
How empty of Salma, the haunts!

أقفر من سلمى يناضيبُ

1. How empty of Salma, the haunts!
Within is Dhi Qar, so very ruinous,

١. أَقفَرَ من سَلمى يَناضيبُ
فَبَطنُ ذي قارٍ فَعُرقُوبُ

2. And Wasit how bare of people!
And Zat Irqiyen, swept so clean!

٢. فَواسِطٌ أَقفَرَ من أَهلِهِ
فَذاتُ قرقَينِ فَمَلحوبُ

3. Homes of the living, when no living
Course through you, no throng,

٣. مَنازِلُ الحَيِّ إِذا الحَيُّ لَم
تَشعَبهمُ عَنكَ الأَشاعيبُ

4. And I see living there among them
Both graybeard and youth like you,

٤. وَقَد أَرى الحَيَّ بها فيهمُ
كَهمِّكَ الشُبانُ وَالشيبُ

5. The sleek camel with pride has a look
As if to the onlooker a slice of the moon,

٥. وَالجامِلُ الحومُ لَهُ رَجَّةٌ
كَأَنَّهُ للناظِرِ اللوبُ

6. And smooth she-camels, every bare one
Traced to goodly steed stock.

٦. وَالصافِناتُ الجُردُ كُلٌّ إِلى
صالحِ عِرقِ الخَيلِ مَنسوبُ

7. Bamboo rods of the India make,
Perfected here into flutes.

٧. وَقُضُبُ الهنديِّ مجلوزةً
قَد قوِّمَت منها الأَنابيبُ

8. One hears, as they while away their eve,
Song and the sound of strings.

٨. يُسمَعُ للسامِرِ فيهم إِذا
أَمسوا أَغانيٌّ وَتَطريبُ

9. Will a messenger come my way from the folk
Whose flesh dainty morsels waylay?

٩. هَل تُبلِغَنّي حَرَجٌ رَسلَةٌ
قَومي كِنازُ اللَحمِ شُنخوبُ

10. The distance makes off with them from me
When the looming mirage mocks.

١٠. يَغولُ عَنّي البيدَ إِرقاصُها
إِذا احزألَّت بي الصَياهيبُ

11. A rider tries them, lover untried,
On the smooth back astride.

١١. يَبري لَها مُستَعمَلٌ لاحِبٌ
موطّأُ المَتنَينِ مَركوبُ

12. As though it were Asfa’ straight standing there
Taking cover in wrathful Muhaddab.

١٢. كَأَنَّها أَسفَعُ ذو جُدَّةٍ
آوى إِلى غَضباءُ مَهضوبُ

13. The wind of dawn gusts round him, and night
Resolved becomes in starless pall,

١٣. تَلُفُّهُ ريحٌ خَريقٌ وَلَي
لٌ حالِكُ النُقبَةِ غَربيبُ

14. And he slept bent over his ribs, while the water
Was rippling in sheets.

١٤. فَباتَ مقرروا مُكِباً عَلى
روقَيهِ وَالماءُ شآبيبُ

15. As though the water upon his back
Were necklace-pearls closely strung,

١٥. كَأَنَّما الماءُ عَلى مَتنِهِ
لؤلؤُ مَتنٍ جالَ مَثقوبُ

16. Until at the rise of morn he brushes
Each region about, still filled with fright,

١٦. حَتّى غَدا يَكلأُ أَقطارَهُ
من كُلِّ وَجهٍ وَهوَ مَرعوبُ

17. And gained something, then it provoked him,
A cushion-mate, well trained was she.

١٧. فَنالَ شَيئاً ثم هاجَت بِهِ
مؤسَدَةٌ فيهِنَّ تَدريبُ

18. A chestnut filly tightly wound, as though
She were an ostrich in Swayib.

١٨. غُضفٌ ضِراءٌ طويَت فاِنطَوَت
كَأَنَّها ضُمراً يعاسيبُ

19. So he frolicked wildly in his lonesomeness,
Fearing evil, filled with fright,

١٩. فَجالَ في وَحشيِّهِ نافِراً
رَهبَتها وَالشَرُّ مَرهوبُ

20. Till when she said she was his ally
And time for the lecher was ripe –

٢٠. حَتّى إِذا قُلنَ تَلافَينَهُ
وَالحَينُ للحاينِ مَجلوبُ

21. He addressed himself to rend her veil
With unremitting and learned urge,

٢١. ثَنى لَها يَهتِكُ أَستارَها
بِمُستَمِرٍّ فيهِ تَجريبُ

22. Till she went limp and let him take her
While his flanks were stained with red,

٢٢. حَتّى تَساقَطنَ وَخَلَّينَهُ
وَرَوقُه بالدَمِ مَخضوبُ

23. As though when he had won clear he were a star
Or a hidden coal grasped in the palm.

٢٣. كَأَنَّهُ حين نَجا كَوكَبٌ
أَو قَبَسٌ بالكَفِّ مَشبوبُ

24. The clan of Dabba – no more will I
Give them to drink what the Prophet prohibited.

٢٤. إِنَّ بَني ضَبَّة قَومي فَلَن
أَشرِبَهُم ما حَنَّتِ النيبُ

25. Their word is righteous, and their neighbor
A rock – no estrangement, no enmity!

٢٥. قَولهُم بِرٌ وَجارَتهم
حِجرٌ فَلا هُجرٌ وَلا حوبُ

26. Their fathers exalt them to high place,
And women fair of visage modest.

٢٦. يَنمي بهم آباؤهُم لِلعُلى
وَنِسوَةٌ بيضٌ مَناجيبُ

27. When no adulterer is among the clan,
The quarters of health are praised.

٢٧. وَيَحمَدُ العافي قِراهُم إِذا
ما لَم يَكُن في الحَيِّ مَحلوبُ

28. Oh thing, they are not – when a caller to the day
Of commotion calls them – troubled!

٢٨. يا شَيءُ ما هم حينَ يَدعوهُمُ
داعٍ ليومِ الرَوعِ مَكروبُ

29. They snort with rage if there saunter into view
Some serpents from Iraq.

٢٩. شُم يَغارونَ إِذا ما بَدا
من الحَيياتِ العَراقيبُ

30. As though, when they arm themselves
With slender swords in the battle,

٣٠. كَأَنَّهم يَوماً إِذا استلأموا
في الحَلَقِ البُزل المَصاعيبُ

31. Some horse-doctor runs to tend their steeds,
Seeking payment, commissioned.

٣١. يَسعى لهم جَير بأوتارِهم
طَلّابُ أَوتارٍ وَمَطلوبُ

32. As though they were ‘Ad when the ignorant
Set the close-ranked squadrons to milling,

٣٢. كَأَنَّهم عادٌ حُلوماً إِذا
طاشَ من الجَهلِ القَطاريبُ

33. While wealth is not refused its rights
And the Family their share measured.

٣٣. وَالمالُ لا يُمنَعُ من حَقِّهِ
وَالآلُّ في ذي الألِّ مَرقوبُ

34. Would that I knew – while wishes mislead
And man hopes for the impossible –

٣٤. بَل لَيتَ شِعري وَالمُنى ضَلَّةُ
وَالمَرءُ إِذ يأمُلُ مَكذوبُ

35. Will the wildlife start at me in the forenoon
Like smallpox skin in Sarhub?

٣٥. هَل تَذعَرنَّ الوحشَ بي في الضُحى
كَبداءُ كالصَعدَةِ سُرحوبُ

36. She mounts me, makes them envious – a smooth
Back like a palm-trunk growing leaves,

٣٦. مُدفَقَةُ المَتنَينِ يُنمي بها
هادٍ كجِذعِ النخلِ يَعبوبُ

37. A shoulder widely spanned where twigs sprout
Amidst branches in built-up layers,

٣٧. وَكاهِلٌ أُفرِع فيهِ مَع ال
إِفراعِ إِشرافٌ وَتَقبيبُ

38. Auspicious, beloved, the bird on the right;
And the excellent steed, beloved!

٣٨. مَيمونَةُ الطائِرِ محبوبةُ
وَالفَرَسُ الصالِحُ محبوبُ

39. She makes honey flow under me as
The wolf makes honey flow toward the sheep!

٣٩. تَعسِلُ تَحتي عَسلاناً كَما
يَعسِلُ نحوَ الغَنَمِ الذيبُ