1. So he said, since you have been defeated and fled,
Then flee! For I do not seek your survival,
١. فقال إِذاً وقَد رُمتَ انهِزاماً
ففِرَّ فَلَستُ مُلتَمِساً بَقاكا
2. None but you are my consolation from the best people,
They wrong me while to me you are the only justice,
٢. فَلي بِسَواكَ عِزوةُ خَيرِ رَهطٍ
أَجَلُّوني وزَفسٌ لي سِواكا
3. And amidst the lies of all the slanderers,
I have never said an unkind word about you,
٣. وفيما بَينَ كُلِّ قُيُولِ زَفسِ
أَنا لم أقلِ قَطُّ فَتًى قِلاكا
4. You are accustomed only to mischief and nonsense,
And if you smile, many have been deceived by you,
٤. فلم تَألَف سِوى شَغَبٍ وقالٍ
وإن تَبسُل فرَبٌ قد حَباكا
5. Return to your family in your homeland,
And close between the pillows as you used to,
٥. بفُلكِكَ عُد لأَهلِكَ في سُراكا
وسُد بينَ المَرَامِد مُشتَهاكا
6. Whether you get angry or go away, it's all the same,
For this and that do not trouble me,
٦. لَئِن تَغضَب وَإن تَذهَب سَواءٌ
فَلَيسَ بِمُزعجي هذا وذاكا
7. Increase your tyranny since when I was humble
You were repelled from me, so kiss my threshold farewell!
٧. وزِد قهراً بأَني مذ خَرِيسا
بَغى عنّي فبُوسُ لها انفِكاكا
8. I take her on trips with me in my ship
While in myself I sail towards your love,
٨. أُسَيِّرُها بِصَحبي في سَفِيني
وَفي نَفَسي أَسِيرُ إلى حماكا
9. I seek from you a replacement for what you stole,
So you may know what is mine and what is yours,
٩. فَتَاتَكَ مِنكَ أَعتاضُ اقتِداراً
فَتَعلَمُ ما مَدَايَ وما مَدَاكا
10. And those here other than you fear my pride,
So they do not wish for your love.
١٠. ويَخشى مَن سواكَ هنا بِوَجهي
مُفَاخَرتي فَلاَ يَهوى هَواكا