
We brought the horses from either side of the couch

جلبنا الخيل من جنبي أريك

1. We brought the horses from either side of the couch
To the most glorious, to the flank of the archer,

١. جَلَبنا الخَيلَ مِن جَنبَي أَريكٍ
إِلى أَجَلى إِلى ضِلَعِ الرِّجامِ

2. Through every rat's hole, a pass
Severe in bondage to the enemies, protective.

٢. بِكُلِّ مُنَفِّقِ الجُرْذانِ مَجرٍ
شَديدِ الأَسْرِ لِلأَعداءِ حامِ

3. We hit whom we hit, then we retreated
To the people of nobility, towards Samama.

٣. أَصَبْنا مَن أَصَبْنا ثُمَّ فِئْنا
عَلى أَهلِ الشُّرَيفِ إِلى شَمامِ

4. And we found someone leading them - may Yazid be cursed! -
The ignorant ones without discipline.

٤. وَجَدنا مَن يَقودُ يَزيدُ مِنهُمْ
ضِعافَ الأَمرِ غَيرَ ذَوِي نِظامِ

5. So curse Yazid, condemned, or pull away
At his chin with your mouth, like a bridle.

٥. فَأَجرِ يَزِيدُ مَذمُوماً أَوِ اِنزِعْ
عَلى عَلْبٍ بِأَنفِكَ كَالخِطامِ

6. You are like the camel-driver of a caravan,
Ignorant, insulting the generous.

٦. كَأَنَّكَ عَيْرُ سالِئَةٍ ضَروطٍ
كَثيرُ الجَهلِ شَتَّامُ الكِرامِ

7. And the people certainly know you as an old man
Who babbles nonsense every year.

٧. وَإِنَّ النَّاسَ قَد عَلِمُوكَ شَيْخاً
تَهَوَّكُ بِالنَّواكَةِ كُلَّ عامِ

8. You insult the Banu Tamim
Increasingly enamored to enamorment.

٨. وَإِنَّكَ مِن هِجاءِ بَنِي تَميمٍ
كَمُزدادِ الغَرامِ إِلى الغَرامِ

9. They wished you well, but you did not affirm them
With anything but insults or contention.

٩. هُمُ مَنّوا عَلَيكَ فَلَم تُثِبهُمْ
فَتِيلاً غَيرَ شَتمٍ أَو خِصامِ

10. And they left you more heavily armed than a lizard
Who saw a falcon and scattered like an ostrich.

١٠. وَهُمْ تَرَكوكَ أَسلَحَ مِن حُبارَى
رَأَت صَقراً وَأَشرَدَ مِن نَعامِ

11. And they hit you on the head until
The brain's mother appeared from the bones.

١١. وَهُمْ ضَرَبوكَ ذاتَ الرَّأسِ حَتَّى
بَدَت أُمُّ الدِّماغِ مِنَ العِظامِ

12. When they despair it, it bristles at them -
The mother of death, fingers like tent pegs.

١٢. إِذا يَأسُونَها نَشَزَت عَلَيهِمْ
شَرَنبَثةُ الأَصابِع أُمُّ هَامِ

13. Who did you a favor that skin covered
Its foulness, and the wearing of clothes?

١٣. فَمَنَّ عَلَيكَ أَنَّ الجِلْدَ وارى
غَثِيثَتَها وَإِحرامُ الطَّعامِ

14. And they gave you the sons of enemies -
With prominent incisors and a foul odor.

١٤. وَهُمْ أَدَّوا إِلَيكَ بَنِي عِدَاءٍ
بِأَفوَقَ ناصِلٍ وَبِشَرِّ ذامِ

15. And the living Ja'far, and the living Ka'b,
And greet the sons of Wahid without any to greet back.

١٥. وَحَيَّيْ جَعفَرٍ وَالحَيَّ كَعْباً
وَحَيَّ بَنِي الوَحِيدِ بلا سَوامِ

16. For there were no vipers among us,
Nor Thaqif, nor the son of Abi 'Isam.

١٦. فَإِنَّا لَم يَكُن ضَبَّاءُ فِينا
وَلا ثَقفٌ وَلا اِبنُ أَبي عِصامِ

17. Nor immoral immorality, nor Shuyaym,
Nor your deaf-mute locking the lock.

١٧. وَلا فَضحُ الفُضُوحِ وَلا شُيَيمٌ
وَلا سُلْماكُمُ صَمِّي صَمامِ

18. You killed your neighbor and threw him
At your mother - so what is the boy's crime?

١٨. قَتَلتُمْ جارَكُمْ وَقَذَفتُمُوهُ
بِأُمِّكُمُ فَما ذَنبُ الغُلامِ

19. Verily, the one who informs al-Jarami about me -
The best words are the truthful ones.

١٩. أَلا مَن مُبلِغُ الجَرمِيِّ عَنِّي
وَخَيرُ القَولِ صادِقَةُ الكِلامِ

20. So why, when you saw Abu Mu'adh
And 'Ulbah, were you not there avenging?

٢٠. فَهَلَّا إِذْ رَأَيتَ أَبا مُعاذٍ
وَعُلبَةَ كُنتَ فيها ذا اِنتِقامِ

21. I see his hips in it
Fixed to the saddle in place of the saddlebags.

٢١. أَراهُ مَجامِعَ الوَرِكَينِ مِنها
مَكانَ السَّرْجِ أُثبِتَ بِالحِزامِ