1. They called for lots, drawing fateful tokens,
The arrows shifted, their eyes averting,
١. فَدَعَوا وَهَكطُورٌ بِهِم مُستَقسماً
رَجَّ السِّهامَ مُحَوِّلاً نَظَرَاتِهِ
2. The lot of the Persian appeared first,
To be the first to pierce with his spear.
٢. فَبَدا لَدَيهم سَهمُ فارسَ أَوَّلاً
لِيكُونَ أَوَّلَ طاعِنٍ بِقَنَاتِهِ
3. They sat, their weapons beside their army,
The horses halted at their sides,
٣. جَلَسُوا وَعُدَّتُهُم بِجانِبِ جَيشِهِم
والخَيلُ مُوقَفَةٌ على جَنَبَاتهِ
4. Ibn Firam prepared his bow,
Fastening his shoes tightly to his feet.
٤. فأَعَدَّ شكَّتهُ ابنُ فريامٍ وفي
رِجلَيهِ أَوثَقَ خِفَّهُ بِصِلاتِهِ
5. With the straps of his stirrups he girded it
And donned his brother's coat to guard his sides,
٥. بِعُرَى اللُّجَينِ أَناطَهُ واعتَاضَ دِر
عَ أَخِيهِ لِيقاوُونَ عن نَتَراتِهِ
6. He strapped on his ornate sword, studded
With its silver plates across its surface.
٦. وتَقَلَّدَ السَّيفَ الصَّقِيلَ مُرَصَّعاً
بِقَتِيرِهِ الفِضيِّ في صَفَحاتِهِ
7. He added his coat of mail and his forgiving helmet
Whose rings flowed over its collar,
٧. وأضافَ جُنَّتَهُ ومِغفَرَهُ الذي
سَبَحَت نَواصِيهِ على حَلَقاتِهِ
8. And in his right hand the greatest seasoned spear
With the strength of forearms whirled in his palms.
٨. وأَجالَ في يُمنَاهُ أَعظَمَ عَاسِلٍ
بِقُوى المَعَاصِمِ دَارَ في راحاتِهِ
9. They came fully armed, each to his adversary,
The coat of each dueler rippling with rage.
٩. وافى مَنِيلا بالسِّلاحِ مُكَفَّراً
واستَلأما كلٌّ لدى لُحَمَاتهِ
10. They stood where they had lined up, both
With spears burning the hearts of their foes.
١٠. فَتَقَدَّما ولِحاظُ كُلِّ مُبَارزٍ
شَفَّت بِوارِي الغَيظِ عَن غُصَّاتِهِ
11. Ibn Firam, the cultured one, threw
With a forked arrow toward his breast.
١١. وَقَفُوا لَدى ما خَطَّطُوا وكِلاهُما
بقَنَا تِهِ يُضوِي قُلُوبَ قِلاتِهِ
12. Maniyla swiftly responded, launching
His casts accompanied by his prayers:
١٢. فَرمى ابنُ فِريامَ المُثَقَّفَ فالتَوى
بِمَجَنِّ أَترِيذٍ على نَبَوَاتِهِ
13. "O Zafis take me by the hand to bestow honor on a knight
Whose virtue he taints by defaming him."
١٣. في الحالِ بادَرَهُ مَنيلا مُرسِلاً
رَشَقَاتِهِ مَشفُوعةً بِصَلاتِهِ
14. "Crush him for me, to be an example
To the evil guest who denies his blessings."
١٤. يا زَفسُ خُذ بيَدِي لأَنعم مِن فَتًى
عِرضي يُدَنِّسُهُ بِتَشوِيهَاتِهِ
15. He threw his seasoned spear and it pierced
The forked arrow, rupturing its loose bindings,
١٥. واسحَقهُ سَحقاً في يدي يَكُ عِبرَةً
لِنَزِيلِ سُوءٍ عَقَّ فَضلَ قُراتِهِ
16. Until it penetrated through his coat
And he twisted his shoulders, saved by his armor.
١٦. ورَمى بِعَاسِلهِ فأُنفِذَ خارِقاً
ظَهرَ المِجَنِّ وبَطنَ فَضفاضَاتِهِ
17. The Persian drew his sharp sword
Above the saddle, expecting his death.
١٧. حتَّى تَخَلَّلَ نافِذاً بِدِثارِهِ
فَلَوَى المَناكِبَ فائزاً بِنَجاتِهِ
18. The blade snapped at its hilt amidst his right hand
And its shards flew above his forehead.
١٨. فاستَلَّ أَتريذٌ صَقِيلَ حُسَامهِ
فوق التَّرِيكَةِ مُوقِناً بِمَماتِهِ
19. Turning aside, he gestured to the sky, addressing
Zafis, chiding him for his failings:
١٩. فَتَكَسَّرَ الصَّمصامُ وَسطَ يَمِينِهِ
وأَطارَ فَوقَ جبِينِهِ شَذَرَاتِهِ
20. "None of the immortal kind were like you,
O Zafis, confident in his abilities!
٢٠. حَنَفاً أَشارَ إِلى السَّماءِ مُخَاطِباً
زَفساً يُؤَنِّبُهُ على عَثَراتِهِ
21. I almost gained victory over my wretched brother,
When my wrath took flight in pieces.
٢١. مِن كُلِّ آلِ الخُلدِ مِثلَكَ لَم يكُن
يا زَفسُ مُعتَسِفٌ بِمَقدُوراتِهِ
22. And when I stabbed with my spear but did not
Reach him with my spear or my stabbing!"
٢٢. قد كِدتُ أَفتُكَ ظافراً بأَخِي الخَنا
فإذا بِعَضبي طارَ في كَسَراتِهِ
23. And he lunged, seizing his helmet, and with
Violence, he hurriedly quickened his steps.
٢٣. وإِذا برُمحِي قد طَعَنتُ بهِ ولم
ادرِكهُ في رُمحي وفي طَعَناتِهِ
24. He dragged him while the halter held his jaw
Until his breath was stifled by exhaustion.
٢٤. وانقَضَّ يَجذِبُهُ بِخُوذَتِهِ وفي
عُنفٍ تَقَهقَرَ مُسرِعاً خَطَواتِهِ
25. He almost pounced on him had not
Faris intervened, severing the straps of his bridle.
٢٥. واجتَرَّهُ والسَّيرُ يُمسِكُ ذَقنَهُ
فاستُمسِكَت أَنفَاسُهُ بِلَهَاتهِ
26. He was left with a severed helmet
Which he threw and it tumbled to the ground.
٢٦. قَد كادَ يَبطُشُ فيه لَو لَم تَبتَدِر
فِبرِيسُ تَقطَعُ بالخِفا قِدَّاتِهِ
27. His companions deserted him and he recoiled
With the stump of his slim spear to his leaps.
٢٧. فخَلت لَدَيهِ خُوذَةٌ مَقطُوعَةٌ
فَرَمى بها فَتَدَحرَجَت لِسراتهِ
28. But Afriditiya, capable and swift,
Reached from her abode the ropes of his life.
٢٨. فخَلت لدَيهِ خُوذَةٌ مَقطوعَةٌ
فَرَخمى بها فَتَدَحرَجَت لِسَراتهِ
29. She veiled him in the fog’s haze, carrying
Him with perfumes into his chambers.
٢٩. فَخَلا بها أَصحابُهُ وَهُوَ انثَنى
بشَحِيذِ نَيزَكهِ ِإلى وَثَباتِهِ
30. And she went to Helana, there atop
The tower sitting on its balcony.
٣٠. لكِنَّ عَفرُوذِيتَ وَهيَ قَدِيرَةٌ
مِن فَورِها وَصَلَت حِبالَ حَيَاتِهِ
31. She approached her while the girls were vigilant
In the dress of handmaidens over her.
٣١. حَجَبَتهُ في رَكَم الضَّبَابِ مُحِلَّةً
إِيَّاهُ بالأَطيَابِ في حُجُراتِهِ
32. She pretended an old woman brought near her people,
Pretending to knit wool in her hands.
٣٢. وَمَضَت الى هيلانةٍ فإِذا بها
بالبُرجِ جالسةً عَلى شَرَفَاتِهِ
33. In her fragrant clothes she pulled her, and
Faris called to her in his privacy:
٣٣. فَدَنَت إِليها والبَناتُ شَوَاخِصٌ
في زِيِّ خادِمَةٍ على عِلاَّتِهِ
34. "He calls you, though you see him in a room
That joins you, in the beauty of his qualities,
٣٤. حاكَت عَجُوزاً قُرِّبَت مِن قَومِها
حاكَت بِنَسجِ الصُّوفِ مَحبُوكاتِهِ
35. As if he had not been in war with
The fiercest of his enemies.
٣٥. وبِثَوبِها العُطرِيِّ جَرَّتها وقد
صاحت بها فاريسُ في خَلَواتِهِ
36. Rather he is in a dance hall, preparing
To dance, or has returned from his field."
٣٦. يَدعُوكِ وَهوَ تَرَينَهُ في غُرفَةٍ
ضَمَّتكُما بِبَدِيعِ حُسنِ صِفاتهِ
٣٧. حَتَّى تَخَالِى أَنَّهُ ما كانَ في
حربٍ بها يَلقى أَِشدَّ عُدَاتهِ
٣٨. لكِنَّهُ في مَرقَصِ مُتأَهِّبٌ
لِلرَّقصِ أَوقد عادَ من ساحَاتِهِ