
What ignorance counsels the fool who attacked you?

أي جهل مشير ليقية أغراك

1. What ignorance counsels the fool who attacked you?
What madness you and infamy since you were a lad!

١. أَيُّ جَهلٍ مُشِيرَ لِيقِيَةٍ أَغ
رَاكَ حَتَّى استَهدَفتَ أَيُّ جُنُونِ

2. You have fallen into the trap of the wretched.
Who said you're from Zafas' lineage?

٢. أَنتَ والكرُّ فيهِ مُذ كُنتَ غُرًّا
قَد تَوَرَّطتَ وَرطَةَ المَغبُونِ

3. Where are the sons of Zafas from Serfendun?
With Heraclius my father you're enough as an example,

٣. مانَ مَن قالَ أَنتَ مِن نَسلِ زَفسٍ
أَينَ أَبناءُ زَفَسَ مِن سَرفِدُونِ

4. The heart of a lion and awe of all eras.
You were told before how he came long ago

٤. بِهِرَقلٍ أَبي كَفاكَ مِثالاً
قلبُ لَيثٍ وَهَولُ كُلِّ القُرُونِ

5. Greedy for the steeds of Lomidun,
With six ships and little equipment

٥. قَبلُ أُنبِئتَ كَيفَ جاءَ قَدِيماً
طامِعاً في جيادِ لَومِيدُونِ

6. He rained woe on the wall of Ilion.
How different you are from the vanished valor

٦. بِسَفينٍ سِتٍ وَنَزرٍ قَلِيلٍ
أَمطَرَ الوَيلَ في حِما إِليُونِ

7. That destroyed a people while you whine.
No use in your lineage of cowards,

٧. أَينَ شَتَّانَ أَنتَ وَالحَتفُ أَفنى
مِنكَ قَوماً وَأَنتَ بادِي الشُّجُونِ

8. And if you fight on, ruin is in my right hand.
Serfendun said, made distinct by rage:

٨. لَيسَ في رِفدِكَ الطَّرَاوِدِ جَدوَى
وَلَئِن صُلتَ فالرَّدى بِيَميني

9. "Yes, good sir, you have informed me.
Heraclius razed Ilion, no -

٩. قالَ سَرفِيدُونٌ ومَيَّزَهُ الغَي
ظُ نَعم بالحَديثِ قَد أَنبأُ وني

10. The stupid Lomiduns, those shepherds, razed it.
Heraclius did not keep his promise, but

١٠. فهرَقلٌ قَد دَكَّ إِليُونَ لا بَل
دَكَّها حُمقٌ لَومِدُونَ الرَّعُونِ

11. They denied him the horses, denied the envious.
He attacked him though earlier he had

١١. لِهِرَقلٍ ما بَرَّ بالوَعدِ لكِن
مَنَعَ الخَيلَ عَنهُ مَنعَ الضَّنِينِ

12. Summoned him from afar with vile insult.
You and your armor are in my fist.

١٢. وَرَماهُ وَكانَ قَبلُ دَعاهُ
مِن بَعِيدٍ بِسَهمِ شَتمٍ مُهِينِ

13. You will be smashed by my sharp spear blade,
And by the Lord of Hell your soul will be flung

١٣. إِنَّما أَنتَ وَالسِّنانُ بِكَفِّي
سَوفَ تُصمَى بِرَأسِ نَصلِي السِّنينِ

14. While glory in the guarded pillar is mine."

١٤. وَلِرَبِّ الجَحيمِ نفسُكَ تُزجي
وَلي الفخرُ بِالمَنارِ المَصُونِ