1. And each one hurled with spears, aiming his throws,
Some striking the neck and some the thigh.
١. وَكُلٌّ رَمى بِالزُّجِّ يُحكِمُ رَشقَهُ
فَبالعُنقِ مِزراقٌ وبالفَخذِ آخِرُ
2. And brave Aphrodilus had his neck pierced by the blade -
He bit the dust as the onlookers shuddered.
٢. فَمُزِّقَ أَفطُوليمُ بالنَّصلِ عُنقُهُ
فَعَضَّ الثَّرى تَنغَضُّ النَّواطِرُ
3. And Cervidon also had his due, his bones ripped apart,
Were it not for his father, he would have met his end.
٣. وَمُزِّقَ سَرفِيدُونُ لِلعَظمِ حُقُّهُ
وَلَولا أًبُوهُ بادَرَتهُ البَوادِرُ
4. So his comrades dragged him from the battlefield
In their hastiness, with the spear still lodged in his body.
٤. فأَصحَابُهُ اجتَرُّوهُ مِن ساحةِ الوغى
لِساعَتِهِم والنَّصلُ في الجِسمِ غائِرُ
5. Preoccupied with pulling it out, they were in shock -
So he was carried off, weakened in his resolve.
٥. وقد شُغِلُوا عَن نَزعِهِ لِذُهُولِهِم
فأُركِبَ بالآلامِ والعَزمُ خائِرُ
6. Just so did the Greeks fling themselves over their corpse
To protect it, as Ulysses looked on.
٦. كذَ ارتَمى الإغرِيقُ فَوقَ قَتِيلهِم
يَرُومُونَهُ فِيهِم وَأُوذِسُ ناظِرُ
7. Rage filled him and troubled thoughts raced through his mind -
Should he pursue Cervidon or attack his people instead?
٧. فَهَبَّ بِهِ الغَيظُ العَنِيفُ فَهاجهُ
وَرَدَّد فِكراً رَدَّدَتهُ الخَوَاطِرُ
8. But Cervidon was now beyond his hands, claimed by fate,
So he turned to where the masses were grouped.
٨. أيَطلُبُ سَرفِيدُونَ أَم جُندَ قَومِهِ
لِتَفتُكَ فِيهِم مِن يَدَيهِ البَوَاتِرُ
9. And recklessly charged the gathered foe -
Undaunted by their hurtling spears.
٩. فَعن سَرفِدون أَشغَلَتهُ يَدُ القَضا
فَمالَ إِلى حَيث التَقَتهُ العَشَائِرُ
10. There he encountered the nobles - Iolcus, Ereuthalion,
Alexandrus, Ifritenis - mighty warriors all.
١٠. وَساقَتهُ فالاسٌ لِمُجَتَمَعِ العِدى
وَما راعَهُ مِنهُم نِصَالٌ شَواجِرُ
11. The slaughter would have increased had Hector not rushed
To the vanguard, raising alarms of impending doom.
١١. فَجَندَلَ كِيرَانُس أَلستُرَ هليُساً
وإخرُومِيُوساً وَهوَ كاللَّيثِ كاسِرُ
12. Seeing him approach, bristling for battle,
The passages were too narrow for their encounter.
١٢. وأَلكَندَراً إِفرِيتَنِيسَ نَوِيمُناً
صَنادِيدُ لِبقِيُّونَ صِيدٌ جَبابِرُ
13. And Cervidon's anguish was relieved -
His tears were the heralds of salvation.
١٣. وكادَ يَزِيدُ الفَتكَ لَو لَم يَثِب إِلى
طَلاَئِعِهِم هَكطُورُ وَالنَّقعُ فائِرُ
14. He called out gently, "O Priam's son, do not let them
Vanquish me, for I feel the touch of death upon me.
١٤. رَأَى فَجرى يَلقى الصُّدُورَ مُدَجَّجاً
فَضاقت بِهِم عَن مُلتَقاهُ المَعَابِرُ
15. I'll not see again my homeland's spacious plains,
My wife and child, and elders of high renown.
١٥. وَعَن سَرفِدُونَ غُصَّةُ الكُرَبِ انجَلَت
فَنادَى بِرِفقٍ والدُّمُوعُ بَوَادِرُ
16. Let me die in Ilion, and keep my grave hidden there -
Death's callers move quickly when swords are drawn."
١٦. أَغِثنِي ابنض فِريَامٍ وَلا تُوقِعِ العِدَى
عَليَّ فإنِّي بالمَنيَّةِ شاعِرُ
17. And at once Cervidon's comrades sped
To draw the spear embedded deep in his side.
١٧. وَلَن يَتَلَقَّاني على الرُّحبٍ مَوطِني
وَزَوجي وَطِفلي وَالكِرَامُ الأَكاَبِرُ
18. Brave Phelagon came to his friend's aid
And pulled out the blade that all had overlooked.
١٨. فَدَعنِي بإِليُونٍ أَمُت ذَاكَرامَةٍ
وثَمَّةَ لي في لُجَّةِ القَبرِ ساتِرُ
19. Then darkness clouded his sight -
He felt his senses begin to leave him.
١٩. تَسِيرُ دُعَاةُ المَوتِ طَوعَ حُسَامِهِ
وَمِن كَفِّهِ جَمرُ الرَّدَى مُتناثِرُ
20. But a breeze blew, reviving Burius -
The danger passed as the shadows dispersed.
٢٠. وأَصحابُ سَرفِيدُونَ في الحالِ أَسرَعُوا
لِزَانَةِ زَفسٍ فيه والزَّانُ ناضِرُ
21. And Ares and Hector whirled among the Greeks,
Their spears dealing carnage and death.
٢١. فَبَادَرَ فِيلاغُونُ إِلفُ وَدادِهِ
وأخرَجَ نَصلاً أَغفلَتُهُ البَصائِرُ
22. Yet the Greeks held fast, shielding themselves,
Each focused on fending off the foe.
٢٢. فَغَشَّت على أَبصارِهِ ظُلمُ الرَّدى
وخُيِّلَ أن قَد فارَقتهُ المَشاعِرُ
23. None retreated to their ships, nor advanced
To meet the enemy - they stood firm in defense.
٢٣. فَهَبَّت لِبُرياسٍ مِن الرِّيحِ نَسمَةٌ
فأُنعِشَ وَارفَضَّت تَزُولُ المَخَاطِر
24. Gradually they withdrew under their guarded wall,
Fearing the coming destruction.
٢٤. وَدَارَت عَلى الإِغرِيقِ في دارَةِ الوَغى
بآرِس وَهَكطُورَ الدَّوَاهي الدَّوَاثِرُ
25. And Ares and Hector grievously wounded many -
Who died first and who died last?
٢٥. وَلَكِنَّهُم بالصَّبرِ طُرًّا تَدَرَّعُوا
وَكُلٌّ على دَفعِ العَدُوِّ مُثَابِرُ
26. First was Sthenelaus, a chief of great stock,
Then Euteiches, Iamenus, and all were laid low.
٢٦. فَلَم يَكُ فيهِم ناكِصٌ نَحو فُلكهِ
ولا لِلِقا الأَعدَاءِ بالصَّدِّ جاسِرُ
27. But Eubius had not amassed great wealth -
A petty king on the shores of Cephis was he.
٢٧. وَتَحتَ الدِّفاعِ الثَّبتِ مَهلاً تَقهَقرُوا
يَروعُهُم أَنَّ المَهدِّمَ حاِضِرُ
28. He had lived in comfort where riches abounded
And the sea of Baeotia flourished with wealth.
٢٨. فَاَثخنَ آريسٌ وَهَكطُورُ فِيهمِ
فَمن أوَّلُ القتلى وَمن هُوَ آخَرُ
29. There circling cups of wine freely flowed -
And spears circled in battle around him.
٢٩. فَأَوَّلُهُم تُثرَاسُ نِدُّ ذَوي البَقا
فأُورستُ رَوَّاضُ الجِيادِ المُكابِرُ
٣٠. فإِترِيخُ أُونُومٌ هِلينُ أُرسبُسٌ
وَكُلُّهُمُ ذاقَ الرَّدى وَهوَ صاغِرُ
٣١. فأُورسبُساً لَم يُجدِ وافرُ مالهِ
وَمِلكٌ على أَكنافِ كِيفِسَ وافِرُ
٣٢. فَفي هِيلَةٍ قَد كانَ حيثُ ثَوَى الغِنا
وَبَحرُ البِيُوتيِّينَ بالمالِ زاخرُ
٣٣. فَدَارَت عَلَيهِ عِندَهُم أَكؤُسُ الصَّفا
ودارَت عَلَيهِ بالنِّزالِ الدَّوائِرُ