
Athena said to mighty Zeus' daughter:

قالت لآثينا أيا ذات القوى

1. Athena said to mighty Zeus' daughter:
Alas, daughter of cloud-gatherer, lord of paradise!

١. قالت لآثينا أَيا ذَاتَ القُوَى
أَسَفا ايا ابنَة زَفسَ رَبِّ الجُنَّةِ

2. Will the Greeks leave defeated towards the sea
After their feet were destroyed at sacred Ilios

٢. أَيُغَادِرُ الإِغرِيقُ مُنهزَمينَ فَو
قَ البَحرِ للأَوطانِ شَرَّ هَزِيمةِ

3. And homes wrecked? Priam boasts exultantly
About his kin in enslaved Hellas!

٣. يدَعُونَ فِرياماً يُفَاخِرُ مُعجِباً
بِذَوِيهِ في هِيلانةَ المَسبِيَّةِ

4. After their feet were wrecked at sacred Ilios
And homes destroyed, tell them to stay

٤. من بعدِ أَن هَلَكت أَرَاجلُهُم لَدَى
إِليُونَ هَدراً وَالمَنَازِلُ شَطتِ

5. And not to let them embark on ships.
At once she darted from high Olympus

٥. عَجَلاً إِلَيهم أَمسِكِي كُلاًّ بِلي
ن القَولِ لا يُمضَي لَهُم بِسَفَينَة

6. To the swift ships, and in a moment
She found moody Odysseus who told of

٦. فَبِحينها اندَفَعَت منَ الأُولمِبِ لل
سُّفُنِ السِّرَاعِ فَبُلِّغَت في لَحظَةِ

7. Zeus' majesty, undistracted.
His heart was immersed in the fog of gloom

٧. وَجَدَت عَبُوساً أُوذِساً من قد حكى
زَفساً بِنُور حِجاهُ لم يُستَلفَتِ

8. And his black ship he did not board.
She stood and called him: "Son of Laertes

٨. لم يَعتَمِد مُسوَدَّ مَركَبِهِ ومِن
هُ النَّفسُ غاصَت في عُبَاب الكَأبةِ

9. Will you leave the land disgraced like this?
Priam boasts exultantly about his kin

٩. وَقَفَت وَنادَتهُ أَيا ابنَ لِيرتِسٍ
أَكَذَا تَؤُمُّونَ الدِّيارَ بِذِلَّةِ

10. In enslaved Hellas!
After your feet were wrecked at sacred Ilios

١٠. تَدَغُونَ فريَاماً يُفاخِرُ مُعجِباً
بِذَوِيهِ في هِيلانَةَ الأَرغِيَّةِ

11. And homes destroyed, tell the troops to stay
And not to let them embark on ships."

١١. من بَعدِ أن هَلَكَت أَراجِلُكُم لَدَى
إِليُونَ هَدراً والمَنازِلُ شَطَّت

12. At once he grasped her words, threw off his cloak,
Ran to Agamemnon, proud leader,

١٢. عَجَلاً إلى الأَجنادِ أَمسِكهُم بِلي
نِ القَولِ لا يُمضَى لَهُم بِكتيبَةِ

13. And drew from him the scepter of rule.
Then he stood between ships and troops

١٣. في الحالِ أَدرَكَ صَوتَها طَرحَ العَبا
ءَ لأُورِباتَ الفَيجِ عالي الهِمَّةِ

14. And kings and rulers.
He called on the masses as they passed

١٤. وإِلى أَغا مَمنُونَ أَسرَعَ جارِياً
واجتَرَّ مِنهُ صَولَجانَ السَّطوَةِ

15. Stopping them, gently urging them:
"How can you scream like cowards and flee in fear?

١٥. ثُمَّ انبَرى بَينَ السفائِنِ وَالِجاً
بَينَ المُلُوكِ وبَينَ أَهلِ الإِمرَةِ

16. Hear my advice! Turn back your troops.
For Atrides has ways to test us all

١٦. وَيُبادِرُ الأَقيَالَ إِن مَرُّوا بِهِ
مُستَوقِفاً وَمُحَرّضاً بِالرّقَّةِ

17. And you don't know his mind, but soon you will
When he punishes us with the worst punishment!"

١٧. أَو كَيفَ صَاحِ يَليقُ كالأَنذَالِ تَر
تَعِدُونَ خَوفاً فارتَدِع لِنَصيحَتي

18. Beware and curb his rage, for we're not
Dear to him among the peoples!"

١٨. أَرجِع جُنُودَكَ إِنَّ أَترِيذَاً لَهُ
أَرَبٌ ليَبلُوَنا بِكُلِّ طَرِيقةِ

19. "Whoever is Zeus' ally is not disgraced
But honored with kindness and affection.

١٩. وَلَقَد جَهِلتَ مَرَامَهُ وَلَسَوفَ تل
قَاهُ يُعَاقِبُنَا بِشِرِّ عُقُوبة

20. And if he sees a commoner shouting
With a scepter, he knocks him down with a blow

٢٠. فَتَرَوَّ واحذَر غَيظَهُ إِذ لم نَكُن
طُرّاً لَدَيهِ بَينَ أَهلِ النَّدوَةِ

21. And says: 'Sit down! Don't move, you coward
Empty of valor!'

٢١. مَن كَانَ مَولى زَفسَ لَيسَ يُذِلُّهُ
بَل صَانَهُ بكَرَامَةٍ ومَوَدَّةِ

22. Were you not one who loved strife and war? Stand firm!
Or are the Greeks all cowards, so no fate

٢٢. وإِذا رأًى أحَدَ الرَّعاعِ مُصَوّتاً
بِالصَّولَجانِ عَلَيهِ مالَ بِضَربَةِ

23. More wretched than mob rule?"
"Things go right only when one man

٢٣. ولهُ يَقُول اجلِس ولا تُبدِ الحَرَاك
أَيا جَباناً قد خَلا مِن نَخوَة

24. Wields the scepter of rule!
So let us yield to whom Zeus favors

٢٤. أَفَكُنتَ من أهلِ الوَغى وَالرَّأيِ فاس
تَمثِل بِمَن يَعلُو وِعندَكَ فاثبُتِ

25. For kingship over the nation."
Thus he addressed them with wise speech, and the army

٢٥. أَوَ جُملَةُ الإِغرِيقِ أَقيالٌ فلا
أَشقى مآلاً مِن تَسَلُّطِ جُملَةِ

26. Returned to council shouting loudly,
Left their ships and tents hurrying

٢٦. لا يَستَقِِيمُ الأَمرُ إِلاَّ إِن يَكُن
فَردٌ يُخَوَّلُ صَولَجَانَ الصَّولَةِ

27. United, without scattering,
Like waves in sea coves surging, with their

٢٧. فَلنَرضخنَّ إِذاً لِمَن زَفسُ ارتَضى
للمُلكِ وَالأَحكامِ بَينَ الأُمَّةِ

28. Loud roar and thunderous crashing.
Then they settled in their councils, except

٢٨. فَكَذَا بِفَصلِ القَولِ خَاطَبَهُم وَعا
دَ الجيشُ للشُّورَى بأَعلى ضَجَّةِ

29. Thersites who would not yield and be silent,
A fool whose habit is to throw insults

٢٩. ترَكُوا السَّفَائنَ وَالخِيامَ مُهروِلي
نَ بِكلِّ جَمعِهِمِ وَلَم يَتَشّتَّتِ

30. And dispute rulers - the ugliest scheme!
Rude, exceeding all bounds, laughing

٣٠. كالمَوجِ في جُرُفِ البِحارِ يَعَجُّ وال
لُّجُّ الدَّوِيُّ بهِ بقاصِفِ عَجَّة

31. To mock people, prolonging his vulgar joy.
Never heeding his place, among them still

٣١. ثُم استَكَنُّوا في مَجَالِسهِم سِوَى
ثرسِيتَ لم يَذعَن لِذَاكَ ويَسكُتِ

32. The worst rogue there could ever be.
He was lame and hunchbacked, bandylegged,

٣٢. سَفِهٌ لَهُ قَذفُ الشَّتَائِمِ دَيدَنٌ
وخُصُومَةً الحُكَّامِ أَقبَحُ خِطَّةِ

33. His hair so sparse it could be counted.
His shoulders, curved inwards to his narrow chest

٣٣. وَقِحٌ تَجَاوَزَ كُلَّ حَدٍّ وَهوَ إِن
يَستَضحكِ القَومَ استَطالَ بِبَهجةِ

34. That contained nothing but malice.
His hatred focused forever on Odysseus

٣٤. لم يَرعَ قَطُّ مَقَامَهُ وغدَا بِهِم
خُلقاً وخَلقاً شَرَّ أَهلِ الحَملَةِ

35. And Atrides' son, with total bile and spite.
Now he turned on Agamemnon, harshly

٣٥. قد كانَ أَكبَسَ وهوَ أَحوَلُ أَعرَجٌ
وشُعُورُهُ كادَت تُعَدُّ بِشَعرَةِ

36. Assaulting him with the ugliest diction:
"What do you want, Agamemnon, when

٣٦. كَتِفَاهُ قُوِّستَا لِضَيِّقِ صَدرِهِ
وبِصَدرِهِ لم يَحو غَيرَ ضَغِينَةِ

37. You've gathered the richest treasure here,
And the loveliest ladies from the captives, with whom

٣٧. يَختَصُّ أُوذِسَ وابنَ فِيلا حِقدُهُ
أَبَداً بِكُلِّ تَحَامُلٍ وَشَنِيمةِ

38. We love you, whichever land they're from?
Do you crave gold that will come to you

٣٨. والآنَ مالَ على أَغامَمنُونَ بال
قَذفِ الشَّدِيدِ مُعَنِّفاً بتَعَنُّتِ

39. From sacred Ilios, seeking ransom?
I did not come to bring it, nor anyone

٣٩. فَنُفُوسُهُم مِنهُ اشمَأَزَّت وَهوَ لم
يَعبأ وخاطَبَهُ بأَهجَنِ لَهجَةِ

40. Whose son is shackled in harsh chains.
Or do you want another captive, to seduce

٤٠. قُل يا أَغا ممنونُ ما تشكو إِذَا
ولقد جمعتَ لدَيكَ أَجزَلَ ثَروَة

41. If you are alone in secret?"
"No, no! It doesn't suit the whole army's need

٤١. وبدَائِعَ الغادَاتِ من سَبيٍ بها
نَحبُوكَ إِن نَفتُك بأَيَّةِ بَلدَةِ

42. To be destroyed following the leader's whim!
Let's sail home in disgrace, women! I say:

٤٢. أَطَمِعتَ في ذَهَبٍ بهِ يَأتِيكَ مِن
إِليُونَ مُلتَمِسٌ قَبُولَ الفِديةِ

43. No more men, so let's sail back in shame!
Let the arrogant king keep his treasure and pride

٤٣. إِن ما أَتَيتُكَ أو أَتى غيرِي لهُ
بابنٍ يُكَبَّلُ بالقيُودِ الجَمَّةِ

44. To see what power we have!
He has attacked beyond limit, someone stronger

٤٤. أَم هَل تَرُومُ أَسِيرَةً أُخرَى لهَا
تُبدِي غَرامَكَ إِن خَلَوتَ بِعُزلَةِ

45. Than him, while skulking here a coward!
If he had a heart, you'd have found

٤٥. لا لا فَلَيسَ يَلَيقُ كُلُّ الجَيشِ لِل
بلوَى يُسَاقُ بمَيلِ رَأسِ الأُسرَةِ

46. Retribution for your assault, you wretch!"
At this the fool Thersites provoked

٤٦. واعارَكُنَّ أَيا نِساءُ ولا أَقو
لُ أَرَاجلاً فَلنَقفِلَنَّ بِخِزِيَةِ

47. Agamemnon, inciting with gossip.
Then Odysseus leapt up, chest flaming

٤٧. وليَبقَ ذَا المَلِكُ الغَرورٌ وذُخرُهُ
فَيَرى بذَلكَ ما لنا مِن عِزوَةِ

48. With rage, and chided him with weeping words:
"Shut up, scum! Who are you to seek

٤٨. فَقَدِ اعِتَدَى تَواًّ على مَن فاقَهُ
بأساً وآخِيلٌ تَقَاعَدَ بالتي

49. To chide kings with your vile gossip?
I think you are the lowest soldier in Atrides' army.

٤٩. لو كانَ ذَا قَلبٍ لَكُنتَ لَقيتَ في
أَثرِ اعتِدَائِكَ منهُ آخِرَ حِطَّةً

50. Hush and be quiet!
Did you think yourself equal to speak, lamenting

٥٠. فعلى أَغامَمنُونَ رَاعي الشَّعبِ ثِر
سِيتٌ أَثارَ كَذَا أُوارَ نَمِيَمةِ

51. The hunt, and begging all to return?
Who of us knows the outcome of that return?"

٥١. فَلهُ انبَرَى أُوذِيسُ يَلهَبُ صَدرُهُ
غَيظاً وَخَاطبَهُ بِقَولِ مُبَكِّتِ

52. "As for you, Agamemnon, the fool gaped.
Danaus' sons honored you with a gift!"

٥٢. صَه يا رَعَاعَةُ مَن تَكُونُ لِتَبتَغي
لَدَدَ المُلُوكِ بِنُطقِ أَخبَثِ صَيِّتِ

53. "Take my report believing it! If I see such
Nonsense from you, as I see with my eyes,

٥٣. فَلأَنتض أَوضَعُ قادِمٍ في جُندِ أَت
رِيذٍ لَدَى إِليُونض فاخسأ واصمُتِ

54. May my head not remain above my neck,
May I not be Telemachus' father,

٥٤. أَفَكُنتَ كُفأً لِلخِطابِ مُنَدِّداً
بالصِّيدِ تَنتَدِبُ المَلا لِلَعَودَةِ

55. If I don't strip your clothes and tatters
Down to the last rag!"

٥٥. أَوَمَن تُرى مِنَّا بِقسمَتِهِ دَرَى
أو ما يَكُونُ مآلَ تِلك الرّجعِةِ

56. "You'll be dragged atop the ship, bleeding, from the
Council, crying and screaming.

٥٦. وعلى أَغَامَمنُونض فاكَ فَغَرتَ إِذ
أَبنَاءُ دَانَوُسٍ حَنَبتهُ بِتُحفَةِ

57. Then he punched and weakened his back
With the scepter, a bloody blow.

٥٧. نبإِي فَخُذهُ مُصَدَّقاً فَلَئِن أَرَا ال
تَّهذَارَ مِنكَ كما رَأَيتُ بِمُقلَتي

58. His back spilled blood from the swollen wounds.
He crouched, screaming in terror.

٥٨. لا ظَلَّ رَأسِي فَوقَ عالِفاً
لا كُنتُ والدَ تيلماخَ يَتيمتي

59. With a fool's simplicity he looked around
Wiping tears of anguish mockingly.

٥٩. إن لَم أُجرّدكَ العَبَاءَةَ والدِّثا
رَ إِلى بَقايا كُلِّ آخِرِ سُترَةِ

60. The Greeks could not control their excessive
Laughter at his misfortune.

٦٠. فتُسَاقَ فَوقَ الفُلكِ مُختَضباً مِنَ ال
شُّورَى تُرَدِّدُ أَنَّةً في أَنَّة

61. They said: "By god, how much honor
Odysseus gained for his great worth!

٦١. مِن ثَمَّ بادَرَهُ وأَوهنَ ظَهرَهُ
بالصَّولَجانِ بضَربَةٍ دَمَوِيَّةِ

62. With wisdom of opinion and scheming when roused
For action, whenever he rose for the task!

٦٢. بَرَزَت بِمَنكِبشه دماءُ بثُورِها
فأَكَبَّ يَبكِي واستَكَنَّ بِرِعدَةِ

63. But he did not act most wisely
By deterring a fool raging with sedition.

٦٣. بسَذَاجَةِ البُلدَاءِ يَنظُرُ حَولَهُ
ويُكَفكِفُ الدَّمعَ السَّخِي بِتَشَمُّتِ

64. Clearly he restrained himself from any
King's rebuke with a word."

٦٤. وَجماعَةُ الإِغرِيقِ لم يَتَمالَكوا
عن فَرطِ قَهقَهَةٍ لِتِلكَ الخَيبةِ

65. But destroyer of cities, Odysseus,
Stood with the scepter of rule, determined.

٦٥. يَتَداوَلُونَ بِقَولِهِم لِلّهِ كَم
قد حازَ أُوذِسُ من جَلِيلِ مَزِية

66. Behind him Athena shouted, calling
Their masses with utmost calm.

٦٦. بالحَزم في الآراءِ والتَّدبير في ال
هَيجاءِ أَيَّانَ انبَرى لمُهمَّةِ

67. Until their ranks, united, rallied
Around his plan, he made the clearest speech.

٦٧. لَكِنَّهُ لم يأتِ اجمَلَ حِكمةً
مِن رَدعِهِ سَفِهاً يَصُولُ بِفِتنَةِ