
Ayas, their fortress and pillar, spoke

فقالت أياس حصنهم وتجاهه

1. Ayas, their fortress and pillar, spoke
When they were settled in the armies of Ikrit the commander

١. فقالت أَياسٌ حُصنُهُم وتُجَاهَهُ
إِذومِينُ في أَجنادِ إِكرِيتَ أَمَّارُ

2. You see him as a grave danger risen among its chiefs
Surrounded by the elite of hunters as supporters

٢. تَرَاهُ كَرَبٍّ قامَ في زُعَمائِها
تُحِيطُ بهِ مِن نُخبَةِ الصِّيدِ أَنصَارُ

3. And how often before has a noble guest stayed with us
And Baali's who welcomes guests generously manor

٣. وَكَم حَلَّ فينا قَبلُ ضَيفاً مُكَرَّماً
وبَعلي مَنِيلا مُكرِمُ الضَّيفِ مَيَّارُ

4. And here they all are, ask and I will tell you about them
The great elders among them stand before you

٤. وَهَاهُم جَميعاً سَل أُنَبِئكَ عَنهُمُ
لدَيكَ بَدَا مِنهُم عَمِيدُونَ كُبَّارُ

5. But I do not see my two dear brothers
They are the veil of chastity, if the racecourse is breached

٥. وَلكِن شَقِيقَيَّ الوَدُودَينِ لا أَرَى
هُما كَستُرُ الرَّوَّاضُ إِن شُقَّ مِضمارُ

6. And Pholcos, vanquisher of all warriors
Did they not march with our troops or

٦. وفُولُكُسٌ صَرَّاعُ كُلِّ مُصَارِعٍ
أَمِن لَقَدمُونا لَم يَسيرَا بِمَن ساروا

7. Did they seclude themselves on the ship, fearing dishonor
Which would taint me if their honor was breached

٧. أَمِ احتَجَبَافي الفُلكِ خَوفَ تَعَرُّضٍ
لعارٍ لهُ في مَسِّ عِرضيَ أَوزَارُ

8. Nor have I known on this earth in any homeland
That embraced them, while life is fleeting

٨. وما عَلِمَت والأَرضُ في وطَنٍ خَلا
تَضُمُّهُما والعُمرُ كالطَّيفِ مَرَّارُ