ
حَلفَ المُلَبِّدِ شَفَّهُ النَحبُ
5. Like the teats of a butcher's sheep, dripping blood.
When its rider wants to tighten its girth,
٥. يَنفَكُّ عِندي الدَهرَ ذو خُصِلٍ
نَهدُ الجُزارَةِ مِنهَبٌ غَربُ
6. Like a shield covered with the hides of camels,
It was pliant when first it was taken,
٦. يَشتَدُّ حينَ يُريدُ فارِسُهُ
شَدَّ الجِدايَةِ غَمَّها الكَربُ
7. While lineages and kinships were yet undivided.
You set out to give protection to those who deserved none,
٧. أَلانَ إِذ أَخَذَت مَآخِذَها
وَتَباعَدَ الأَنسابُ وَالقُربُ
8. Then you left them, though stopping them was your duty.
He who wrongs you, who could wrong you, when you avoid
٨. أَقبَلتَ تُعطي خُطَّةً غَبَناً
وَتَرَكتَها وَمَسَدُّها رَأبُ
9. The righteous and consort with the mangy scabbed ones?
War forces even the wrongdoer
٩. جانيكَ مَن يَجني عَلَيكَ وَقَد
تُعدي الصِحاحَ مَبارِكَ الجُربُ
10. To the narrow plain, though the open country be vast.
How often is a man seized for the guilt of his clan,
١٠. وَالحَربُ قَد تضطَرُّ جانِيَها
إِلى المَضيقِ وَدونَهُ الرَحبُ
11. While the guilty one goes free, the doer of the deed!
١١. وَلَرُبَّ مَأخوذٍ بِذَنبِ عَشيرَةٍ
وَنَجا المُقارِفُ صاحِبُ الذَنبِ