1. With the hand of the war god restrained were spears
And to carnage it said, stay, O blood shedder
١. بِكَفِّ إِلاهِ الحَربِ فالاسُ أَمسَكَت
وقالَت إِلى مَ الفَتكُ يا سافِكَ الدِّما
2. O wall destroyer, O harbinger of doom
No! Leave war as a lesson for people
٢. وَياهادِمَ الأسوَارِ يا باعِثَ الفَنا
أَلاَ ما تَرَكنَا الحَربَ للنَّاسِ مَعلَما
3. Let them be, we are secluded
He who wanted confusion, let him be firmly bound
٣. بشأنِهِم دَعهُم ونَحنُ بِمَعزِلٍ
وَمَن شاءَ زَفسٌ فَليُعِزَّ مُحَكَمِّا
4. With this we avoided its rage, and it passed
To the shore of Scamander, where both recoiled
٤. بِذَا نَتَوَقَّى غَيظَهُ وَمَضَت بِهِ
لِضَفَّةِ إِسكَامَندَرٍ حَيثُ أَحجَما
5. So at the Greeks the Trojan foe withdrew
And each leader among them ravaged one or the other
٥. فَوَلَّت لَدى الإِغرِيقِ طُروَادَةُ العِدى
وكُلُّ زَعِيمٍ منهُمُ اجتاحَ أَيهَما
6. First slayer was Agamemnon of the distressing cry
Upon Odysseus who belonged to the Halizones
٦. فَكانَ أَغا مَمنُونُ أَوَّلَ فَاتِكٍ
بأَوذِيُسٍ مَن لِلهَليزُونَةِ انتَمى
7. He stabbed him as he retreated
Seeking with his chariot triumph as booty
٧. فأَلقى إِلَيهِ طَعنَةً وَهوَ مُدبِرٌ
بِمَركَبَةٍ يَبغي الهَزِيمَةَ مَغنَما
8. His back was smashed to the chest overturned
He fell dead sprawled on the ground
٨. فَقُوِّضَ مُبتَتًّا إِلى الصَّدرِ ظَهرُهُ
فَجُندِلَ مَصرُوعاً على الأَرضَ وارتَمى
9. Pity for him was by Socus and Idomeneus
Over the son of Mycenae's leader lamenting as a newcomer
٩. فَصَلَّت عَلَيهِ شِكَّةٌ وإذُومِنٌ
عَلى ابنِ المِيُونِي بُؤرُسٍ كَرَّ مُقدِما
10. From the land of Thrace came Phestus
And the light of his eyes with the sword darkened
١٠. فَمِن أَرضِ طَرناب كانَ فَسطُسُ قد أَتى
فَرَاحَ وَنُورُ الطَّرفِ بالحَتفِ أَظلَما
11. He almost ascended the deck of his ship
Hopeful of survival as the doves advanced
١١. لَقَد كَادَ يَعلُو مَتنَ مَركَبِهِ على
رَجاءِ نَجاةٍ والحِمامُ تَقَدَّما
12. From the right shoulder a stab overturned him
And threw him in the dust of misery ready for burial
١٢. على كَتِفٍ يُمنَى تَولَّتهُ طَعنَةٌ
فأَلقَتهُ في تُربِ الحَضَيضِ مَيَمَّما
13. The comrades of King Idomeneus hastened
To strip a weapon from him, determined together
١٣. فَبَادَرَ أصحَابُ المَلِيكِ إِذُومِنٍ
لِنَزعِ سِلاحٍ عَنهُ كَسباً مُسَهَّما
14. And Meriones pursued Phericles
And with a spear stabbed him in the buttock as he fled
١٤. وَرَامَ مَنِيلا إِسكَمَندَرَ سَترُفٍ
فَبَادَرَهُ طَعناً بِرُمحٍ تَقَدَّما
15. Through the bone a ripping point was driven
Severing his bladder, he collapsed moaning
١٥. لَقَد كانَ بالأَنضَادِ هَولاً مُرَوِّعاً
لِوَحشِ الفَلا والرَّميَ بالنَّبلِ أَحكَما
16. Son of the armorer Harmonides whom Trojans
Honored and whose skills prospered
١٦. وقد عَلَّمَتهُ أَرطَمِيسُ فُنُونَها
فَلَم يُغنِ بأسٌ فِيهِ بالشُّمِّ قَد سما
17. Taught by the world's desire and his son
Told and hands' work he learned
١٧. فَمِن مَنِكَبَيهِ أُولِجَ الرُّمحُ نافِذاً
إِلى الصَّدرِ لَمَّا لِلفِرارِ تَجشَّما
18. And the art of building Paris' ship entirely
And upon them came evil misfortune
١٨. أَكَبَّ على وَجهِ الحَضَيضِ بِوَجهِهِ
وَمِن فَوقِهِ صَوتُ الحَديدِ تَهَزَّما
19. The light of life left him though he could not
Comprehend heavenly news brought forward
١٩. وَأَقبَلَ مِريُونٌ وَراءَ فِرِكلُسٍ
وبادَرَهُ طَعناً بِرِدفٍ تَهشَّما
20. And Meges met him stabbing wretchedly
With the tip of his spear through his jaw pierced
٢٠. فأُنفِذَ تَحتَ العَظمِ نَصلٌ مُمَزِّقاً
مَثانَتَهُ فانقَضَّ يَجثُو مُهَمَهِما
21. The spear's edge passed through his cheek
Severing the tongue, silencing the screams
٢١. هُوَ ابنُ السَّرِي هَرمُونِذَا الصانعِ الذي
أَجَلَّتهُ فالاسٌ وزَادَتهُ أَنعُمَا
22. He fell biting the shaft in the dust writhing
While Anthenor's mind with sorrow clouded
٢٢. وقد عَلَّمَتهُ شائِقَ الذَّوقِ وابنُهُ
حَكاهُ وأَعمالَ اليَدَينِ تَعلَّما
23. He was a son to him without a legal wife
And with Theano his chosen wife had slept
٢٣. فَأَتقَنَ صُنعاً فُلكَ فارِيسَ جُملَةً
فَكانَت عَلَيهِم وَبَلَ شَرٍّ مُعَمَّما
24. In love for Anthenor she honored him
And raised him like her own sons revered
٢٤. وَفارَقَهُ نُورُ الحَيَاةِ وَلَم يَكُن
لِيفقَهَ أَنباءِ السَّماءِ مُقَدَّما
25. Followed by Zeus's priest's son Clytius
Revered among them like gods he was
٢٥. وَفيذِيُسٌ وافاهُ مِيجِسُ طاعناً
قَذَالا بِمَسقِيِّ السِّنانِ تَفَصَّما
26. Struck by Orielus while returning
He could not be humiliated and defeated
٢٦. فَمَرَّ سِنانُ الرُّمحِ بالفَكِّ خارِقاً
ثناياهُ وَاقتَبَّ اللِّسَانَ مُصَرِّما
27. He grasped his shoulder with the sword
And died before fulfilling imagined hopes
٢٧. فَخَرَّ يَعَضُّ النَّصلَ في التُّربِ خابِطاً
وَمُهجَةَ أَنطِينُورَ بالحُزنِ أَضرَما
٢٨. هُوَ ابنٌ لَهُ مِن غيرِ زَوجٍ حَلِيلَةٍ
وعندَ ثِيانُو زَوجهِ الحِلِّ قَد نَما
٢٩. فَحُباًّ بِأَنطِينُورَ مَثوَاهُ أَكرَمَت
فَشَبَّ رَبيباً كالبَنَينَ مُكرَّما
٣٠. تَلاَهُ ابنُ ذُولُفيُونَ كاهِنِ زَنشُ
وَمَن كانض كالأَربابِ فِيهِم مُعَظَّما
٣١. تأَثَّرَهُ أُورِيفِلٌ وَهوَ قافِلٌ
فَلَم يُجدِهِ أَن يُستذَلَّ وَيُهزَما
٣٢. فَأدرَكَهُ يَبتَتُّ بالسَّيفِ كَتفَهُ
فَماتَ وَلم يُدرِك مَراماً تَوَهَّما