1. O reproacher of the bending branch, reproacher of the sand dune's illness,
Has any connection reached you after estrangement, with a language that revives my remaining vigor?
١. يامُعير الغصن قداً اهيفا
ومعير الريم مرضى الحدق
2. I was infatuated with your love, and love is delirium,
So the blame is mine, and there is no blame upon you,
٢. هل الى وصلك من بعد الجفا
بلغلة ٌ تنعشُ باقي رمقي
3. And I disobeyed the caller of passion,
So today I fell willingly into your hands,
٣. همتُ في حبك والحبّ هيام
فلي اللومُ ولا لوم ٍ عليكْ
4. Whenever I let go of your rebelliousness,
The love spell pulled me back to you,
٤. وتعاصيتُ على داعي الغرام
فوقعتُ اليوم طوعاً في يديك
5. And when my heart roamed and stood still,
Around your song, it did not move on,
٥. كلّما رمتُ أعاصيكَ الزمام
جذبتني سورة الحبّ اليك
6. And dwelled devotedly upon calling out your love,
So its shelter became exposed.
٦. وإذا جال فؤادي وقفا
حول مغناك فلم ينطلق
7. You, O you of charm and wonderful beauty,
Cause me to live when you hear me.
٧. وعلى نادي هواك اعتكفا
فغدى مأمنه في فرق
8. You turned away from me when I was your lover,
So the place I lay in lamented after you left.
٨. أنت ياذا الدلّ والحسن البديع
لي بثّ لْك لو تسمعه
9. You have reached the end of grace interceding,
And without wrong, it appears to sever it.
٩. بنتَ عن جنبي وقد كنت الضجيع
فنبا بعدك بي مضجعه
10. Verily, he who tended my heart with estrangement,
Burdened the heart with what it could not endure
١٠. قد وصلت الحبل في الفي شفيع
وبلا ذنب بدا تقطعه
11. Oh! From one with strength I was weakened,
By passion, if only passion was not created!
١١. انّ من راع فؤادي بالجفا
كلّف القلب بما لم يطق
12. I have become, due to love of you, one with an afflicted eyelid,
My burning chest, my tears flooding,
١٢. آه من ذي قوة قد ضعُفا
بالهوى ليت الهوى لم يُخلق
13. The pencil of one with a wounded heart,
Does it avoid every flashing lightning?
١٣. بتُ من حبّك ذا طرف قريح
محرقي وجدي ودمعي غامري
14. I do not meet, like Qais ibn Dharih,
What I meet, and Qais Al-Aamiri.
١٤. خضل الأردان ذا قلب جريح
أتحرَّى كل برق حاجري
15. No, not even like Orwah in what has passed,
Some of what I faced in love, I faced.
١٥. مالقى القيسان قيس بن ذريح
ما ألاقيه وقيس العامري
16. If only the religion of love was not created when it was created,
Its pledge would not have been tied around my neck.
١٦. لا ولا عروة فيما سلفا
بعض ما لاقيتُ في الحب لقي
17. My soul in the morning became like scattered pearls,
Since the body withered away in its weakness.
١٧. ليت دين الحبّ لمّا خُلقا
لم تقم بيعته في عنقي
18. And I became in my person an example,
Manifest to people in its form.
١٨. اصبحتْ روحي في مثل الخلال
مذ تلاشى الجسم في علّته
19. Whoever saw me, my phantom imagined,
And doubt in his vigilance overcame him.
١٩. وانا اصبحت عن شخصي مثال
بارزاً للناس في صورته
20. The ants left a trace, despite the smoothness of propriety,
It left its eyelid from my vigor.
٢٠. مَن رآني خالتي طيف الخيال
وآعتراه الشكُ في يقظته
21. I am not regretful of what was ruined,
But rather I thank it for what remained.
٢١. اثرَ النمل على صُمّ الصفا
تركتْ مقلته من رمقي
22. The Merciful created my body and emaciation,
My sight and tears, my heart and distress,
٢٢. لستُ الحاه على ما اتلفا
انّما اشكره في ما بقي
23. My eyelid and sleeplessness, my soul and moaning,
My ribs and yearning, the ardour of my heart and its flames.
٢٣. خلق الرحمن جسمي والضنا
ناظري والدمع قلبي والوجيب
24. Seven in seven were paired,
Verily this is the wondrous creation!
٢٤. مقلتي والسهد روحي والعنا
اضلعي والوجد لبّي واللهيب
25. And in harmony occurred what was different,
Its nature consistent in this arrangement.
٢٥. سبعة في سبعة قد قرُنا
ان هذا لهو الخلق العجيب
26. God suffice me and enough!
Of the agitation that stirred my burning.
٢٦. وعلى الوفُق جرى ما آختلفا
دأبُها جار ٍ بهذا النّسق
27. So serve me a cup and take a cup for yourself,
For the sweetness of life is for us to share.
٢٧. حسبي الله جسيباً وكفى
من تباريح أهاجتْ حُرقي
28. And if you are stingy with it from your lip,
Then serve it to me and take the first for yourself.
٢٨. فآسقني كاساً وخذ كاساً اليك
فلذيذ العيش ان نشتركا
29. Or just reckon it a wine from your gaze,
Which removed my devotion and made it a revelry.
٢٩. وإذا جدتَ بها من شفيتك
فآسقنيها وخذ الأولى لكا
30. And I take advantage of your prime before old age,
If the prime of life was not already prime.
٣٠. او فحسبي خمرة من ناظريك
أذهبتْ نسكي وأضحتْ منسكا
31. Or we meet, for we may not meet again.
٣١. وآغتنم صفوك قبل الرنق
ان صفا العيش فما كان الصفا
٣٢. او تلاقينا فقد لا نلتقي