
For the beloved's cheek the conversation was painful

لمهجة هكطور الحديث مؤلما

1. For the beloved's cheek the conversation was painful
It flowed, it flowed like an arrow piercing the joints

١. لِمُهجَةِ هَكطُورَ الحَدِيثُ مُؤَلِّماً
جَرَى جَرَى جَريَ سَهمٍ بِالمَفَاصِلِ يَنشَبُ

2. The heavily armed warrior set out on foot
In his hand the spearhead blazing

٢. تَرَجَّلَ مُصطَكَّ السِّلاحِ مُطَوِّفاً
وَفي يَدِهِ سُمرُ القَنا تَتَلَهَّبُ

3. Urging on the zeal of the horsemen
Steeling their resolve until they turned and stood firm

٣. يُشَدِّدُ هِمَّاتِ الفَوَارِسِ مُنهِضاً
عَزِيمَتَهُم حَتَّى انثَنَوا وَتَصَلَّبُوا

4. They wheeled, but the men pressing on
Were resolute in counter-attack, fiercely stubborn

٤. فَكَرُّوا وَلَكِنَّ الأَغارِقَ جُملَةً
عَلى صَدِّهِمِ بالعَزمِ طُرًّا تَأَلَّبُوا

5. In neither troop was there a faint heart
Nor was there one who feared and ran away

٥. فَلَم يَكُ في القَومَينِ خَامِلُ هِمَّةٍ
وَلَم يَكُ فِيهِم مَن يُرَاعُ فَيَهرُب

6. When the two armies engaged with spear and lance
The warriors' steeds trampled the ground and plundered

٦. وعِندَ اشتِباكِ الجَيشِ بِالقُضبِ وَالقَنا
جَرَت مُقرَباتُ الحَملةِ الأرضَ تَنهَبُ

7. The Greeks donned the raiment of turbulent flight
Beneath their feet the sound of steps, above a cloud of dust

٧. وَقَد كَسَتِ الإغريقَ ثوبَ عَجَاجةٍ
فَتَحتَ الخُطَى وَقعٌ وَمِن فَوقُ غَيهَبُ

8. As if the threshing floors of Demeter in the valley
Raise up the chaff of straw, while the grain sinks down,

٨. كأَنَّ مَذاري ذِيمتِيرَ بِبَيدَرٍ
تُثِيرُ سَحِيقَ التِّبنِ والحَبُّ يَرسُبُ

9. The wind winnows the chaff then makes it
Swirl thickly, white and grey

٩. فَتَذرِي السَّحِيقَ الرِّيحُ ثُمَّ تَهِيلُهُ
غُبَاراً كَثِيفاً وَهوَ أَبيَضُ أَشهَبُ

10. Thus did the Greeks rush out from under their helmets
Brawny-armed, equipped for the foe, girt for battle

١٠. كذا اندَفَعَ الإِغرِيقُ مِن تَحتِ قَسطَلٍ
عضلاهم وآرِس لِلعدَى يَتَعَصَّبُ

11. Apollo obeyed and hardened his resolve
Athena stood over them, blazing like stars

١١. أَطاعَ أَفُلُّوناً وَشَدَّدَ عَزمَهُ اح
تِجابُ أَثِينا فَاستَقَرَّ يُكَوكِبُ

12. And sent down from above the armies a cloud
Shading the iron mail and veiling

١٢. وَأَرسَلَ مِن فَوقِ الجُيُوشِ غَمامَةً
تُظَلِّلُ دُرَّاعَ الحَدِيدِ وَتَحجُبُ

13. And when the clash of spears rang out, plunging wildly
Into the arena of turmoil came swift-footed Ajax

١٣. ولَمَّا علا وَقعُ القَنا انقَضَّ عائِثاً
إِلَى ساحةِ الهَيجاءِ أَنياسُ يَلجَبُ

14. With him came Phebios, unscathed,
Mighty of will, iron of heart, seething and raging

١٤. بِهِ جَاءَ فِيبُوسٌ سَلَيماَ مِنَ الأَذَى
شَدِيداً حَدِيداً يَستَجِيشُ وَيَلغَبُ

15. His courage revived and hearts of his folk throbbed
A band of the elite of warriors escorted him

١٥. فَخَفَّ وَأَحيَا خَفقَ أَكبادِ قَومِهِ
وَحَفَّ بِهِ مِن صَفوَةِ الصِّيدِ مَوكِبُ

16. Without asking they joined the fierce blaze of war
Tempests of Phebios and lightning of turmoil

١٦. فَلَم يَسأَلُوا عِلماً وَلَم يَتسَاءَلُوا
وَدُونَ التَّحَرِّي مِن لَظَى الحَربِ أَضرُب

17. Ares and Hephaestus with showers of missiles
Ajax, Ajax and Idomeneus the rouser

١٧. عَوَاصِفُ فِيبُوسٍ وَصعقَةُ فِتنَةٍ
وَآرس وَوَبلٌ بالذَّوَابِلِ صَيِّبُ

18. Calling the Greeks to battle, forming ranks
Whenever there was tactical retreat or steadfast defence

١٨. وَآياسُ آياسٌ وَأُوذِس ذِيُومِذٌ
يَهُزُّهُمُ دَاعي الكِفَاحِ وَيَطرِبُ

19. For steadfast defence the troops’ chieftains stood firm
Undaunted heroes who neither feared nor retreated

١٩. يُنَادُونَ بِالإِغرِيقِ لَلحَربِ نَهضَةً
إِذا هُم لِكَرٍّ أَو لِصَدٍّ تَكَتَّبُوا

20. Though the battle raged they were like
Clouds above the high peaks clustered

٢٠. فَلِلصَّدِّ دُفَّاعُ الجُنُودِ تَثَبَّتُوا
صَنَادِيدَ لَم يَخشَوا وَلم يَتَهَيَّبُوا

21. The winds had laid down to rest, no more playing
Raging, while the winds above them gambol

٢١. كَاَنَّهُمُ وَالجَرُّ صافٍ رَقِيعُهُ
غَمَائِمُ مِن فَوقِ الشَّوامِخِ تَقطِبُ

22. Agamemnon ranged between their ranks
Shouting, tracking the steps behind

٢٢. وَقد هَجَعَ الأَنواءُ لا ثَمَّ شمأَلٌ
تَثُورُ وَلا الأَنوَاءُ فِيهنَّ تَلعَبُ

٢٣. يَجُوبُ أَغامَمنُونُ بَينَ صُفُوفِهِم
يَصيحُ وَأَعقَابَ الخُطَى يَتَعَقَّبُ