
The skies are aridly eloquent,

مولد الرسول الأعظم

1. The skies are aridly eloquent,
And space and stars, and lights,

١. السموات شيقات ظماء
والفضا و النجوم , والأضواء

2. And a wondrous thing called an orphan is conceived
And he is a star that the sky has given birth to.

٢. وعجيب يسمى يتيماً ويدعى
وهو نجم قد أنجبته السماء

3. The hand of God has made him, as a
Precious pearl is made in the sea.

٣. صنعته يد الإله كما تصـ
ـنع في البحر درةُ عصماء

4. And she has chosen him for herself, so what can
Mothers and fathers possibly do?

٤. واصطفته لها فماذا عسى أن
تصنع الأمهات والآباء

5. She has breathed her spirit into him when he was barren, turning
Deserts into meadows,

٥. نفحته بروحها وهو جدب، رياض
وإذا الأفق , وهو ليل , ضياء

6. And when the horizon is night, he is light,
And when the woods are frightening, he is safety,

٦. وإذا الغابة المخيفة أمنٌ
وإذا الأذؤب الخبيثة شاء

7. And when vicious wolves are prowling, he is benevolence,
And when the universe is before his eyes, it is a

٧. وإذا الكون بين عينيه سفر
ناطقات في كنهه الأشياء

8. Journey speaking of the essence of things.
She has taught that orphan, so what is knowledge,

٨. علّمت ذلك اليتيم , فما العلم
وما حكمه , وما الحكماء

9. And what is its judgment, and who are the wise?
Whoever sees the truth traveling no longer finds

٩. من رأى الحق سافراً لم تعد تجدي
لديه الدعوى ولا الأدعياء

10. Any use for claims or claimants.
And an intelligence moves through the universe which no

١٠. وذُكاءٌ تسير في الكون لا يهـ
ـدي سراها علم ولا علماء

11. Knowledge or knowledgeable ones can fathom its secret.
Rather, the ignorant seek proofs from those

١١. إنما يطلب الأدلاء من تطـ
ـغي عليه جهالة جهلاء