
She said, and her tears of sorrow and agony welled up

قالت وأهمت دموع الحزن والهفأ

1. She said, and her tears of sorrow and agony welled up,
Did I give birth to you that you may suffer and cause me suffering?

١. قالت وأَهمَت دُمُوعَ الحُزنِ والهَفَأ
وهَل وَلَدتُكَ كي تَشقى وتُشقِيني

2. It would not have harmed you had you been happy with your fate,
You would not have suffered nor shed tears of grief.

٢. ماضرَّ لو كُنتَ عندَ الفُلكِ مُغتَبِطاً
لم تَلقَ ضُراًّ وتَذرِف دَمعَ مَشجُونِ

3. But I gave birth to you the most wretched of creatures, and the most unfortunate,
Born under the worst of stars, for sorrows and humiliation,

٣. فَقد وَلَدتُكَ أَشقَى الخَلقِ واأَسَفي
في طالعِ السُّوءِ للأحزَانِ والهُونش

4. Your days are almost over before their time,
And you have always been despondent and grieved.

٤. تكادُ تبلُغُ آجالاَ مُعَجلًّةً
ولم تزل بينَ مَرغُومِ ومَحزُونِ

5. Yes, to the snow-covered summit I shall go for an hour,
Above Olympus, to spend the moment.

٥. نَعَم إلى قُمَّهٍ بالثَّلج ضافيَةٍ
فوقَ الأُلِمبِ سأَمضي ساعَةَ الحِينِ

6. I shall complain to Zeus, launcher of thunderbolts, of what
You complain, perhaps he will show me mercy and bring me close.

٦. أشكُو إِلى زَفسَ قَذَّافِ الصَّواعِقش ما
تشكو عسى يَرعَوِي رِفقاً ويُدنِيني

7. While you remain aloof from the storm, staying
Near your boat, do not twist about weakly.

٧. وَأنتَ ظَلَّ عَنِ الإِغرِيقِ مثعتَزِلاً
بِقُربِ فُلكِكَ لا تَلوي على لِينِ

8. Yesterday, for the oceans, Zeus went out with
Gentlemen in a feast fully adorned.

٨. بالأَمس لِلأُوقِيَانُس سارَ زَفسُ مَع ال
أربابِ في دَعوَةٍ جُلَّى التَّزَايِين

9. He will be away for twelve clear days
With the Ethiopians in the company of the bedouins.

٩. يَقضِي بِرِحلتِهِ اثنَي عَشرَ يومَ صفا
بِالأَثيُبِيّينَ في رَهطِ العَرَانينِ

10. When he returns I shall kiss his feet in the
Bronze palace, perhaps he will listen and suffice me.

١٠. فَرُكبَتَيهِ متَى يأتي أُقَبِّلُ في
قَصرِ النُّحَاسِ عسى يُصغي وَيَكفِيني

11. And she left him, her heart aflame with rage,
For the rape of her fair Mesene, possessed.

١١. وغادَرَتهُ بِقَلبٍ لاهِبٍ حَنقاً
لِغَصبِ غادَتِه المَيساءِ مَفتُونِ