
He was not one to swear truthfully

ما كان هطور ليقسم صادقا

1. He was not one to swear truthfully
Yet he, insistently obstinate, was convincing

١. ما كانَ هَطُورٌ لِيُقسِمَ صادِقاً
لكِنَّهُ ذُولُونَ شَدَّدَ يُقنِعُ

2. Hastening, he went and came with a yielding bow
And with the mane of a howling white wolf

٢. عَجلاً مَضى يَأتي بِقَوسٍ فارِجٍ
وَبفَروِ ذِئبٍ أَبيَضٍ يَتَلَفَّعُ

3. And with the forgiveness of the squirrel he covers his head
And the teeth of his cultured worker shine

٣. وَبِمغفَرِ السِّنجابِ يَستُرُ رَاسَهُ
وَسنانُ عامِلِهِ المُثَقَّفِ يَلمُع

4. For the stand of the fleet he went, yet
Alas! From that message he will not return

٤. لِمَواقِفِ الاُسطُولِ سارَ وَإِنَّما
هَيهاتِ مِن تِلكَ الرِّسالَةِ يَرجِعُ

5. Until when the protection, the horses and the
Knights departed, his journey hurried

٥. حَتَّى إِذا بَرِحَ الحِما والخَيلَ وال
فُرسانَ جَدَّ مَسِيرَهُ يَتسَرَّعُ