
She answered and her shyness increased, radiant

أجابت وزادت بالحياء تجلة

1. She answered and her shyness increased, radiant
And on her face the sorrows of distress appeared

١. أَجابَت وزَادَت بالحَيَاءِ تَجِلَّةً
وفي وجهِها لاحَت مِنَ البُؤسِ أَكدَارُ

2. With you, my beloved fears reverence
My fire will disgrace me and shame will dishonor me

٢. لدَيكَ حَمي المَحبُوبَ رُعباً وحُرمَةً
لَتُوجِلُنِي ناري ويُخجلُني العارُ

3. Oh, did I not seek death when in my footsteps
My family, brothers, daughter and neighbor distanced

٣. أَلا ما طَلَبَت المَوتَ لمَّا بإِثرَتي
نَأَى الأًَهلُ والإِخوانُ والبِنتُ والجارُ

4. I left them and clung to your son instead of them
And my tears for as long as my life flowed copiously

٤. تَرَكَتهُمُ واعتَبضتُ بابنِكَ عَنهُمُ
ودَمعِيَ ما طالَت حَياتَي مِدرارُ

5. And whatever you desire, ask, I will obey willingly
For here is Agamemnon, a mighty conqueror

٥. ومَهمَا تَشَأ فاسأَل أُلَبِّ مُطِيعَةً
فَهَذا أَغامَمنُونُ أَصيَدُ قهارُ

6. A king well-versed in politics
Resolute, deaf to entreaties, tyrant

٦. مَلِيكٌ بأَحوالِ السِّياسَةِ عارِفٌ
عَزُومٌ بِصَمَّاءِ المَعَامِعِ جَبَّارُ

7. I was the honored bride of his brother
But the decree of the past is like a fleeting dream

٧. لقَد كُنتُ بِالإِعزاز عِرسَ شَقِيقِه
ولكِنَّ ماضي الحُكمِ كالحِلمِ طَيَّارُ

8. The elder gazed at him, esteeming his worth
And said, oh how many legions have obeyed you

٨. فأَحدَقَ فيهِ الشَّيخُ يُعظِم قَدرَهُ
وقالَ أَلاكَم قد أَطاعَتكَ أَنفارُ

9. You are fortunate, your share is abundant
For the highest summits of glory, fate has led you

٩. فَطُوباكَ أَنعِم إِنَّ حظَّكَ وافِرٌ
لأَسمى أَعالي المَجدِ ساقَتكَ أَقَدارُ

10. I headed towards the scent of the vineyards breezily
Stepping lightly, the army massive

١٠. شَخَصتُ إِلى ذاتِ الكُرومِ فَرِيجيا
وقِدماً بها أُطرا ومِغدُونُ مِغوارُ

11. They lead the cavalry, traveling
To Gideon Singarez, and the army immense

١١. يَقُودَانِ أَحصابَ الفَيَالِبقِ نُزًّلاًّ
بِجِدَّةِ سِنغَارِيسَ والجَيشُ جَرَّارُ

12. I accompanied them when the Amazon
Attacked them with a ferocity that did not daunt the brave

١٢. صَحِبتُهُم لما الأَمازُونَةُ اعتَدَت
عَلَيهم بِبَأسٍ لَم يُرَوِّعهُ إِكتارُ

13. But they never matched the number
Of Greek armies - they rose against us in our wake

١٣. وَلكِنَّهُم لم يَبلُغُوا قطُّ عِدَّةً
جُيُوشاً مِنَ الإِغريقِ في إِثرنا ثاروا