
Roaming for Odysseus he asked who else

ومشيرا لأوذس قال من ذا

1. Roaming for Odysseus he asked who else
But great Ajax is there with the body?

١. وَمُشِيراً لأُوذِسِ قالَ مَن ذَا
دُونَ أَتريذَ لاحَ بالجُثمَانِ

2. Most loyal in the back and broad in chest
He storms ranks like a raging flood.

٢. وَهوَ أَوفى ظَهراً وأَوسَعُ صَدراً
ويَخُوضُ الصُّفُوفَ كالدِّهقانِ

3. He threw down his arms and went to them
Obeying orders and the sultan.

٣. عَنهُ أَلقى سِلاحَهُ وبِهِم جا
لَ مُطاعَ الإِيعازِ والسُّلطانِ

4. Like a lively ram with thick wool
Rising above the white sheep.

٤. مِثلَ كَبشٍ بَهِيِّ صُوفٍ أَثِيثٍ
يَتَسامى في أَبيَضِ القُطعانِ