
We emerged from prison inhaling the scents

نهاية التجربة

1. We emerged from prison inhaling the scents
As the lion emerges from its forest

١. خرجنا من السجن شم  الأنوف
كما تخرج الأسد من غابها

2. We pass by the edges of swords
And we approach death through its door

٢. نمر على شفرات السيوف
ونأتي المنية من بابها

3. And we refuse life, if it is defiled
By the tyrants' oppression and terrorism

٣. ونأبى الحياة, إذا دنست
بعسف الطغاة وارهابها

4. And we scorn major events
If they obstruct us with their troubles

٤. ونحتقر الحادثات الكبار
إذا اعترضتنا بأتعابها

5. And we know that destiny is inevitable
And that matters have their causes

٥. ونعلم أن القضا واقع
وأن الأمور بأسبابها

6. Our nation will know that we
Embarked on dangers for its affection

٦. ستعلم أمتنا أننا
ركبنا الخطوب حناناً بها

7. So if we win, oh how long
Hardships will submit to their seekers

٧. فإن نحن فزنا فيا طالما
تذل الصعاب لطلابها

8. And if we meet our end, oh how wonderful
Is death... it comes to its wooers

٨. وإن نلق حتفاً فيا حبذا
المنايا... تجيء لخطابها

9. We disliked staying in a nation
That is trampled under the feet of its masters

٩. أنفنا الإقامة في أمة
تداس بأقدام أربابها

10. And we marched to escape from its disgrace
With dignity, and to rid ourselves of its blemish

١٠. وسرنا لنفلت من خزيها
كراماً, ونخلص من عابها

11. And how many snakes coil around us
Yet we slip through between their fangs

١١. وكم حية تنطوي حولنا
فننسل من بين أنيابها